
Remaster Notice

Pathfinder Remaster

The Guide to Organized Play will continue to be revised as we work to bring campaign rules in line with the Remaster.

  • Visit this Guide page for information on converting characters and adventures to the Remaster rules.
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All Supplemental Materials

Current Version: 6.01
10 September 2024

Below are all the supplemental materials to the Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society (Second Edition) collected into a single document for printing etc. These materials are linked to by the Guide; many were previously included in the main body of the Guide. These documents are official campaign rules, but as reference materials, alternate layouts, and so on, they are more appropriate for appendices than the main body of the Guide.

Achievement Points Boon List

The version of each Boon's text posted on paizo.com is the official version and takes precedence in the case of any conflict with the version below, reproduced here for convenience.

Boons With No Reputation Requirement

Pathfinder Society agents can purchase some Boons which do not require them to have a certain amount of Reputation, listed in the table below:

Table: Boons With No Reputation Requirement

* Character must have played 2 sessions to obtain.

Boons With a Reputation Requirement

Other Boons do require a certain amount of Reputation to purchase, as listed in the table below:

Table: Faction Boons

Note: Qualifying for "Pathfinder Society (All Factions)" boons is based on a character's total Reputation from all Factions. Qualifying for "Any Faction" boons is based on a character's Reputation with a single Faction of your choice.

As a reminder, Reputation levels for Pathfinder Society play are:

Table: Reputation with a Faction

Reputation Reputation points
Ignored 0-19
Liked 20-59
Admired 60-119
Revered 120+

Reputation in PFS does not use negative values. Major infractions earn Infamy.

Grouped Boons

On the list below, some Boons have been placed into groups based on related source or function. The list sorts each group by its group name, so individual boons within the group may appear in an unexpected position on the list. To help navigate the list below, the boon groups are:

  • Faction-specific Boons: Envoy's Alliance Gear, Exotic Edge, Grand Archive Gear, Horizon Hunters Gear, Vigilant Seal Gear
  • Hero Point Boons: Heroic Aegis, Heroic Defiance, Heroic Hustle, Heroic Inspiration, Heroic Intervention, Heroic Recall
  • Hireling Boons: Hireling, Hireling Translator, Expert Hireling, Professional Hireling, Master Hireling
  • Lodge-specific Boons: Iceferry Lodge Gear, Lantern Lodge Gear, Nexus House Gear, Open Road Lodge Gear, Woodsedge Lodge Gear
  • Mentor Boons: Combat Mentor, Magical Mentor, Protective Mentor, Rugged Mentor, Skillful Mentor, Worldly Mentor
  • Wayfinder Boons: Wayfinder, Inherited Wayfinder, Adamant Wayfinder, Esoteric Wayfinder, Harmonic Wayfinder, Radiant Wayfinder, Rugged Wayfinder

AcP Boon List


Adversary Lore (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Liked by Vigilant Seal
Cost: 4 AcP

It doesn’t matter how powerful your weapons are if you don’t know where to strike. You have taken the time to study a certain category of creatures, making it easier to recall their capabilities later. When you purchase this boon, either select one creature type from List 1 below, or choose two creature types from List 2. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures of the selected type(s). If your Reputation tier with the Vigilant Seal is Revered, this bonus increases to +2.

  • List 1: aberration, animal, beast, construct, dragon, elemental, fiend, undead.
  • List 2: astral, celestial, ethereal, fey, fungus, giant, monitor, ooze, plant.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. However, the character must focus their training on one set of creatures before each adventure, and cannot benefit from multiple copies of the Boon at the same time.

Bequeathal (Uncommon)

Prerequisites: Liked by Pathfinder Society
Cost: 4 AcP

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Uncommon character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle Sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Levels 5–8). The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g., they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write "Bequeathed" and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Bequeathal (Rare)

Prerequisites: Liked by Pathfinder Society
Cost: 8 AcP

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Rare character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle Sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Levels 5–8). The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g., they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write "Bequeathed" and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Bequeathal (Unique)

Prerequisites: Liked by Pathfinder Society
Cost: 12 AcP

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Unique character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle Sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Levels 5–8). The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g., they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write "Bequeathed" and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Bring Them Back Alive (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Admired by Envoy's Alliance
Cost: 4 AcP

You are able to leverage your connections within the Society to raise funds for your allies’ resurrection, ensuring that everyone lives to see another adventure. You and your allies treat your effective character levels as 1 lower for the purpose of the raise dead spell and the resurrection ritual. This applies to both the level of the spell or ritual required, as well as to calculating the cost of the diamonds necessary to cast the spell or perform the ritual.

Career Change

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 50 AcP (+15 every time)

Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character. Remove everything your character has purchased with gp, as well as their class, feats, skill proficiencies, and related features. You may not alter the character's ancestry, heritage or background, but you may change the ability score boosts you selected at character creation. Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total gold you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate.

This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Fame, Reputation, or gp the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting. You can also refund any Faction Boons for the Fame price at which you purchased them, though you cannot sell back Limited-Use boons that you have expended or Faction Champion boons that you have used to earn Reputation for a Faction.

All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.

Crafter's Workshop (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Liked by Envoy's Alliance
Cost: 4 AcP

Your friends in the Envoy’s Alliance share crafting materials and collaborate to create new items more efficiently. You only need to spend 1 day of downtime before attempting your skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

Curse Breaker (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Admired by Vigilant Seal
Cost: 4 AcP

You have been entrusted with an accursed item from the Society’s vaults, and you can spend your time in the Grand Lodge patiently unraveling its malign influence. When you acquire this boon, choose a permanent magic item of your level or lower to which you have access. You can spend Downtime erasing the item’s stubborn curse. This uses the same rules as you would to Craft the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

You can uncurse more than one magic item with this boon, but you must finish uncursing one item before beginning the next.

Evolving Destiny

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 20 AcP

Evolving Destiny (Limited-Use, Service): Your early adventures have exposed you to difficult realities, forcing you to re-examine your skillset. Fortunately, your career is young, and course-correction is fairly straightforward. Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character so long as they have 48 or fewer XP (the Career Change boon allows you to rebuild a character of any level). Remove everything your character has purchased with gp, as well as their class, feats, skill proficiencies, and related features (but not their ancestry or background). Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total gold you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Fame, Reputation, or gp the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.

You can also refund any faction boons for the Fame price at which you purchased them, though you cannot sell back Limited-Use boons that you have expended or Faction Champion boons that you have used to earn Reputation for a faction.

All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.

Faction-Specific Boons
Envoy's Alliance Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Envoy's Alliance
Cost: 0 AcP
By building relationships and trust with the Envoy’s Alliance, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Envoy’s Alliance faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 26).

Exotic Edge (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Admired by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 4 AcP
By traveling so widely, you have developed an intuitive talent for using esoteric techniques. Once per adventure, you can activate this boon as a free action to apply these techniques, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to either all of your attack rolls or all of your skill checks for 1 round.

Grand Archive Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Grand Archive
Cost: 0 AcP
By building relationships and trust with the Grand Archive, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Grand Archive faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 29-30).

Horizon Hunters Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 0 AcP
By building relationships and trust with the Horizon Hunters, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Horizon Hunters faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 34).

Vigilant Seal Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Vigilant Seal
Cost: 0 AcP
By building relationships and trust with the Vigilant Seal, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Vigilant Seal faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 37-38).

Hero Point Boons
Heroic Aegis (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Admired by Verdant Wheel
Cost: 0 AcP
As a member of the Verdant Wheel, you have spent time contemplating the cycles of life and death that make up the natural world, and you are able to hold fast to your defenses even in your most vulnerable moments. When you spend your Hero Points to avert death, you gain a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Heroic Defiance (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Admired by Vigilant Seal
Cost: 0 AcP
When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you can choose to immediately wake up with 1 Hit Point.

Normal: When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you stabilize with 0 Hit Points, but you do not wake up until your Hit Points rise above 0.

Heroic Hustle (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Admired by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 0 AcP
In moments of true heroism, you can always move to where the action is. When you spend a Hero Point to reroll a check, you also gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your next turn. After you spend a Hero Point to avoid death, you can also Stand as a free action when you next become conscious.

