An Event Organizer is someone who organizes Paizo Organized Play events, regardless of the size. You can be both a Game Master (GM) and an Event Organizer at an event.

Who Can be an Event Organizer

An Event Organizer can be any Venture-Officer (VO) or GM. Depending on the event, the Event Organizer might be a table GM (as at a home or store game), a Venture-Captain (as at major conventions), or others.

Your Duties as an Event Organizer

As an Event Organizer, you have the following duties:

  • Communicate with your local Venture-Officer network.
  • Schedule games and communicate about the event with prospective players.
  • Organize GMs and register players.
  • Provide a welcoming environment for players.
  • Arrange for player tools to be present.
  • Ensure reporting is complete for all games.

How to Create an Event

When an event is ready to be created, whether for a convention or a home game, log into and navigate to 'Organized Play' under 'My Account.' Click 'Create an Event' or the 'GM/Event Coordinator' tab.

Midway down the page, click the 'Create Your Event' button. Click edit next to the 'Description,' 'Details,' 'Player Requirements,' 'Location,' and 'Schedule' to fill out the information about your event. Please try to include as much specific information as you can about your event. To include additional reporters, enter the person's Paizo Organized Play ID in the Delegated Reporters section.

Once completed, make sure to click the 'Save Changes' button.