You can download a PDF or print all or part of the current Guide on demand.

We strongly recommend using the page menu print function as below and not your browser's built-in print function. Your browser will include things most people do not want to print, (navigation links, browser information, etc.); the print function on the page menu gives you a cleaner copy.

Whole Guide

  1. Navigate to the Single Page Layout of the Guide you are interested in.
    • Direct Links: (PFS2) (SFS1)
    • Links also on Introduction page and main page footer
  2. From the single page layout, go to the top right of the article text. Click on the down-pointer menu for 'Page actions' and select 'Print' from the list.
  3. In your computer's Print dialog, select your printer or a print-to-PDF option.
Screenshot of Page Actions menu

Note that Supplemental Materials are not included in the single page layouts above. They have their own single page compilations: (PFS2) (SFS1)

Partial Guide

Follow the steps to print the whole Guide, but use the down-pointer menu on any Guide page you would like to print or make into a PDF.