Heroic Inspiration (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Admired by Envoy's Alliance
Cost: 0 AcP
Your most momentous actions can inspire your allies to follow suit. When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check and succeed at the check, your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks of the same type for 1 round (such as attack rolls, Will saves, or Perception checks).

Heroic Intervention (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Admired by Radiant Oath
Cost: 0 AcP
Your heroic moments grant others the will to keep fighting. When you spend a Hero Point, you and any allies within 30 feet who can see you regain 3d6 Hit Points (4d6 if you are Revered by Radiant Oath). This healing also affects dying allies, even if they cannot see you due to being unconscious.

Heroic Recall (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Admired by Grand Archive
Cost: 0 AcP
Desperate moments call for keen insight. When you spend a Hero Point, you can Recall Knowledge as a free action, rolling the skill check twice and using the better result. This is a fortune effect.

Hireling Boons

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 4 AcP
You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb).

The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling.

You cannot use the hireling's skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect, combat, cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks.

When you purchase this boon, you select one skill as well as one Lore skill. The hireling can perform only these skills' checks.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but may only benefit from one hireling boon on any given adventure.

Hireling Translator

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 4 AcP
You have recruited a capable linguist who accompanies you on your adventures. This ally speaks, reads, and understands Common as well as two additional languages of common rarity chosen when this boon is purchased. The ally can quickly translate any of these languages for your benefit, effectively allowing you to communicate in the additional two languages without difficulty. However, you are not treated as knowing those languages for the purpose of using spells with the linguistic trait. The translator cannot be affected by or affect combat.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but may only benefit from one hireling boon on any given adventure.

Expert Hireling

Prerequisites: Liked by any Faction
Cost: 0 AcP
When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to expert, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 4 + your level.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Professional Hireling

Prerequisites: Admired by any Faction
Cost: 0 AcP
When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally adds a second Lore skill to the list of skill checks they can attempt. In addition, select one skill feat whose prerequisite is being trained in one of the hireling’s selected skills. The hireling gains the benefits of that skill feat when attempting skill checks.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Master Hireling

Prerequisites: Revered by any Faction
Cost: 0 AcP
When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess that’s already been modified by the Expert Hireling boon. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to master, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 6 + your level.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.


Leshy Companion (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Liked by Verdant Wheel
Cost: 4 AcP

You can select the Leshy Familiar feat as a 2nd level class feat, even if you are not a druid. You can ignore the prerequisite of belonging to the leaf order.

When you apply this boon, you can retrain your 2nd level class feat to Leshy Companion without spending Downtime.

Lodge-Specific Boons
Iceferry Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail
Cost: 0 AcP
Your adventures around the Iceferry Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to snowshoes of the long trek (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 88).

Lantern Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road OR 2-02 Mountain of Sea and Sky
Cost: 0 AcP
Your adventures around the Lantern Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to the book of translation (Tien) (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 93).

Nexus House Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-00: Origin of the Open Road
Cost: 0 AcP
Your adventures around the Nexus House have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to the Ganjay book (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 96).

Open Road Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-16: The Perennial Crown Part 1 AND 1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2
Cost: 0 AcP
Your adventures around the Open Road Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to vermin repellent agent (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 100-101).

Woodsedge Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-21: Mistress of the Maze
Cost: 0 AcP
Your adventures around the Woodsedge Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to emergency disguise (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 108-109).

Mentor Boons
Combat Mentor (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Liked by Vigilant Seal
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide pointers and lead drills that ensure your newer colleagues’ attacks strike true. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to attack rolls to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s attack roll modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Magical Mentor (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Liked by Grand Archive
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide key spellcasting insights that augment your colleagues’ magic. Any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours can prepare one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot or cast one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot. When casting spells of a magical tradition that is the same as the tradition you use for spellcasting, the affected PC also increases the Level Bump’s modifier to spell DCs to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s spell DCs by 1, and it does not grant any additional spells prepared or spell slots.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Protective Mentor (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Liked by Radiant Oath
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you shield your more fragile wards from the threat of death. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase their current and maximum Hit Points by an additional amount equal to 3 times your Radiant Oath reputation tier (Liked = 1, Admired = 2, Revered = 3).

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Hit Points by 10% or 10, whichever is higher.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Rugged Mentor (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide important insights that keep your less experienced colleagues safe from harm. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to saving throws to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s saving throw modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Skillful Mentor (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Liked by Envoy's Alliance
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide vital advice to sharpen your newer colleagues’ skills. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to skill checks to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s skill check modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Worldly Mentor (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Liked by Verdant Wheel
Cost: 0 AcP
While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you help your less experienced colleagues recognize danger and withstand danger. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to Perception checks and Initiative rolls to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Perception modifier by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.


Natural Skill (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Admired by Verdant Wheel
Cost: 4 AcP

If you are at least trained in Nature, you gain a bonus skill feat from the following list: Natural Medicine, Quick Identification, Recognize Spell, or Train Animal. If you have already selected one of these feats, you can freely retrain your selection.

Naturalist (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Liked by Verdant Wheel
Cost: 4 AcP

When you apply this boon, choose a common alchemical item or potion of your level or lower to which you have access. The Verdant Wheel has taught you how to craft this item far more efficiently and provided you with a source for the rare herbs and ingredients needed to make 1 batch (typically 4 copies of the item). Making the item with the Verdant Wheel's method uses the standard rules for Crafting the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Nature, Survival, or Herbalism Lore in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character.

Off-Hours Study (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Liked by Grand Archive
Cost: 4 AcP

You spend your free time studying learning new trivia or practicing unfamiliar languages. When you acquire this boon, choose a common language you don’t know or a Lore skill in which you are untrained. After purchasing this boon. you can spend Downtime practicing the selected language or skill. Once you have expended 50 days of Downtime in this way, you learn the chosen language or become trained in the chosen Lore skill. This boon then grants no further benefit.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you do so, select a different language or Lore skill.

Pathfinder Condition Removal

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 20 AcP

Penitent Pathfinder (Slotless Boon): In the course of your adventuring, you found yourself under the effects of an affliction that only magic seems to be able to shake. When you purchase this boon, choose one of the spells below. A Pathfinder Society healer casts that spell on you. This spell automatically succeeds at removing the condition and costs you no gold.

Spells available:

  • Dispel magic (removes one ongoing spell effect)
  • Neutralize poison
  • Remove curse
  • Remove disease
  • Remove fear
  • Remove paralysis
  • Restoration (reduces a permanent clumsy, drained, enfeebled or stupefied condition by 2 or a doomed condition by 1)
  • Restore senses
  • Stone to flesh

Pathfinder Society (second edition) Replay

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 40 AcP

You have gained 1 replay, which you can view with the rest of your point totals. Downloading this PDF is not necessary but I'm glad you did!

Penitent Pathfinder

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 20 AcP

Pathfinder Condition Removal (Slotless Boon): You have transgressed against the code that you hold dear, and you seek to make things right. A priest of your deity has agreed to assist you, and you may now undertake a quest of redemption. When you purchase this boon, you gain the benefits of a successful atone ritual.

Atone has an additional cost of 30 days of Downtime spent engaged in a task chosen by your deity. For the purpose of Pathfinder Society, the atonement is considered to be complete when the ritual is cast, but the character must still spend their subsequent 30 days of Downtime atoning and cannot use that time for any other purpose.

Practiced Medic (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Liked by Radiant Oath
Cost: 4 AcP

By spending your off-hours administering medical aid to those in need, you have developed extraordinary first aid instincts. After purchasing this boon, you can spend Downtime to provide medical services to others. Once you have expended 8 days of Downtime in this way, you can expend the boon as a free action before attempting a Medicine check to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds. You improve your check’s degree of success by one step (such as if you roll a failure, you get a success instead); the boon is not expended if your original roll is a critical success. Once you expend this boon, it provides no other benefit.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, though you cannot expend more than one copy of this boon per adventure.


Second Chance

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 40 AcP

Second Chance (Limited-Use): Adventuring is deadly business, but you have a powerful favor you can call in if your travels result in a premature death. You can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the benefits of the resurrect ritual (Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 415) for your PC or a non-summoned minion (such as a creature companion), so long as the ritual’s total cost in diamonds does not exceed 1,000 gp. If the ritual would cost more than 1,000 gp, you must pay any additional material costs beyond 1,000 gp.

