Version 5

5.13 -> 5.14

4 June 2024

Pathfinder Provisions

  • Clarified that players receive a single item from the list

5.12 -> 5.13

24 May 2024

Character Creation

  • Added Poppets to the list of ancestries all characters can access as announced at PaizoCon

5.11 -> 5.12

30 April 2024


  • Added link to RVCs/regions list
  • Removed links to Player Core and GM Core subsections of Character Options page

Player Basics

  • Clarified you can select Pathfinder Provisions at or below the PC's level

Character Creation

  • Remaster: Updated nephilim/changeling language list to Remastered language names

Playtest Rules

  • Added Battlecry! playtest
  • Reformatted earlier playtests

5.10 -> 5.11

29 April 2024

Community Standards and Expectations

  • Revised rule changes rules:
    • Revised rule now based on date effective (not date announced);
    • Replaced "game event" language with clarification these rules apply to a stand-alone game and to all games at a convention as long as the game or convention begins before the effective date of the change

Player Basics

  • Revised pawn rules:
    • Specified that familiars do not count toward the pawn limit
    • Re-formatted into a list of creatures that do not count toward the pawn limit
  • Added recently announced rulings on deity deaths (no spoilers)

Character Creation

  • Corrected nephilim and changeling to be uncommon (as published)
  • Restored rule that nephilim and changeling PCs also gain Access to +1 language (which had been on their versatile heritage Access Boon, which is no longer available or necessary)
  • Added reminder of new deity death rulings with link to full rules

Player Rewards

  • Updated Achievement Points section with current values

GM Rewards

  • Added explanation of GM table credits
  • Changed from "GM credits" to "GM table credits" or "table credits" throughout

5.09 -> 5.10

28 February 2024

Remaster rules page

  • Added anarchic and axiomatic weapon property runes to the Withdrawn Items list
  • Clarified Removal of Pathfinder Training to indicate PCs who retain the bonus lore from their Pathfinder Training do not gain an additional free training in PFS Lore due to the release of the Remaster (but do gain such free training if later rebuilt under Remaster rules)
  • Condensed January 2024 changes on Page History

Player Basics

  • Specified resource ownership rules apply regardless the source of Access
  • Specified adventure Chronicles give item Access
  • Specified only permanent curses require a PC to be marked dead (not all curses)

Characters With Disabilities

  • Remaster: Updated page with revised item names & citations to Player Core
  • Specified that PCs who are blind or deaf from birth (or similar) do not have the blinded or deafened condition, respectively

Spellcasting Service Costs

  • Remaster: Updated page for Remastered spells. Some minor changes due to Remastered spells working slightly differently, but costs and mechanics largely unchanged.
  • Remaster: Specified that counteract checks in purchased spell castings automatically succeed

Player Rewards

  • Specified retired Boons still function

Factions and Reputation

  • Updated citation to new style, to include GM Core

Table Variation and Creative Solutions

  • Revised text to be more direct (eliminate "should" for clarity)

5.08 -> 5.09

30 January 2024

Remaster transition page

  • Added immediate replacement of the 5th-level ancestry critical specialization weapon feats for dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and dromaar (formerly half-orc) characters

Player Basics

5.07 -> 5.08

18 January 2024

Remaster transition page

Player Basics

  • Minor: revised for consistent use of the term "Chronicle"
  • Remaster: added note about Withdrawn Items and spell schools
  • Remaster: added scroll of sound body to levels 3-4 options in Pathfinder Provisions

Character Creation

  • Character Sheets
    • Remaster: Replaced links to legacy PF2 sheets with link to Remastered sheet
    • Replaced other materials/links listed with "see the Paizo Pathfinder page" (Hero Lab, Pathbuilder, legacy PF2 sheets, etc.)
  • Remaster: Added note that changeling and nephilim remain available (extending similar note on orc & leshy)
  • Remaster: Added Character Creation Remastered section. No new rules; adapted from the existing Remaster transition page.

Player Rewards

  • Boons
    • Added that players cannot sell Boons
    • Added default rules on how many times players can acquire an individual Boon
  • Boons That Unlock Over Time: Added section

Retired Rewards

  • Remaster: Revised note on Pathfinder Training removal

Game Master Basics

  • Updated text on accessible Chronicles in Before the Adventure to match existing language in After the Adventure

5.06 -> 5.07

19 December 2023

Pathfinder 2e Remaster

  • Remaster: Removed seven spellhearts from the Withdrawn Items list. They are once again available for play.

