
Venture Officer Information

The information on this page is intended primarily for Venture Officers to be able to carry out their duties. Players and GMs are free to read this information, but it is in no way required or needed to enjoy the game.

Crises and Problems

This section presents a variety of tools and techniques that can be tailored to your community, in addition to a minimum standard that must be met by all Paizo Organized Play events. This document only applies to official Paizo Organized Play events.

6.1. Standards of Conduct

Events must follow the Paizo Organized Play Code of Conduct. This expectation should be made clear upfront and early to all new players. The VO Task Forces and Committees are also working on a harassment policy which will include mandatory policies that all events must follow.

Organized Play is a global community filled with a variety of cultures; every community is unique. Core Requirements such as the Harassment Policy and Code of Conduct are dictated by the top levels of Paizo Organized Play and must be adhered to without exception, while more granular specifics can be elaborated down the chain so local VOs can truly serve their unique community. These standards are developed according to how Paizo wants to manage its Organized Play Program.

It is important to consider the region’s VO structure; not all regions have the exact chain of command. Usually, it is up to the VO who's working at the most local level to create standards that serve their particular community. These standards must always meet the requirements set by Paizo Organized Play and be created with the guidance and support of fellow VOs such as the VC and RVC. For example, a VA running events at a store with a strict stop time might institute a policy that tables finish 15 minutes before closing and have this policy endorsed by their VC; a VA at another store in the same region might have more flexibility and never need such a policy. Both VA's policies are tailored to their event’s constraints and do not break any of the requirements set out by Paizo Organized Play.

No matter where a VO falls on the chain, they should seek to understand their community’s needs and be proactive in setting expectations and addressing problems. They should strive for thoroughness and fairness when investigating issues, even if it means self-reporting their missteps or conflicts of interest.

6.2. Infractions

While it is not possible to outline a solution for every occasion, there are three broad categories of problems and general conflict management strategies in the VO’s kit. This section reviews them in ascending levels of severity. As always, a specific problem’s context may alter its severity — for example, a minor infraction that is constantly repeated may become moderate.

6.2.1. Minor Infractions

Minor infractions are contained to the event or incident and are often solved with a verbal signal. It’s important to try and resolve these issues before they turn into larger issues. Examples include comments that go a little over the top towards being offensive, attempting to play an invalid character, keeping poor records, and suspected fudging of dice rolls.


When discussing a player’s words, focus on the objective Organized Play Code of Conduct, not the subjective action of the person in question; saying something like “that was in poor taste” or “we don’t do that here” is often enough. Solutions for other problems can be simple and non-invasive. For example, a player with poor records can play a pregen; one who fudges dice should roll in the open.


VOs must document all minor incidents. Unlike Moderate and major infractions, this reporting can be tailored. After all, emailing your VL or VC about every single small occurrence might produce an unusable or confounding quantity of information. VOs should work with their VLs/VCs to tailor how and when they perform minor incident reporting; the goal is to capture information in a usable and actionable way.

Examples of Tailoring Documentation

Every VO is different, with their own needs and abilities and preferences. Teams should partner to create procedures that reduce barriers to documentation based on team preferences and needs. There are many ways to achieve this; for example, integrating notes into existing flows such as quarterly reports. Many sign-in sheets and reporting systems have a “game notes” section that can be used to collect anecdotal notes that can then be integrated into a quarterly report to your VC, for example.

Anecdotal Report Example

Click the thumbnail above to zoom in and see an example of two ways to tailor reported information: a handwritten note on a sign-in sheet, and a digital web form.

Some lodges even have online forms that the player/VO can submit reports to, allowing the VC to filter and review as they see fit. Every incident does not need to be reported up the chain as its own document, but it should be captured somewhere. Good records can help VOs identify problem patterns and take steps to remedy them before they escalate.

Sample Game Notes

Game Notes: Robert made several inappropriate in-character comments. During break told him comments were not in keeping with the Paizo Organized Play Code of Conduct. He stopped after that

For how long to save sign-in sheets and other documentation, see Record-Keeping Confidentiality.