The ritual takes 1 day to perform and automatically succeeds. If necessary, the Pathfinder Society will also recover your body and all lost equipment in the event it has been destroyed, lost, or is otherwise inaccessible without additional cost.

If the beneficiary is an undead character who does not die at 0 Hit Points (such as a character built using the skeleton ancestry), they can instead use this boon to benefit from a ritual that restores them to their previous undead state, instead of returning them to life. This ritual otherwise has the same costs and function as the resurrect ritual as described above.

Secondary Initiation

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 AcP

Your contacts have introduced you to an influential member of another organization, allowing you to join that group or train in some of their techniques. Select an organization other than the Pathfinder Society. For the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions, you are treated as being a member of that group in addition to your belonging to the Pathfinder Society.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but each time you apply it, you relinquish your membership in the previous group in order to join a different group. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed membership in your previous group as a prerequisite.

Steady Hand (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Admired by Grand Archive
Cost: 4 AcP

Long hours interacting with fragile manuscripts has taught you how to keep your hands steady. You can activate the following ability once per adventure.

Steady Hand [free-action] (fortune) Roll twice and take the higher result on a Thievery check. You can only activate this ability before rolling the check.

Storied Talent (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 4 AcP

Word of your skill and expertise is spreading, and you find that increasingly prestigious clients are prepared to pay for your services. When using Downtime to Earn Income, you can choose to attempt a task of your level.

Normal: When Earning Income, a PC can attempt a task of their level –2 or lower.

Treasure Bundle Insurance

Prerequisites: Admired by any Faction
Cost: 4 AcP

Even when your careful searching doesn’t uncover all of a site’s valuables, you’re able to appraise, repair, and certify what you did recover to maximize their value. You can check a box that precedes this boon at the end of a scenario when you and your allies recovered 9 or fewer of the adventure’s Treasure Bundles. Increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1 for the purpose of calculating the group’s gold piece rewards.

The total number of additional Treasure Bundles provided by this boon cannot exceed the adventure's maximum (10, for a typical scenario).

Special: Multiple copies of this boon can be used during the same adventure, but only to recover up to a total of three lost Treasure Bundles.

Untarnished Reputation

Prerequisites: Admired by any Faction
Cost: 12 AcP

When you purchase this boon, you remove one point of Infamy that you have accrued.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Its cost increases each time it is purchased.

Ward Against Fiends (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Admired by Radiant Oath
Cost: 4 AcP

Your allies in the Radiant Oath faction performed a ritual to grant you holy protection against demons, daemons, devils, and similar evil beings. Once per adventure, when you roll a critical failure on a saving throw against a fiend, you get a failure instead.

Wayfinder Boons

Prerequisites: Played 2 sessions
Cost: 0 AcP
To guide your path, your faction has secured a wayfinder (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 617) for you to carry on your journeys and serve as a badge of office in the Pathfinder Society. This wayfinder has an effective sale price of 0 gp.

Inherited Wayfinder

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 4 AcP
A more experienced Pathfinder agent has provided you a wayfinder, a magical compass that also serves as an informal badge of the Pathfinder Society. This agent might have purchased the wayfinder for you, bequeathed their own wayfinder before retiring, or secured the device for you through other means. You gain a wayfinder (Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 617). This wayfinder has an effective price of 0 gp for the purpose of resale.

Adamant Wayfinder (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Liked by Vigilant Seal
Cost: 4 AcP
You have specially reinforced your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to absorb harmful energies. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession. You gain the following reaction:

Resist Harm (reaction): Trigger You would take damage; Effect You gain resistance 1 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, and sonic damage against one attack, spell, or effect. This applies only to the initial effect, not to any subsequent attacks or damage dealt by the effect (such as persistent damage or an ongoing hazard). This resistance increases to 2 when you reach the Admired Reputation tier with Vigilant Seal, and to 4 when you reach the Revered Reputation Tier.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Esoteric Wayfinder (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Liked by Grand Archive
Cost: 4 AcP
You have modified your wayfinder to focus your mental energy, driving more reliable insights. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

You can activate this ability as a free action before you Recall Knowledge. If you roll a critical failure on the Recall Knowledge check, you instead get a failure.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Harmonic Wayfinder (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Liked by Envoy's Alliance
Cost: 4 AcP
You have modified your wayfinder to resonate with your allies’ actions, allowing you to better help them in times of need. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

You can activate this ability as a free action before you Aid an ally. If you roll a success on the check to Aid, you instead get a critical success.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Radiant Wayfinder (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Liked by Radiant Oath
Cost: 4 AcP
You have specially augmented your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to reveal hidden creatures. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting it the following activation ability.

Activate [two-action] command (evocation, good, light) Effect The wayfinder glows with a spiritual radiance, revealing that which is hidden.
This has the effects of faerie fire, except the effect occurs in a 10-foot radius centered around you.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Rugged Wayfinder (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters
Cost: 4 AcP
You have modified your wayfinder to absorb a small amount of your exhaustion, allowing you to continue exploring unhindered. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

As an action, you can reduce the severity of your clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition, reducing that condition’s value by 1.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

World Traveler

Prerequisites: None
Cost: 20 AcP

You have traveled widely, spending a considerable amount of time in a distant region and absorbing the local customs. When you assign this boon to a character, select a country or city on Golarion. You qualify as being from that city or country, as well as any regions which contain it, for the purpose of fulfilling the Access prerequisite of uncommon character options, in addition to any other access benefits you have from other sources. For example, a character who selected Alkenstar fulfills access requirements for Alkenstar as well as the Mana Wastes and the Impossible Lands, and a character who selects Hwanggot fulfills requirements for Hwanggot and Tian Xia.

Remaster Rules


When considering the Pathfinder Remaster, our intent is as follows:

  • To ensure that players are not forced to rebuild characters
  • To ensure that as much previous material as feasible is still useable
  • To incentivize adoption of the new, Remastered ruleset
  • To provide an optional method to rebuild characters into Remaster rules

General Guidance

Game Rules

  1. Players and GMs must use the remastered rules of the game immediately where possible.
    1. Example: Recall Knowledge has been updated with additional guidelines. These take effect immediately at all PFS tables.
    2. Example: The Refocus activity and the focus spell rules have been updated to be more intuitive. All characters immediately begin using these rules.
    3. Example: Monster abilities like Grab are no longer automatic; instead, they require a skill check as part of attempting the action. GMs immediately begin using this new version of the rules.

Character Options

  1. Beginning on November 15, 2023, if a class has been reprinted in the Player Core, no new characters may be created using its class chassis as printed in the Core Rulebook. "Class chassis" means everything that all members of a class receive; roughly, this means the text in a class description which comes before the list of class feats.
    1. This affects the following classes: bard, cleric, druid, fighter, ranger, rogue, witch, wizard.
    2. Characters with at least 1 game reported prior to November 15, 2023 may be built using the Core Rulebook chassis.
    3. Previously-existing characters with at least 1 game reported may continue their progression using the Core Rulebook chassis. They may not use the chassis in the Player Core without rebuilding.
  2. Beginning on August 12, 2024, if a class has been reprinted in Player Core 2, no new characters may be created using its class chassis as printed in the Core Rulebook or Advanced Player’s Guide. "Class chassis" means everything that all members of a class receive; roughly, this means the text in a class description which comes before the list of class feats.
    1. This affects the following classes: alchemist, barbarian, champion, investigator, monk, oracle, sorcerer, swashbuckler.
    2. Characters with at least 1 game reported prior to August 12 may be built using the Core Rulebook or Advanced Player’s Guide chassis.
    3. Previously-existing characters with at least 1 game reported may continue their progression using the Core Rulebook or Advanced Player’s Guide chassis. They may not use the chassis in Player Core 2 without rebuilding.
  3. If a character option has been reprinted with the same name, use the new version as if it were errata. No additional retraining is necessary.
    1. Example: divine lance has been reprinted with new Remaster-compatible rules. All PCs with divine lance must update the spell accordingly.
  4. If a character option has not been reprinted, characters are free to use the option as previously printed, or to select it at any time.
    1. Example: the brooch of shielding has not been reprinted. Characters may still purchase and use a brooch of shielding.
    2. Example: the produce flame spell has not been reprinted, but ignition takes its place thematically. Characters may learn either spell anytime they would learn a new spell, and could learn both spells if they chose.
    3. Example: the magus class has not yet been remastered. Players may still build and play them using the rules in Pathfinder Secrets of Magic.
      1. A magus who learns gouging claw must still use the remastered version of the spell.

