Some Boons must be applied to new characters. Such Boons must be assigned to a particular character when received but may be held and applied later during character building or rebuilding.

Such Boons are applied in the following order:

  1. Any Boon that specifies it must be the first Boon applied.
    If you can apply multiple such Boons, you can choose the order in which they are applied, provided that all such Boons are applied before any other Boons.
  2. Any Boon that specifies it must be applied to a character with 0 XP.
    If you can apply multiple such Boons, you can choose the order in which they are applied, provided that all such Boons are applied before the character gains any XP.
  3. Other Boons are then applied as normal.

You may use the normal level 1 character rebuild rules with the rules above.