6.2.2. Moderate Infractions

Moderate infractions can often lead to a suspension or ban. They must always be documented. Examples of moderate infractions might include constant swearing at the table or the use of demeaning language after warnings, purposefully misgendering players or PCs, fudging dice rolls after warnings, or demonstrating a repeated lack of respect for fellow players at the table (for example, attempting to override or dictate other players’ actions or badgering the GM), and breaking event policy rules. Repetition of minor infractions after the initial infractions were discussed and resolved can also constitute a moderate infraction.


As the VO, it is your responsibility to address problem behavior and communicate with those involved — either during the event or afterward — as the situation warrants. If a GM or player approaches you about an incident involving a player or GM during an event, you must address the issue. Take the subject of the report aside and inform them that their actions were not appropriate for participation in an Organized Play event, and, if their actions violated the Paizo Organized Play Code of Conduct, make sure to let them know this as well as what specific clause of the Code was violated. As before, make it about the objective policy, not about the subjective behavior. In many cases, this can be a learning opportunity for the player or GM. If there is a ban, there should be terms of reinstatement that include objective, measurable goals.


Follow up with the player in whatever way possible (email, Paizo/Meetup PM, Discord/Slack), summarizing the incident and ensuring it’s documented. Your supervising Venture-Officer should be informed of the situation and then copied on this communication and any other communications about the issue and/or the player. These cases may not need to be escalated to the upper (or parallel) VO ranks to be dealt with, although they may be in some cases. Most often, the situation may work itself out as the person who gave offense may be embarrassed or apologetic. In the best cases, a moderate infraction can provide lessons to learn from and become a net positive for the community.

Sample Email

::From: VA Alex Sampleson To: Kathleen Jones CC: VL William Johnson

Hi Kathleen,

I know we discussed this issue earlier tonight, but I just wanted to make sure we were all on the same page going forward.

At tonight’s Starfinder Society game at The Cool Fun Game Store, there was an issue where you repeatedly misgendered another player, as well as their character. This continued after they gently corrected you until I paused the game and addressed it with you, as doing so violated the Paizo Organized Play Code of Conduct and our lodge’s rules. I appreciate you correcting your behavior after the break and your unprompted apology to the player.

In the future, please ensure you’re using the correct pronouns for your fellow players and GMs, as well as their characters. I’m not recommending any further action at this time and consider this issue resolved.

Please reach out to me or VL William Johnson (he’s copied on this email) if you have any further questions. I’m looking forward to seeing you at future events!::

6.2.3. Major Infractions

Violence, threats of violence, discriminatory language, bullying, harassment, and unwanted/uninvited physical contact (such as one player putting their hand on another player’s or groping) fall into the “no tolerance” category of infractions. It is unacceptable for a player to be exposed to any form of the above at any event. These incidents often warrant immediate calls to the police or law enforcement and should be communicated to the local VO corps as soon as it is safe and possible. Repetition of moderate infractions may also become a major infraction.


The game needs to pause (or even end) immediately so the incident can be dealt with. While every situation is different, keep in mind that safety for all participants is of the utmost importance — never put yourself or others in harm’s way, even if it means canceling the remainder of the event. The incident must be documented and reported to your local VO Corps when it is safe to do so.

How a VO responds to particular incidents of this nature is not in the scope of this document, nor can Paizo Organized Play offer guidance on the crisis. The VO corps has curated a list of outside training resources for VOs and it can be found at the end of this section under “Resolution Tools.” That said, there are some general strategies to keep in mind for certain kinds of major incidents:


  • Secure your safety first, leaving the area if you can and if you or your players’ safety is at risk.

  • If warranted, call the police or local authorities and other appropriate emergency contacts, particularly if the situation requires immediate medical and/or law enforcement personnel.

  • Immediately contact the venue’s supervisor.

  • Once law enforcement personnel or the event’s manager are on the scene, they should assume control of the situation. Be prepared to describe the violent or threatening individual, details of what was observed, and the exact location of the incident.