Specific Rules

  1. Alignment: Alignment has been removed from the game. PCs and NPCs no longer have alignment.
    1. Edicts and Anathema: To replace certain aspects of alignment, edicts and anathema are being emphasized. These are voluntary and optional, though deities and classes may introduce specific edicts and anathema which are not optional.
    2. Holy and Unholy: Many previously-aligned options now have either the holy, unholy, or sanctified traits. At a GM’s discretion, enemy abilities which previously had the good or evil traits may now have the holy or unholy trait.
      1. Example: A quasit’s strikes previously had the evil trait. A GM may choose to give them the unholy trait, as quasits are demonic creatures. Similarly, a quasit’s weakness to good should now be considered a weakness to holy.
    3. Until a full list of deity sanctifications is published, any deity without published sanctification is treated as “can sanctify to holy.” Any champion may select any of the three Causes of Good from the Core Rulebook (Paladin, Liberator or Redeemer) regardless of deity.
  2. Spell Schools: Spell schools have been removed from the game. “Illusion” remains as a trait, but not a spell school.
    1. Any previous item or ability which relies on the existence of spell schools to function (such as the staff of transmutation) may still be purchased or chosen. However, as spells printed after the Remaster do not have spell schools, the utility of these options will diminish over time.
  3. Ancestries & Heritages
    1. The gnome feat Burrow Elocutionist (CRB) has been removed. Characters with this feat replace it with Animal Elocutionist (Player Core) at 1st level. Characters that took the 5th-level version of Animal Elocutionist (CRB) replace that feat with another feat of their choice immediately.
    2. Some ancestries had a pair of ancestry weapon feats at 1st and 5th level. The 5th-level feats have been removed and their effect (adding critical specialization) is now including in each corresponding Remastered 1st-level feat. Characters that took one of the following 5th-level feats replace that feat with another feat of their choice immediately:
      1. Dwarven Weapon Cunning (CRB 37)
      2. Elven Weapon Elegance (CRB 41)
      3. Gnome Weapon Innovator (CRB 45)
      4. Goblin Weapon Frenzy (CRB 49)
      5. Halfling Weapon Trickster (CRB 53)
      6. Orc Weapon Carnage (half-orc feat, CRB 59)
    3. The aasimar feat Celestial Strikes and the tiefling feat Fiendish Strikes are no longer legal for play. Characters with either feat must retrain it for another ancestry feat at 13th level or lower.
  4. Items
    1. Some items are no longer available for Pathfinder Society play due to their interaction with spell schools. Please see the "Withdrawn Items" table below for a list of affected items as well as information on refunding or replacing these items.
  5. Dragons
    1. Some options (such as draconic barbarians and sorcerers or the dragonblooded versatile heritage) require or allow players to pick a specific type of dragon, which affects spellcasting traditions, skill training, and similar choices. Players may use the options as listed in Player Core 2, or select a dragon from the Imperial or Primal dragon families using the Draconic Options Table below.
      1. Characters which have been rebuilt using their Remaster Rebuild may not use the chromatic or metallic dragons for any of these options.
  6. Alchemists
    1. Most alchemist options now make use of versatile vials instead of infused reagents. As such, alchemists are encouraged to use their Remaster Rebuild as soon as possible to take advantage of these new options.
  7. Oracles
    1. Because they share the same name, all Oracle mysteries are automatically updated to use the new Cursebound condition. As such, oracles gain no benefit from choosing not to use their Remaster Rebuild immediately and are strongly encouraged to do so.
      1. Exception: The Ashes and Time mysteries have not been republished. Oracles using these mysteries cannot update to the Remaster chassis yet. These characters continue using the legacy class and feats (instead of using Remastered versions). Should either of these mysteries be republished, this exception is removed for those characters.
    2. The Vision of Weakness feat is no longer legal for play. Characters with this feat may freely retrain it before their next play session.
  8. Wizards
    1. Wizards built using the Core Rulebook chassis may continue to treat spells that had their spell school removed as part of the Remaster as if they have spell schools. They must otherwise fully update their remastered spells.
      1. Example: An evocation wizard may still select electric arc as an evocation cantrip. They must use the new damage as printed in the Player Core.
    2. Wizards built using the Core Rulebook chassis may learn new spells printed in remastered books, but they can never treat them as having a school spell if they did not previously have one.
    3. On November 15, 2023, the Runelord boon was removed from the Achievement Point Boons store. No new Runelords may be created after this date until/unless the archetype is reprinted.
  9. Campaign-Specific Rules and Clarifications
    1. Pathfinder Society characters may not be sanctified to unholy. This is the spiritual successor to the previous rule forbidding PCs of evil alignment.


  1. On November 15, 2023, all characters with at least one game reported were granted one free rebuild. This is a full rebuild; you may completely alter a character’s ancestry, class, background, and any options selected. You may not alter the adventures a character has participated in, nor may you alter a character’s Reputation earned.
  2. Upon rebuilding, your character starts with gold equal based on the Rebuild Starting Gold Table below.
    1. Alternatively, a player character may sell any and all currently-held items at purchase price and purchase new items as normal.
    2. Regardless of which Remaster Rebuild option you choose, do not re-apply Downtime. Downtime earnings for adventures the character has previously completed have already been factored into the Starting Gold amounts.
  3. If you use this rebuild, indicate “Remaster Rebuild” on your character’s most recent Chronicle Sheet.
  4. If, in the course of this rebuild, you wish to refund any purchased boons, please email orgplayreportingerrors@paizo.com with your character’s name, Organized Play ID and character number, and the boon(s) you would like to refund.
  5. This rebuild must be used before December 31, 2024. A second rebuild of this type will not be granted following the release of Player Core 2.

Removal of Pathfinder Training

  1. As of November 15, 2023, the Pathfinder Training subsystem has been removed. Characters retain any bonus lore or feats they have earned from Pathfinder Training before this date unless and until rebuilt under Remaster rules.
    • Characters who are rebuilt under Remaster rules must remove any bonus lore and feat earned from Pathfinder Training.
  2. The Pathfinder Society has instituted new Pathfinder Provisions to provide all agents with free consumables prior to missions.
    • Pregenerated characters do receive Pathfinder Provisions.
  3. Pathfinder Society characters receive free training in Pathfinder Society Lore (sometimes referred to as Pathfinder Lore) by default under both Legacy (pre-Remaster) and Remaster character creation. Only Legacy characters who selected a Pathfinder Training school depart from this default; click the [+] to expand the section below for details.

PFS Lore After Removal of Pathfinder Training

    1. Legacy characters who selected a Pathfinder Training school replaced their free Pathfinder Society Lore with another lore indicated by their selected school. Such characters retain their school lore unless and until rebuilt under Remaster rules. Such characters do not gain an additional free training in Pathfinder Society Lore due to the Remaster.
    2. Legacy characters who did not select a Pathfinder Training school retained their free training in Pathfinder Society Lore and continue to retain it even if rebuilt under Remaster rules.
    3. Legacy characters who are rebuilt under Remaster rules must remove any bonus lore and feat earned from Pathfinder Training. Instead, they gain free training in Pathfinder Society Lore when rebuilt.
    4. Remaster characters gain free training in Pathfinder Society Lore at character creation.

