
Fill In The Finishing Details

Follow the normal rules in the Core Rulebook and the additional rules below.

Age: Characters must be between the age of maturity and the maximum age for their species. When determining the maximum age of a species, assume maximum dice results. For example, human maximum age is 120, while ysoki maximum age is 80.

Alignment: Player Characters cannot be evil-aligned. When choosing an alignment, be sure it satisfies any alignment requirements for your character’s theme (such as the priest theme).

Deities and Philosophies: Characters can worship any deity or philosophy from an approved source on the Character Options page, following the normal rules for sourcebook ownership.

Characters can worship any number of deities or philosophies but must choose a single deity or philosophy to gain mechanical benefits from. This choice can be changed later, but a character can never gain mechanical benefits from more than one deity or philosophy at the same time.

Characters with the priest theme must choose a deity or philosophy whose alignment is within one step (on either the good-evil axis or the law-chaos axis) of the character’s alignment.

Home World: This is where your character was raised, and it must be your species' home world, one of the Pact Worlds planets presented in the Core Rulebook, or a populated world presented in the Near Space sourcebook.

Introduction Notes: The beginning of a Starfinder Society game includes character introductions, so consider making a few notes on your character’s appearance, backstory, personality, and pronouns to share with other players. "In the Aftermath of the Gap" on the Society homepage and Chapter 12 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook both contain information on the campaign setting you can use for this purpose.

Languages: Characters gain some languages based on their species and home world, but might speak additional languages depending on their Intelligence or class. All Starfinder Society characters are literate and speak Common. A character with a high Intelligence score can select bonus languages from the list on pages 40–41 of the Core Rulebook.

They can also select the following languages from other sources:

  • Bolidan, Daimalkan, Embri, Ghoran, Orrian, Osharu, Pahtra, Quorlu, and Vlakan (Spoken, Signed and Tactile) from Starfinder Alien Archive 2
  • Accaran, Akan, Brenneri, Dirindi, Dromadan, Espraksi, Hortaa, Iji, Izalguun, Koshorian, Lumos, Morlamaw, Perani, Raxi, Sazaron, Shimreeni, Spathinae and Telian from Starfinder Alien Archive 3
  • Copaxi from Starfinder Alien Archive 4

Natural Disabilities: The Starfinder Roleplaying Game allows for characters to be naturally blind or deaf as part of character creation; these character options are allowed as part of the Starfinder Society. The selection must be made at character creation and cannot be reversed. A character can choose to be either naturally blind or naturally deaf; he cannot choose to be both. A blind character gains the tactile version of any language he knows, while a character who begins play deaf automatically knows the signed versions of their known languages.

Registration: Make sure to register your character at so you can earn credit for playing!

Starship: The Society provides Starfinders with starships as needed. See this Guide's Starships section for more information on how starships work in the campaign.

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