  • Secure your safety first.

  • Stop the game if it has not been disrupted yet.

  • Immediately contact another VO or functional area experts such as the convention staff or store owner to seek help in assessing/responding to the situation.

  • Document the incident when you can do so and it is safe.


  • If you do not feel safe or comfortable, end the game.

  • Pause the game if you feel safe attempting to resolve the incident.

  • If you are not comfortable/safe talking to the player(s) about the incident, end the game.

  • Only attempt to resolve the conflict if you are safe and comfortable doing so.

  • Document the incident when you can do so and it is safe.


All communication after the event should be in writing and escalated to your area’s leadership, up to and including your RVC. Follow-up should occur as soon as possible.

Criminal Activity

For incidents involving criminal activity, participants should be encouraged to report the incident to their local authorities. Documentation should be sent at the earliest opportunity to your local leadership, up to and including your RVC, the Paizo staff liaison, and Paizo Organized Play. At a convention, report these types of issues to Paizo Organized Play event organizer(s) as well as convention management and security, if necessary.

6.2.4. Venue Involvement

Organizers do not have the authority to extend suspensions/bans to venues. Organizers are encouraged to work with venue owners/management to provide safe and secure spaces for players.

A suspension/ban dictated by the venue must be reported by the organizer to their supervising VO. Suspensions or bans enacted by venue owners must also be documented. If a banned member has questions, seeks to violate the ban, or wants to appeal the suspension, the venue VO should coordinate responses with the venue ownership/management.

6.3. Investigating a Moderate or Serious Incident

When a player files a complaint, the first step is to listen. Documentation is key to resolving issues, so ask permission to record details, in writing if possible. Gather as much information as you can regarding the issue. In the event you are unable to get the individual's Paizo ID, get as much information as possible, such as an email address, Discord ID, etc to be able to identify them in some way, shape, or form. Players may remain anonymous if they wish, though anonymity will limit the resolution options of a complaint and this should be conveyed during the discussion. VOs should be transparent about the investigation process: they should note that they will ask involved parties for information and that that information will be shared with other Venture Officers in their reporting chain before resolution. If there is a criminal incident, local laws or employment policies may require you to report the incident. If it is reported, make sure the venue and VO corps know this. Note that Paizo Organized Play’s processes are always evolving, and this section may be subject to change at a later date or realign to new policies, standards, or requirements.

6.3.1. Handling Conflicts of Interest

Investigations should limit potential conflicts of interest to the greatest degree possible. When resources and local VO structure allow, VOs should move an investigation to another part of the leadership within their region. This is especially true if the investigation itself is involved with someone inside the local VO leadership structure. If the RVC is unable to do so (for example, due to regional or volunteer constraints), they might ask another RVC to assist by handling the investigation. This best practice will help ensure the integrity of the investigation.

All VOs should fully disclose any conflicts of interest — both ones that might be perceived by fellow players (for example, if a VO once got a ride to the event with a player who’s undergoing an investigation they might be seen as partial to that player), and actual conflicts of interest (for example, a VO performing an investigation against a player who also happens to be his manager at work). Everyone has conflicts of interest; they are not good or bad in and of themselves. Many research institutions have policies that acknowledge this reality; for example, Brown University says:

The existence of a conflict of interest does not imply any wrongdoing. Conflicts of interest are not in and of themselves unethical or impermissible. Indeed, they are often unavoidable, and in many cases can be appropriately managed or reduced to an acceptable level. Recognition of potential conflicts, and sensitivity to how personal, financial, and other relationships can be perceived by others, are critical parts of managing conflicts.

Self-reporting a conflict of interest doesn’t mean removal from the investigation. However, it allows fellow VOs to evaluate and determine the best process toward resolution; it will also help protect all parties involved (including the VOs) and help maintain the integrity of the VO corps. Any disclosure of conflicts of interest should occur between VOs on a need-to-know basis for the purposes of an investigation. If asked about a conflict of interest as it pertains to an ongoing investigation, an appropriate response is simply "This is being investigated by a neutral party.” VOs are expected to respect the privacy of one another and not disclose any COI information outside the investigation.