Editing Choices

Citation Style

As we update rulebook citations, there will be many cases where similar rules are printed in Remaster rulebooks and pre-Remaster rulebooks. Our guidelines for citations in those cases are:

Reference Tables

Withdrawn Items

Withdrawn Items: Pathfinder Core Rulebook

Item Page Solution
Anarchic rune Core Rulebook pg. 583 Refund for purchase price
Axiomatic rune Core Rulebook pg. 583 Refund for purchase price
Material Component Pouch Core Rulebook pg. 290 Refund for purchase price
Robe of Eyes Core Rulebook pg. 615 Refund for purchase price
Staff of Abjuration Core Rulebook pg. 593 Refund OR Replace with Staff of Protection (GM Core pg. 280)
Staff of Conjuration Core Rulebook pg. 593 Refund OR Replace with Staff of Summoning (GM Core pg. 280)
Staff of Divination Core Rulebook pg. 593 Refund OR Replace with Staff of the Unblinking Eye (GM Core pg. 281)
Staff of Enchantment Core Rulebook pg. 593 Refund OR Replace with Staff of Control (GM Core pg. 279)
Staff of Evocation Core Rulebook pg. 593 Refund OR Replace with Staff of Elemental Power (GM Core pg. 279)
Staff of Illusion Core Rulebook pg. 594 Refund OR Replace with Staff of Phantasms (GM Core pg. 280)
Staff of Necromancy Core Rulebook pg. 594 Refund OR Replace with Staff of the Dead (GM Core pg. 281)
Staff of Transmutation Core Rulebook pg. 594 Refund OR Replace with Fluid Form Staff (GM Core pg. 278)

Withdrawn Items: Pathfinder Secrets of Magic

Item Page Solution
Auspicious Scepter Secrets of Magic pg. 179 Refund for purchase price
Chatterer of Follies Secrets of Magic pg. 181 Refund for purchase price
Codex of Unimpeded Sight Secrets of Magic pg. 162 Refund for purchase price
Guiding Star Secrets of Magic pg. 185 Refund for purchase price
Instructions for Lasting Agony Secrets of Magic pg. 163 Refund for purchase price
Potion of Stable Form Secrets of Magic pg. 175 Refund for purchase price
Rune of Sin Secrets of Magic pg. 165 Refund for purchase price
Specialist's Ring Secrets of Magic pg. 190 Refund for purchase price
Spellbook of Redundant Enchantment Secrets of Magic pg. 163 Refund for purchase price
Warding Tablets Secrets of Magic pg. 163 Refund for purchase price

Withdrawn Items: Pathfinder Treasure Vault

Item Page Solution
Codex of Destruction and Renewal Treasure Vault pg. 111 Refund for purchase price
Courtier's Pillow Book Treasure Vault pg. 112 Refund for purchase price
Harrow Spellcards Treasure Vault pg. 112 Refund for purchase price
Mask of the Cursed Eye Treasure Vault pg. 155 Refund for purchase price
Spellbreaking rune Treasure Vault pg. 13 Refund for purchase price
Undertaker's Manifest Treasure Vault pg. 113 Refund for purchase price
Warding Punch Treasure Vault pg. 51 Refund for purchase price
Whispering Staff Treasure Vault pg. 105 Refund for purchase price

Withdrawn Items: Other Sources

Item Page Solution
Heartripper Blade Crown of the Kobold King pg. 115 Refund for purchase price
Star of Cynosure Dreamers of the Nameless Spires pg. 70 Refund for purchase price
Sunflower Censer Lost Omens: Impossible Lands pg. 81 Refund for purchase price
Talisman Cord Lost Omens: Pathfinder Society Guide pg. 615 Refund for purchase price
Wand of Fey Flames Lost Omens: Grand Bazaar pg. 81 Refund for purchase price

Note: The above table previously contained the following seven items until December 19, 2023. These items are once again available for purchase; please see their sanctioning notes on the Character Options page for the clarifications permitting their use.

  • Grim Sandglass (Secrets of Magic 171)
  • Desolation Locket (Treasure Vault 125)
  • Ghostcaller's Planchette (Treasure Vault 125)
  • Radiant Prism (Treasure Vault 127)
  • Sanguine Fang (Treasure Vault 128)
  • Wyrm Claw (Treasure Vault 129)
  • Polished Demon Horn (They Watched the Stars 80)

Rebuild Starting Gold

Level 1
1 xp17 gp, 8 sp
2 xp20 gp, 6 sp
3 xp23 gp, 4 sp
4 xp26 gp, 2 sp
5 xp29 gp
6 xp31 gp, 8 sp
7 xp34 gp, 6 sp
8 xp37 gp, 4 sp
9 xp40 gp, 2 sp
10 xp43 gp
11 xp45 gp, 8 sp
Level 2
12 xp48 gp, 6 sp
13 xp53 gp
14 xp57 gp, 4 sp
15 xp61 gp, 8 sp
16 xp66 gp, 2 sp
17 xp70 gp, 6 sp
18 xp75 gp
19 xp79 gp, 4 sp
20 xp83 gp, 8 sp
21 xp88 gp, 2 sp
22 xp92 gp, 6 sp
23 xp97 gp
Level 3
24 xp101 gp, 4 sp
25 xp109 gp
26 xp116 gp, 6 sp
27 xp124 gp, 2 sp
28 xp131 gp, 8 sp
29 xp139 gp, 4 sp
30 xp147 gp
31 xp154 gp, 6 sp
32 xp162 gp, 2 sp
33 xp169 gp, 8 sp
34 xp177 gp, 4 sp
35 xp185 gp
Level 4
36 xp192 gp, 6 sp
37 xp205 gp, 4 sp
38 xp218 gp, 2 sp
39 xp231 gp
40 xp243 gp, 8 sp
41 xp256 gp, 6 sp
42 xp269 gp, 4 sp
43 xp282 gp, 2 sp
44 xp295 gp
45 xp307 gp, 8 sp
46 xp320 gp, 6 sp
47 xp333 gp, 4 sp

Level 5
48 xp346 gp, 2 sp
49 xp366 gp, 2 sp
50 xp386 gp, 2 sp
51 xp406 gp, 2 sp
52 xp426 gp, 2 sp
53 xp446 gp, 2 sp
54 xp466 gp, 2 sp
55 xp486 gp, 2 sp
56 xp506 gp, 2 sp
57 xp526 gp, 2 sp
58 xp546 gp, 2 sp
59 xp566 gp, 2 sp
Level 6
60 xp586 gp, 2 sp
61 xp616 gp, 2 sp
62 xp646 gp, 2 sp
63 xp676 gp, 2 sp
64 xp706 gp, 2 sp
65 xp736 gp, 2 sp
66 xp766 gp, 2 sp
67 xp796 gp, 2 sp
68 xp826 gp, 2 sp
69 xp856 gp, 2 sp
70 xp886 gp, 2 sp
71 xp916 gp, 2 sp
Level 7
72 xp946 gp, 2 sp
73 xp990 gp, 2 sp
74 xp1,034 gp, 2 sp
75 xp1,078 gp, 2 sp
76 xp1,122 gp, 2 sp
77 xp1,166 gp, 2 sp
78 xp1,210 gp, 2 sp
79 xp1,254 gp, 2 sp
80 xp1,298 gp, 2 sp
81 xp1,342 gp, 2 sp
82 xp1,386 gp, 2 sp
83 xp1,430 gp, 2 sp
Level 8
84 xp1,474 gp, 2 sp
85 xp1,534 gp, 2 sp
86 xp1,594 gp, 2 sp
87 xp1,654 gp, 2 sp
88 xp1,714 gp, 2 sp
89 xp1,774 gp, 2 sp
90 xp1,834 gp, 2 sp
91 xp1,894 gp, 2 sp
92 xp1,954 gp, 2 sp
93 xp2,014 gp, 2 sp
94 xp2,074 gp, 2 sp
95 xp2,134 gp, 2 sp