Throughout the Guide

Player Basics

  • Remaster: Added reminder that character options reprinted in Remaster books with the same name must use the Remastered version and treat it as errata
  • Remaster: changed "counteract level" to "counteract rank"
  • Remaster: changed "negative energy" to "void energy"

Character Creation

  • Remaster: replaced references to ability scores etc. with references to attributes etc.
  • Remaster: replaced references to alignment with references to sanctification
  • Remaster: removed leshy and orc from list of uncommon ancestries (and added note to explain); they are now common ancestries in the Player Core
  • Revised Core Sources ownership text & source list to align with and cite the Character Options page

Characters With Disabilities

  • Remaster: changed "flat-footed" to "off-target"
  • Remaster: removed references to spell components

5.05 -> 5.06

29 November 2023

Factions and Reputation

  • Revised introduction text (free wayfinder explanation)
  • Revised "Boons With No Reputation Requirement" table
  • Defined "Pathfinder Society / All Factions" and "Any Faction" for Reputation requirements

PFS1 Legacy Backgrounds

  • Remaster: replace "ability boost" with "attribute boost"
  • Remaster: update names of languages and planes

5.04 -> 5.05

22 November 2023

Pathfinder 2e Remaster

Player Basics

  • Highlighted exception (Bargain Hunter) to skills allowed for Downtime Earn Income
  • Capitalized terms

Additional Character Options

  • Remaster: Updated Downtime Crafting rules
  • Remaster: Updated citations to include Player Core and GM Core
  • Converted citations to new style
  • Added internal links

Factions and Reputation

  • Updated boons tables to include all listed boons
  • Added note that the version is official (and text is copied here for convenience)
  • Added list of boon groups and the boons sorted into them
  • Replaced full text of Heroic Intervention boon. (Prior text was mistakenly a copy of Heroic Inspiration text.)
  • Specified Heroic Recall does require spending a Hero Point, as with the other Heroic boons

Retired Rewards

  • Remaster: Moved Pathfinder Schools rules to Retired Rewards for reference for pre-Remaster PCs

5.03 -> 5.04

17 November 2023


  • Remaster: Added links to Remastered pregens

Pathfinder 2e Remaster

  • Remaster: Added section explaining the "further revisions might be needed" symbol
  • Remaster: Specified that pregens do get Pathfinder Provisions

Player Basics

  • Remaster: Specified that pregens do get Pathfinder Provisions

Character Creation

  • Remaster: Removed restriction that half-orcs and half-elves must be half-human. This is replaced by the new versatile heritages aiuvarin (formerly half-elf) and dromaar (formerly half-orc), which can be applied to any ancestry.

Additional Character Options

Tagged sections "might still need further revisions" on

The World of Golarion, Character Creation, Additional Character Options, Spellcasting Service Costs

5.02 -> 5.03

15 November 2023

Player Basics

Remaster: Replaced "Starting Consumables" with "Pathfinder Provisions"

Character Creation

  • Restored ratfolk and tengu as always available (Step 3) with source ownership.
  • Remaster: Removed PFS Schools training reference (will move to Retired Options or similar)
  • Remaster: Add to Step 7: all PFS PCs get free training in PFS Lore
  • Remaster: Replaced 'Player Characters cannot be evil' with 'Player Characters cannot be sanctified unholy' (Step 10)
  • Edit & re-sort headings under Step 10

Additional Character Options

Remaster: Removed PFS Schools training & consumables

Factions and Reputation

Restored active Boons list

5.01 -> 5.02

13 November 2023

  • Rebuilt Guide on new site
  • Added Pathfinder Remaster page
  • Added Series 2 Quests rewards info & streamlined Typical Rewards info
  • Removed list of active Boons

Community Standards and Expectations

Campaign Leadership
  • Removed Linda Zayas-Palmer


Community Standards and Expectations

Campaign Leadership
  • Removed Tonya Woldridge
  • Corrected missing hyphen in Linda Zayas-Palmer's name
  • Changed Linda Zayas-Palmer's title to Development Manager (Narrative Team)
  • Replaced Mike Kimmel with Josh Foster and Shay Snow as Pathfinder Society Developers

Player Basics

Clarified language on formula availability.

Character Creation

Added sanctioning for Adventure Conversions to other systems.

Additional Adventures

Added the previous Voluntary Flaw language to Character Creation as an option for PCs.

Version 4

4.02 -> 4.03

13 October 2022

Player Basics

Clarified and expanded rules for PCs requesting Negative Healing options.

4.01 -> 4.02

6 October 2022

Player Basics

  • Clarified Language regarding Pawns
  • Added rules for using boons to clear conditions. fixed a broken table format.
  • Clarified language for Crit Success on downtime.

Game Master Basics

Tidied language re: issuing Chronicles.

Additional Adventures

Added rules for running Adventure conversions officially released in other RPG systems in those systems for PF2 credit.

Event Coordinator

Work begun on event coordinator page.

4.00 -> 4.01

12 September 2022

Welcome to Pathfinder Society

Updated language to make it more new reader friendly, added some additional details on My Organized Play

Character Creation

  • Migrating text from the Character Options page to here to slim down that page.
  • Clarified that PFS characters are not limited to the 9 regional languages listed on page 432 of the Core Rulebook.

Game Master Basics

Clarified instructions on issuing Chronicles. Clarified that modifying Chronicles for accessibility is allowed and encouraged.

3.03 -> 4.00

2 August 2022

Community Standards and Expectations

Updated the No PVP rules to account for new sources of area effect damage in the Dark Archive.

Character Creation

Added additional clarification that first level lore provided by schools replaces the default Bonus Lore provided by membership in the Pathfinder society.