Investigation Process

An investigation has several steps. These do not need to be performed sequentially; instead, they should be tailored to the needs and nature of the investigation.

  • Disclose any Conflicts of Interest as soon as possible. If you are aware of a potential conflict of interest, self-report it and attain guidance from the upper VO corps as needed and in keeping with Paizo Organized Play policy. Whenever a conflict of interest is discovered — at any point in the process — it should be disclosed immediately.

  • Interview the witnesses. Each involved person (if possible), including the GM or other players at the table, should be asked for their account of what happened. Document their report in a neutral manner. Avoid sharing any confidential information or inserting personal conclusions/biases into the conversation.

  • Interview the subject. After all reports are taken, discuss the incident with the subject of the complaint without revealing confidential information about the whistleblower. Acquire and document the facts in a neutral manner, without making assumptions or judgments of innocence or guilt.

  • Review with Supporting VOs. Review the incident with your supervising VO(s), or those VO(s) assigned to assist with the investigation, as appropriate to the level of the incident (note that any VO can reach out to higher ranks if they feel like they need help). If a VO skips a step in the chain the incident should be investigated before discussion with any of the skipped VOs.

  • Document Responses. Prepare written responses to involved parties, including the complaint filer. Responses should include that corrective measures were invoked, but no specifics to the actions taken. For example:

Although we are unable to get into specific details of the actions that have been taken, we encourage you to reach out in the event the reported issues have not improved or gone away.

  • Ensure all parties know they have been heard. Objective, measurable changes or outcomes should be clear to everyone involved.

  • Share the Actions Taken. The specifics of actions taken should be shared with the VO corps as needed, especially in the event of suspension/bans.

Overall, it is essential to keep good records of the incident. If an issue escalates or the subject of the investigation invokes their right to appeal (as outlined in the Roleplaying Guides’ Violation Enforcement Procedures for Starfinder Society and Pathfinder Society), documentation is needed to address the severity. The absence of documentation can hamper the resolution of ongoing community issues. If you are not sure, err on the side of too much documentation.

Sample Investigation Report

The following sample report is not intended as a hard and fast template to follow, but as an example of the sort of information, Paizo Organized Play would like to see in a summary.

::Incident: On June 30, 2021, after running a game at The Cool Fun Store in Anytown, I was approached by a member of our lodge, Ian Rights. He was obviously upset and asked to speak with me about an incident that had occurred earlier that evening.

Ian told me that during a break in their game, another player (Jim Jameson) cornered him in the hallway. Jim grabbed Ian’s shoulder and asked why “he hadn’t healed his expletive deleted barbarian,” referring to Ian’s cleric character. When Ian didn’t respond, Jim shook him roughly and said “if he dies, I’m gonna make you pay for the rez,” then left. See my attached notes for further details of Ian’s report

I thanked Ian for telling me about the issue and asked if he felt safe going home alone. After we returned home, I resolved to make sure they were not seated at the same table in the following weeks, and I reached out to the GM of the game (Kathleen Jones).

7/1: Via phone, I spoke with Kathleen Jones about the game the previous evening. She said that she stayed at the table during the break, but that when Ian returned he was very clearly shaken up and didn’t speak much the rest of the evening. She provided me with a list of the players.

7/4: I spoke via phone with Robert Smythe, one of the players in the game, privately at another event at The Other Store in Secondtown. Robert said that he saw Ian and Jim in the hall together, but didn’t hear the conversation.

7/6: At the following week’s session, I make sure to sit Ian and Jim at separate tables well apart from each other. I checked with Ian to be sure that he was alright and let him know that I was looking into the incident. The two did not have any interactions that night.

I also spoke with three of the other players, who confirmed Ian’s change in demeanor after the break. One of the other players had also seen them in the hallway together.