Level 9
96 xp2,194 gp, 2 sp
97 xp2,282 gp, 2 sp
98 xp2,370 gp, 2 sp
99 xp2,458 gp, 2 sp
100 xp2,546 gp, 2 sp
101 xp2,634 gp, 2 sp
102 xp2,722 gp, 2 sp
103 xp2,810 gp, 2 sp
104 xp2,898 gp, 2 sp
105 xp2,986 gp, 2 sp
106 xp3,074 gp, 2 sp
107 xp3,162 gp, 2 sp
Level 10
108 xp3,250 gp, 2 sp
109 xp3,370 gp, 2 sp
110 xp3,490 gp, 2 sp
111 xp3,610 gp, 2 sp
112 xp3,730 gp, 2 sp
113 xp3,850 gp, 2 sp
114 xp3,970 gp, 2 sp
115 xp4,090 gp, 2 sp
116 xp4,210 gp, 2 sp
117 xp4,330 gp, 2 sp
118 xp4,450 gp, 2 sp
119 xp4,570 gp, 2 sp
Level 11
120 xp4,690 gp, 2 sp
121 xp4,862 gp, 2 sp
122 xp5,034 gp, 2 sp
123 xp5,206 gp, 2 sp
124 xp5,378 gp, 2 sp
125 xp5,550 gp, 2 sp
126 xp5,722 gp, 2 sp
127 xp5,894 gp, 2 sp
128 xp6,066 gp, 2 sp
129 xp6,238 gp, 2 sp
130 xp6,410 gp, 2 sp
131 xp6,582 gp, 2 sp
Level 12
132 xp6,754 gp, 2 sp
133 xp7,002 gp, 2 sp
134 xp7,250 gp, 2 sp
135 xp7,498 gp, 2 sp
136 xp7,746 gp, 2 sp
137 xp7,994 gp, 2 sp
138 xp8,242 gp, 2 sp
139 xp8,490 gp, 2 sp
140 xp8,738 gp, 2 sp
141 xp8,986 gp, 2 sp
142 xp9,234 gp, 2 sp
143 xp9,482 gp, 2 sp

Level 13
144 xp9,730 gp, 2 sp
145 xp10,106 gp, 2 sp
146 xp10,482 gp, 2 sp
147 xp10,858 gp, 2 sp
148 xp11,234 gp, 2 sp
149 xp11,610 gp, 2 sp
150 xp11,986 gp, 2 sp
151 xp12,362 gp, 2 sp
152 xp12,738 gp, 2 sp
153 xp13,114 gp, 2 sp
154 xp13,490 gp, 2 sp
155 xp13,866 gp, 2 sp
Level 14
156 xp14,242 gp, 2 sp
157 xp14,790 gp, 2 sp
158 xp15,338 gp, 2 sp
159 xp15,886 gp, 2 sp
160 xp16,434 gp, 2 sp
161 xp16,982 gp, 2 sp
162 xp17,530 gp, 2 sp
163 xp18,078 gp, 2 sp
164 xp18,626 gp, 2 sp
165 xp19,174 gp, 2 sp
166 xp19,722 gp, 2 sp
167 xp20,270 gp, 2 sp
Level 15
168 xp20,818 gp, 2 sp
169 xp21,634 gp, 2 sp
170 xp22,450 gp, 2 sp
171 xp23,266 gp, 2 sp
172 xp24,082 gp, 2 sp
173 xp24,898 gp, 2 sp
174 xp25,714 gp, 2 sp
175 xp26,530 gp, 2 sp
176 xp27,346 gp, 2 sp
177 xp28,162 gp, 2 sp
178 xp28,978 gp, 2 sp
179 xp29,794 gp, 2 sp
Level 16
180 xp30,610 gp, 2 sp
181 xp31,850 gp, 2 sp
182 xp33,090 gp, 2 sp
183 xp34,330 gp, 2 sp
184 xp35,570 gp, 2 sp
185 xp36,810 gp, 2 sp
186 xp38,050 gp, 2 sp
187 xp39,290 gp, 2 sp
188 xp40,530 gp, 2 sp
189 xp41,770 gp, 2 sp
190 xp43,010 gp, 2 sp
191 xp44,250 gp, 2 sp

Level 17
192 xp45,490 gp, 2 sp
193 xp47,410 gp, 2 sp
194 xp49,330 gp, 2 sp
195 xp51,250 gp, 2 sp
196 xp53,170 gp, 2 sp
197 xp55,090 gp, 2 sp
198 xp57,010 gp, 2 sp
199 xp58,930 gp, 2 sp
200 xp60,850 gp, 2 sp
201 xp62,770 gp, 2 sp
202 xp64,690 gp, 2 sp
203 xp66,610 gp, 2 sp
Level 18
204 xp68,530 gp, 2 sp
205 xp71,650 gp, 2 sp
206 xp74,770 gp, 2 sp
207 xp77,890 gp, 2 sp
208 xp81,010 gp, 2 sp
209 xp84,130 gp, 2 sp
210 xp87,250 gp, 2 sp
211 xp90,370 gp, 2 sp
212 xp93,490 gp, 2 sp
213 xp96,610 gp, 2 sp
214 xp99,730 gp, 2 sp
215 xp102,850 gp, 2 sp
Level 19
216 xp105,970 gp, 2 sp
217 xp111,290 gp, 2 sp
218 xp116,610 gp, 2 sp
219 xp121,930 gp, 2 sp
220 xp127,250 gp, 2 sp
221 xp132,570 gp, 2 sp
222 xp137,890 gp, 2 sp
223 xp143,210 gp, 2 sp
224 xp148,530 gp, 2 sp
225 xp153,850 gp, 2 sp
226 xp159,170 gp, 2 sp
227 xp164,490 gp, 2 sp
Level 20
228 xp169,810 gp, 2 sp
229 xp177,170 gp, 2 sp
230 xp184,530 gp, 2 sp
231 xp191,890 gp, 2 sp
232 xp199,250 gp, 2 sp
233 xp206,610 gp, 2 sp
234 xp213,970 gp, 2 sp
235 xp221,330 gp, 2 sp
236 xp228,690 gp, 2 sp
237 xp236,050 gp, 2 sp
238 xp243,410 gp, 2 sp
239 xp250,770 gp, 2 sp
240 xp258,130 gp, 2 sp

Draconic Options Table

Family Type Tradition Speed Damage Save Bloodline Skill
Core Adamantine Primal Burrow Bludgeoning Reflex Nature
Core Conspirator Occult Climb Poison Fortitude Occultism
Core Diabolic Divine Fire Reflex Religion
Core Empyreal Divine Spirit Reflex Religion
Core Fortune Arcane Force Reflex Arcana
Core Horned Primal Swim Poison Fortitude Nature
Core Mirage Arcane Climb Mental Will Arcana
Core Omen Occult Mental Will Occultism
Imperial Forest Primal Piercing Reflex Nature
Imperial Sea Arcane Swim Bludgeoning Reflex Arcana
Imperial Sky Divine Electricity Reflex Religion
Imperial Sovereign Occult Mental Will Occultism
Imperial Underworld Arcane Burrow Fire Reflex Arcana
Primal Brine Primal Swim Acid Reflex Nature
Primal Cloud Primal Electricity Reflex Nature
Primal Crystal Primal Burrow Piercing Reflex Nature
Primal Magma Primal Fire Reflex Nature
Primal Umbral Primal Void Reflex Nature

Remaster Page History

As this page is intended to be temporary & may change rapidly, this summary history is included for reference.

November 2023

December 2023

January 2024

  • Added material component pouch (CRB 290) to the Withdrawn Items list
  • Added immediate replacement of the 5th-level ancestry critical specialization weapon feats for dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and dromaar (formerly half-orc) characters
  • Revised Player Basics > Ongoing and Permanent Spells section and added everlight
  • Condensed November & December 2023 changes on this list

28 February 2024

  • Added anarchic and axiomatic weapon property runes to the Withdrawn Items list
  • Clarified Removal of Pathfinder Training to indicate PCs who retain the bonus lore from their Pathfinder Training do not gain an additional free training in PFS Lore due to the release of the Remaster (but do gain such free training if later rebuilt under Remaster rules)
  • Condensed January 2024 changes on this list

30 July 2024

  • Updated to add guidance for Player Core 2 classes, with specific callouts for oracles and alchemists
  • Added Draconic Options Table for draconic-focused characters
  • Updated example of legacy class learning a remaster spell

10 September 2024

  • Corrected Primal dragon entry: added burrow speed, changed damage type to piercing

PFS Legacy Backgrounds

The following backgrounds are special options representing unique character hooks allowing players to tie their characters more closely to past (or ongoing) storylines.

PFS1 Legacy Backgrounds

These backgrounds are available only to players who participated in the First Edition campaign. Each is tied to the metaplot of a single year of PFS 1.