Additional Character Options

  • Clarified how Slow Speed interacts with Downtime.
  • Clarified how Hirelings affect Downtime.
  • Clarified that characters can take starting consumables from lower levels if they want to.

Player Rewards

Updated (and futureproofed) Promotional boons to match the new boons on the Paizo Perks Web site.

Factions and Reputation

Added the 6 factions' "Admired" boons.

Legacy Backgrounds

Added the new Shattered Sanctuaries backgrounds.

GM Basics

  • Fixed an error in TB table, and propagated all rows to lookup style.
  • Added instructions for how many XP scenarios give.

GM Rewards

Updated the 5 Glyph GM requirements to explain the Glyph tag.

Dealing with the Unexpected

Updated the "Player forced to leave a table early" section to clarify that a player leaving early cannot earn *more* XP than they would have stayed by playing to the end of a scenario.

Version 3

3.02 -> 3.03

5 May 2022
Community Standards and Expectations

  • Fixed out of date sentence implying that engaging in PvP awards infamy. Non-consensual PvP is never allowed.
  • Updated Campaign Leadership list
  • Added rules for free retraining / resale due to errata to Feats, Items, and Spells.

Player Basics

Updated rules regarding how access interacts with Rarity.

Additional Adventures

  • Clarified language regarding bounties and downtime.
  • Added reminders regarding Sanctioning Documents and their effects on rules for running adventures.
  • (Sanctioning documents *always* override general rules.) This was added specifically to clarify that the Beginner Box can *only* be run with characters built with beginner box rules.
  • Added permission (and encouragement) for retroactive credit for adventures that were played before they were sanctioned.

GM Rewards

  • Clarified language for GM Chronicles.
  • Defined "Qualified Evaluator" for 5 glyph games and added the ability for RVCs to authorize additional Qualified Evaluators if needed.

3.01 -> 3.02

13 January 2022

Player Basics

Updated the Spells purchasing guideline per most recent FAQ

Character Creation

Modified language access for PCs

3.00 -> 3.01

Game Master Basics

  • Updated release schedule description
  • Level Bumps Apply to PC Companions.

Additional Adventures

  • Added: When playing an adventure using a PFS character, the Chronicle *must* be assigned to that character.
  • Some early adventures have had their rewards revised to bring them better in line with other similar products.

GM Rewards

Clarified GM Chronicle rewards.

2.00 -> 3.00

Main Page

  • added Additional Character Options under Players
  • added Additional Adventures under Game Masters

Welcome to Pathfinder Society

Added link to OrgPlay Forums on Paizo

The World of Golarion

Added Image of Wayfinder

Community Standards and Expectations

No changes at this time

Player Basics

Major Changes
  • Removed rules related to Schools, Advancement speed, and Expanded Downtime. These rules are now optional, and players can choose to engage with them or not engage with them. As such, they are no longer "Basic" rules, and have been moved to Additional Character Options. Characters with no school connection gain Pathfinder Society Lore as a Trained Lore, do not gain a bonus feat at 5th level, and receive only the default healing potion option for starting consumables. Characters who do not specify an advancement speed on sign in use standard advancement speed. Characters not using Expanded Downtime can chose to roll on the relevant table under Downtime and recieve that much gold. If they chose not to roll, they recieve nothing.
  • Removed rules related to Factions. These rules are now optional, and players can choose to engage with them or not engage with them. As such, they are no longer "Basic" rules, All rules relating to Factions and reputation have been moved to the (renamed) Factions and Reputation Appendix (was Reputation Boons.) Added spells to Purchasing Guidelines
  • Added spellcasting services for Condition Removal to Purchasing Guidelines and added Spellcasting Services Cost Appendix.

Minor Changes
  • Updated "Character Options" references to point to the Character Options Document instead of the blog
  • Moved detailed rules for non society adventures to separate Additional Adventures Appendix
  • Cleaned up language on Faction Scenario Tag and on not reporting replays for no credit (under Legal Table Size)
  • Clarified the language on treasure bundles to make clear that 8 treasure bundles is the amount a scenario is expected to grant, the 9th and 10th treasure bundles are earned through luck or exceptional play.
  • Cleaned up language on Permanent Negative effects.

Character Creation

  • Updated "Character Options" references to point to the Character Options Document instead of the blog
  • Restored Home Region rules that were accidentally dropped.
  • Schools Training moved to Additional Character Options

Additional Character Options

Page created for various optional character mechanics, including:

  • Pathfinder Training
  • Advancements Speed
  • Factions and Reputation
  • Downtime

Reputation Boons

Renamed Factions and Reputation

Game Master Basics

Major Changes
  • Clarified Treasure bundle language to make it clear that 8 Treasure bundles is the expected reward for most scenarios with up to two additional treasure bundles that can be acquired through luck or exceptional play.
  • Converted the treasure table chart to reduce the GM's need to do math.

Minor Changes

Moved Downtime to Additional Character Options.

Additional Adventures

Page created to host rules for running Sanctioned Adventures.

  • Sanctioned Adventures
  • Modes of Play
  • Character Types
  • Sanctioning Documents