Following the game, I asked Jim to stay after and sat down with him and Kathleen to ask for his account of what happened (see attached notes). Jim said that he had talked to Ian during the break, and confirmed that he had asked Ian to heal him more often. When I asked him directly if he had touched Ian, he denied it. I reminded him that bullying and harassment are against the Paizo Organized Play Code of Conduct and asked him again if there had been physical contact, which he denied.

Conclusion: Based on my investigation, I have no way to confirm the entirety of Ian’s report. However, regardless of whether or not there was physical contact between the two, I am comfortable saying that there was some level of harassment directed at Ian from Jim. As this is the first offense, I am recommending a two-week suspension from play for Jim at The Cool Fun Store in Anytown beginning on 7/13, and will endeavor to keep the two of them at separate tables for a further two weeks after the suspension is lifted.::

6.4. Incidents that do not Violate Paizo Organized Play Policies

Certain minor-level incidents do not violate the Code of Conduct but warrant attention. A VO doesn't just administer policy, they curate a dynamic community of individuals from a variety of cultures, abilities, worldviews, and personal histories. Some degree of conflict is a natural and expected part of this existence. Conflicts can arise from a variety of sources such as legitimate differences of opinion, uncommunicated agendas, misaligned preferences, personality differences, or miscommunication. For example, sometimes players simply do not get along with one another due to subjective differences in play style. At other times, interpersonal issues that do not violate any Paizo Organized Play policies may become a barrier to enjoyment and engagement.

In these cases, it is up to the VO to understand the unique context of the situation, serve as a leader, and navigate the situation in a way that is most helpful to their community. As such, this guide cannot instruct VOs on how to handle such conflict (though there is a curated list of further reading at the end of the document). As with Major Incidents, there are some general guidelines.

  • Respect the privacy of others. If you become aware of a conflict do not discuss it with other players who do not need to know.

  • Uncover the root cause. Often, a conflict may have a deeper root cause that can be discovered through conversation. For example, one player might have misgendered another player several times, leading to outbursts of frustration that seem totally unexpected and unrelated. In this case, a VA seeking the root cause of the problem has uncovered a legitimate infraction and should proceed to resolve it following the appropriate track for Paizo Organized Play policy violations.

  • Focus on behavior and events instead of personalities. A VA should always endeavor to avoid bias and focus on specific incidents instead of their perception of the player(s) in question.

  • Provide feedback where appropriate. A VA may take other approaches, such as providing a GM or player with feedback about their behavior. As always, this kind of effort requires situational leadership and an approach tailored to the context, culture, maturity, and personality of those involved.

  • Help players avoid conflict. In many cases, the optimal situation is to use an avoidance tactic by separating the players before games. This can be achieved by mustering them at different tables. While avoidance is often seen as a poor tactic in the workplace, remember that people attend events for enjoyment. This simple solution can often be leveraged for subjective playstyle differences or personality differences. A VO should try to construct event musters that minimize potential sources of interpersonal conflict to enhance enjoyment for all players involved.

6.5. Escalation Triggers

6.5.1. Issues with Players

Exactly when an incident should be escalated is subjective, but there are a few general things to keep in mind. Consider whether it is something a VC or VL needs to know. A VC may not want an email every time a player has a minor faux pas at a table. However, if it’s becoming a repeated problem, then it may be time to share or refer them to your documentation.

Here are some general conditions that could trigger escalation; this list is by no means exhaustive:

  • Is it something you need an outside opinion on?

  • Is it something you're not comfortable dealing with?

  • Is it a Moderate or Major infraction?

  • Does it involve another VO?

  • Is the player a guest at your location, and a regular of another region?

  • Does it involve a Paizo / OPF staff member or employee?

If the answer to any of these is “yes” then it’s a good candidate for escalation. The essential thing to keep in mind is that the leaders in the VO corps are there to help you. Never hesitate to escalate something or ask for help. If the person above you is a problem, never hesitate to reach out above them to request the investigation be handled by another region.

6.5.2. Issues Within the VO Corps

When the VO is the one demonstrating problematic behavior, the situation often falls on fellow VOs to resolve. If a VO sees another VO breaking the rules or breaking Paizo Organized Play community standards, they should document the incident as best they can and report it to that VO’s local VC or RVC. As with other forms of documentation, it should be objective and clear.

More often, it is players who see the behavior. Any player can move up the chain from any VO with their concerns at any time, and this is crucial to the integrity of our volunteer corps. It’s a good idea for communities to make their entire VO corps accessible: for example, VA might publish (with express permission) the names and public contact emails of their VL and VC on their event’s Warhorn. Another area might put the information on their website. Still another option is to include the contact information for the area’s leadership in their welcome packet. As a final measure, they can include Paizo Organized Play to escalate issues beyond the local chain or seek help.

No matter what, VOs should strive to remove all barriers that could prevent a community member from being heard. If asked, a VO must know and be able to readily provide the public contact info for the next person up the chain of command at the player’s request; barring that, the best place to find outside assistance or mediation from Paizo Organized Play itself. It is a best practice to provide points of contact for the region’s VO Corps so long as they give their explicit permission for you to do so; this is a safety tool for players and VOs alike.

6.6. Suspensions of Service/Bans

Every Organized Play suspension of service must be supported by written documentation. A suspension is reported to the RVC level and may be shared among any other regions or VO teams who need to know, and copied to Paizo staff as warranted. Suspensions are not shared with uninvolved players who have no need to know.

A two-week or two-game suspension may be the first step, with the behavior that caused the ban outlined clearly. However, in some cases that may not be appropriate. For example, a player who doesn’t play frequently might be suspended for two games instead of two weeks; a player who no-call-no-shows might not be able to reserve seats in advance but allowed to sit at a table if they show up on time and there are seats available. Suspensions should always be discussed with the VC or RVC, who can help guide you based on their general policies as well as the context of the situation. A two-week suspension may be followed by escalating suspensions such as one month, two months, etc. Each new infraction must be supported by written documentation and reported. Generally, after three incidents, the RVC will decide on how to proceed.

Note that suspensions are not necessarily bans from the campaign, but from local or regional events. A single event cannot dictate how other events operate, nor can one area dictate who can or cannot participate in the worldwide Paizo Organized Play program. However, VOs can work together with documentation, communication, and teamwork alongside their RVC or Paizo Organized Play to ban a problem player from multiple venues at once.

Complete denial of service (aka bans) may come from Paizo Organized Play. RVCs may recommend bans, but they must be enacted by Paizo Organized Play operational leadership. Community members have the right to appeal suspensions of service by escalating the incident to the next level of campaign leadership. Correspondence about the denial of service should include providing contact information for the next level up Paizo Organized Play chain. That is the player’s right and it is your responsibility to let them appeal any decisions to the proper channel.

6.7. Resolution Tools

Tailoring is important in all leadership situations: individuals come from a variety of backgrounds, upbringings, abilities, and worldviews. As a leader, it is important to be respectful of others’ viewpoints and abilities and to try and tailor your approach to the needs at hand. A successful resolution may leave both parties feeling grateful for having learned something. What follows are some general strategies for the VO.

6.7.1. General Strategies

  • Do not avoid conflict: Everyone has their own comfort levels when it comes to dealing with problems. In some cases, a disagreement between two players might work itself out and can be monitored. However, in other cases conflict can fester. Do not avoid dealing with problems just because it makes you uncomfortable. As a VO you have the responsibility and authority to act when it is called for.

  • Choose a neutral setting: If you must discuss an incident at an event, do so away from the table, in private. If you email after an event, keep the tone neutral.

  • Offer guidance, not punishment: Conflicts can be learning moments for players, who come from a huge array of life experiences and backgrounds.

Available Further Learning

Conflict Management Specialization on Coursera

7 Essentials Steps in Any Online Community Moderation Process

How to Respond to Code of Conduct Reports

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