Early Explorer Background

In the past decade, the Pathfinder Society has clashed with demonic armies, meddled in politics, and more, but you joined the organization before everything seemed so complicated. Whether you’re a dedicated scholar of ruins or an explorer who just longs for months-long expeditions into the wilderness, you’re a Pathfinder to explore, report, and cooperate.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Survival skill and the Pathfinder Society Lore skill. You gain the Forager skill feat.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 0 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Shadow War Survivor Background

Countless factions have fought for influence in Absalom for millennia, and for decades these groups worked through the Pathfinder Society to better control the City at the Center of the World. Perhaps you were ones of these agents who clashed with other operatives during the so-called Shadow War. Or you might have been an unintended victim of these clandestine clashes, inspiring you to join the Society and stop the conflict from within. Whatever the reason, navigating the Shadow War has left you politically savvy and informed.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Society skill and the Absalom Lore skill. You gain the Streetwise skill feat.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 1 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Shadow Lodge Defector Background

You were among the Pathfinders recruited by the devious Shadow Lodge, lured in by promises of wealth, reform, justice, or revenge. You might have fought against the Society’s loyal agents, helped sabotage the Pathfinders’ reputation in distant countries, or even infiltrated the far-flung lodges as a spy. You’ve since made peace with and rejoined the Pathfinder Society, yet the underhanded reflexes and skills you learned are hard to forget.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Deception skill and the Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Lie to Me skill feat.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 2 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Ruby Phoenix Enthusiast Background

Named for the legendary sorcerer Hao Jin, the Ruby Phoenix Tournament occurs once every 10 years in Goka and attracts extraordinary talent from across the world. You might have begun training for the tournament but never participated, or perhaps you entered the tournament only to be defeated by (and inspired to join) the Pathfinder Society. Either way, your dedicated training prepares you for the rigors of the adventuring lifestyle.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Dexterity, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Athletics skill and the Gladiatorial Lore skill. You gain the Combat Climber skill feat. In addition, you gain access to one of the following uncommon monk weapons: kama, nunchaku, sai, shuriken, or temple sword.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 3 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Thassilonian Delver Background

As archaeologists uncovered and explored ever-larger numbers of Thassilonian ruins, you were among the eager explorers who sought out the Runelords’ ancient secrets. You may have been the apprentice to another Pathfinder who perished on an expedition, leaving you their discoveries and notes. Or perhaps you explored several of these sites yourself, quickly learning to parse the arcane secrets before lest the eldritch magic extinguish your life.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Arcana skill and the Thassilonian History Lore skill. You gain the Arcane Sense skill feat. Add Thassilonian to the list of additional languages you can learn for having a high Intelligence modifier.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 4 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Demon Slayer Background

For over a century, Mendev led a multinational coalition against ever-growing chthonian invaders in the Worldwound, and the Pathfinder Society aided in the so-called Fifth Crusade that ultimately sealed the planar rift and defeated its demon armies. You might be a hardened recruit who clashed with the demons, or perhaps you were a survivor who lost everything to the fiendish armies and narrowly escaped—or was rescued by Pathfinders. Your exposure to the Worldwound has taught you vital lessons in identifying fiends and their magic.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Strength or Constitution, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Religion skill and the Demon Lore skill. You gain the Recognize Spell skill feat. Add Chthonian (formerly Abyssal) to the list of additional languages you can learn for having a high Intelligence modifier.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 5 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Scholar of the Sky Key Background

The unfamiliar technology of Numeria’s Silver Mount still baffles Society scholars, yet you are one of the innovators who discovered how to operate a handful of these futuristic tools—possibly after surviving more than a few explosions. The Society might have recruited you for your esoteric abilities, or you might have sought out the Society’s protection in escaping the covetously vile Technic League. Even if your understanding of advanced technology is imperfect, your hard-learned lessons are invaluable in deciphering and repairing gear.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Engineering Lore skill. You gain the Quick Repair skill feat.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 6 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Former Aspis Agent Background

For more than a century, the Pathfinder Society has clashed with the avaricious and underhanded Aspis Consortium, and several years ago the Society dealt its rival a decisive blow. You may be one of the few survivors of a doomed Aspis expedition, or perhaps you chafed at the Consortium’s villainous practices and defected to the Pathfinders. No matter your reasons, you know how to be efficient and ruthless when the circumstances demand.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Intimidation skill and the Aspis Consortium Lore skill. You gain the Group Coercion skill feat. You gain access to any uncommon options as though you were a member of the Aspis Consortium.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 7 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Savior of Air Background

Upon securing the Untouchable Opal, an artifact of extraordinary power, the Pathfinder Society endeavored to free the benevolent demigod Ranginori, who was trapped within the virtually unbreakable prison. You might have joined the Pathfinder Society in its expeditions to the Elemental Planes, or you might have lived on one of those planes before learning of the Society from these Pathfinder agents. You are no stranger to navigating precarious terrain as a result.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Acrobatics skill, plus either Elemental Lords Lore or a Lore skill related either to one of the Elemental Planes (such as Plane of Air Lore). You gain the Cat Fall skill feat. Add Sussuran (formerly Auran) to the list of additional languages you can learn for having a high Intelligence modifier.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 8 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Faction Opportunist Background

As the Pathfinder Society’s influence has grown, so too did many of its factions become wealthier and more powerful. These factions relied on a host of Pathfinders and independent operatives alike to establish trade networks, shape national politics, and more, and you were among the specialists who helped one of these factions realize its goal. These events provided you countless opportunities to develop your own contacts and negotiating skills.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Diplomacy skill, plus either Guild Lore, Heraldry Lore, or Mercantile Lore. You gain the Hobnobber skill feat.

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 9 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Tapestry Refugee Background

Within her magnificent museum demiplane, the sorcerer Hao Jin extracted and preserved countless sites and cultures. The demiplane’s unraveling magic forced the Pathfinder Society to evacuate the many inhabitants recently, and you were among the refugees who returned to The Universe (formerly called the Material Plane) after centuries of isolation. Whether you joined the Society out of gratitude, curiosity, or desperation, you are hardened by your harrowing flight from your doomed home.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Medicine or Stealth skill, plus a Lore skill related to the terrain you lived in while on the demiplane (such as Cave Lore or Desert Lore). You gain the Assurance skill feat with the skill you chose to become trained in (Medicine or Stealth).

Special: You can select this background only if you have earned credit for at least 5 First Edition scenarios from Season 10 of the Pathfinder Society organized play campaign.

Year of Shattered Sanctuaries Backgrounds (PFS2 Season 3)

Each of these boons is a one time purchase for 4 AcP giving a single character access to a special (Uncommon) Background that ties into one of the Season 3 plot arcs.

Almas Clerk

(Uncommon Background)
You worked as a clerk at the Golden Cathedral of Almas in Andoran. The Pathfinder Society’s activities in the city, and its passionate defense of its mission, inspired you to join the organization. You help the Society pursue its goals and navigate the laws of Golarion’s many locales.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Intelligence or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Society skill and the Legal Lore skill. You gain the Glean Contents skill feat (Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide 206).

Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing in the city of Almas, you know just how to find the information you need. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Friend of Greensteeples

(Uncommon Background)
You’re a good friend of Benedet, the majordomo of Greensteeples Manor in Egorian, Cheliax. You’ve learned a thing or two about surviving against all odds thanks to your close association with House Jeggare and the clandestine Pathfinder Society operations based out of Greensteeples.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in your choice of the Deception or Society skills, and gain the Assurance skill feat with your chosen skill. You’re also trained in a Lore skill about a narrow category of creatures.

Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at Greensteeples Manor (or a briefing from Benedet or Varian Jeggare at another location), you receive a warm welcome. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Gloriana's Fixer

(Uncommon Background)
You used to run certain “errands” for Gloriana Morilla, a close confidante of Grand Princess Eutropia Stavian, the ruler of Taldor. Gloriana took note of your skills and suggested you join the Pathfinder Society, a group she’s heavily involved in herself.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Thievery skill and the Underworld Lore skill. You gain the Subtle Theft skill feat.

Additionally, when Gloriana Morilla is present during your mission briefings, she discreetly checks in with you and provides some pointers. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Gold Falls Regular

(Uncommon Background)
You’ve long been a regular of Gold Falls Inn, a tavern located near Droskar’s Crag in the Darkmoon Vale region of Andoran. The establishment is a frequent gathering place for adventurers, storytellers, and folk heroes. You took note of the Pathfinder Society’s growing reputation in the area and decided to join up and seek adventure and fame of your own.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Charisma, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Performance skill, as well as your choice of the Cooking Lore skill or Volcano Lore skill. You gain the Impressive Performance skill feat.

Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at Gold Falls Inn or a settlement in Darkmoon Vale, you can draw on your knowledge of the region and its many stories. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Guest of Sedeq Lodge

(Uncommon Background)
Either as a guest, event staff, or part of the construction crew, you spent a significant stretch of time at the Pathfinder Society’s new lodge in Sedeq. The lodge serves as a new home for those fleeing from oppression or otherwise seeking a fresh start in Qadira. The magic and marvels you witnessed at the lodge inspired you to find more excitement as a member of the Pathfinder Society.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in your choice of the Arcana or Religion skills, as well as your choice of the Genie Lore or Sarenrae Lore skills. You gain the Recognize Spell skill feat.

Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at Sedeq Lodge, your familiarity with the site and the nearby area comes in handy. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Muesello’s Student

(Uncommon Background)
You trained under Venture-Captain Muesello of the Oppara Lodge in Taldor. You learned a few of the mage-machinist’s crafting techniques, and your extensive knowledge of magic items comes in handy during your adventures as a Pathfinder field agent.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Dexterity or Intelligence, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Crafting skill and the Engineering Lore skill. You gain the Crafter’s Appraisal skill feat (Pathfinder Advanced Player’s Guide 204).

Additionally, when Muesello is present during your mission briefings, he takes some time to catch up with you and discuss your mission. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Sandswept Survivor

(Uncommon Background)
You were in the Sandswept Hall, the Pathfinder Society’s lodge in Sothis, Osirion, when it came under attack from an unrelenting horde of undead. You endured the siege and forged new bonds with your fellow survivors, then joined the Society as a field agent.

Choose two attribute boosts. One must be to Constitution or Wisdom, and one is a free attribute boost.

You’re trained in the Survival skill and a Lore skill related to a specific type of undead, such as Mummy Lore or Zombie Lore. You gain the Terrain Expertise skill feat with underground terrain.

Additionally, when you receive a mission briefing at the Sandswept Hall, your familiarity with its history and staff grants further insight. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your checks to Gather Information or Recall Knowledge during the Getting Started segment of such adventures. Be sure to remind your GM that you have a relevant background.

Retired Options

The following rewards are no longer available to buy or earn, but remain in effect for characters who previously gained them. They are reproduced here for reference.

Pathfinder Training

Pathfinder training was retired Nov 15th, 2023. Unless they use the Remaster Rebuild, characters created prior to that date keep the bonus lores and bonus feats they earned prior to that date and Field Commissioned agents keep their extra days of downtime. Characters now receive Pathfinder Provisions, so the list of starting consumables is no longer relevant and is not reproduced here.

Most Pathfinders pass through the Pathfinder Academy on their way becoming agents. During their training, Pathfinder initiates attain a certain level of proficiency in all three schools' teachings, from there some go on to specialize in one of the schools' curricula and build lifelong professional contacts with like-minded scholars while others continue to divide their time among the different schools. These contacts pay out over the course of a Pathfinder's career in the form of gifts from colleagues and access to additional training. In return, the field agent is expected to return the favor by contributing labor, teaching expertise, lab assistance, or more between missions, reinforcing these professional relationships.

Another way to join the Pathfinder Society is via a field commission from another agent or a Venture-Captain of the Society. Characters who received a field commission have fewer connections to the Society's membership, and receive fewer gifts, but have fewer obligations to the society and thus more downtime.

Note that while Field Commission can only be freely chosen at character creation, the other four options can be chosen at any point in the Pathfinder's career, although once chosen they cannot be changed without Retraining.

Characters who have ties to a school or who are Field Commissioned receive a bonus lore at first level. (This replaces the Pathfinder Society Lore that all agents gain by default.) At 5th level they also gain a bonus skill feat.

Characters with ties to schools also have additional options for their starting consumables. Characters may choose consumables based on their level or any lower level. Field Commissioned agents do not receive any starting consumables, but receive additional downtime instead.

Bonus Lores, Skill Feats, and Alternate Consumables

Spells Bonus Lore and Skill Feat
Bonus Lore (1st lvl)
(Choose one)
Bonus Feat (5th lvl)
(Choose one)
Herbalism, or
Pathfinder Society
Arcane Sense (CRB 258),
Assurance (CRB 258),
Quick Identification (CRB 264), or
Recognize Spell (CRB 265)

CRB = Pathfinder Core Rulebook

Scrolls Bonus Lore and Skill Feat
Bonus Lore (1st lvl)
(Choose one)
Bonus Feat (5th lvl)
(Choose one)
Pathfinder Society, or
Assurance (CRB 258),
Automatic Knowledge (CRB 258),
Multilingual (CRB 264), or
Streetwise (CRB 267)

CRB = Pathfinder Core Rulebook

Swords Bonus Lore and Skill Feat
Bonus Lore (1st lvl)
(Choose one)
Bonus Feat (5th lvl)
(Choose one)
Pathfinder Society,
Scouting, or
Cat Fall (CRB 259),
Armor Assist (APG* 203),
Forager (CRB 261), or
Hefty Hauler (CRB 262)

CRB = Pathfinder Core Rulebook
APG* = Advanced Player's Guide
* This source is not included in the Core Assumption. You must own this book to select this option.

Generalist Bonus Lore and Skill Feat
Bonus Lore (1st lvl)
(Choose one)
Bonus Feat (5th lvl)
(Choose one)
Pathfinder Society, or
Battle Medicine (CRB 258),
Courtly Graces (CRB 260),
Multilingual (CRB 264), or
Recognize Spell (CRB 265)

CRB = Pathfinder Core Rulebook
APG* = Advanced Player's Guide
* This source is not included in the Core Assumption. You must own this book to select this option.

Field Commission Bonus Lore and Skill Feat
Bonus Lore (1st lvl)
(Choose one)
Bonus Feat (5th lvl)
(Choose one)
Mercantile, or
Experienced Professional (CRB 261),
Unmistakable Lore (CRB 268),
Bargain Hunter (CRB 258), or
Experienced Smuggler (CRB 261)

CRB = Pathfinder Core Rulebook

Field Commission Downtime

Field Commission agents gain 3 days of down time per XP earned in an adventure instead of 2. If using Slow Track, total all the days of Downtime awarded by the adventure, and then divide by 2 (rounding down if there are fractions).

Playtest Points

Playtest Points (playtest adventures): During the playtest period for the Pathfinder Second Edition core rules, players and GMs did not earn Chronicles when playing the playtest adventures. Instead, each participant earned a number of Playtest Points, which can now be redeemed on your Organized Play account at Paizo. These rewards include Limited-Use boons, the ability to start a character at 2nd or 3rd level to reflect the time spent playing the game, and other minor benefits.

Fame and Faction Boons

Starting in season 2, Adventures no longer give Fame. The Faction boon system was replaced by the Achievement Point System. It is no longer possible to earn *or* spend fame. All purchases must have been made by 1/30/2021, and must be recorded on a chronicle. Boons that have an ongoing effect are listed below.

Faction Boon Errata

Some boons have changed. The boons on this page have been updated to reflect the changes. For ease of reference, the changes are listed below.

  • Alliance Champion boons no longer do anything and have ceased to exist.
  • All characters gain the effect of the Home Region boon for free at character creation. As such, the boon no longer serves any function.
  • Promotional boons are replaced with the current Promotional Boons

Heroic Resurgence

Replace: “Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +1 status bonus to attack rolls, and you also gain a circumstance bonus to your damage rolls, Perception checks, skill checks, and saving throws equal to the noted value (maximum +2 for Reputation tier 3, or +3 for Reputation tier 4).”
With: “Until the end of your next turn, you gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Perception checks, skill checks, and saving throws.”

Crafter’s Workshop

Replace: “When you Craft during Downtime, you do not need to spend 4 days at work before attempting a Crafting check.”
With: “You only need to spend 1 day of downtime before attempting your skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.”
And Remove: “ However, your fellow faction members expect your assistance in return. After slotting this boon to reduce the time needed to Craft an item, you must keep it slotted until you have finished crafting that item.”

Hireling Boons

Replace: “The hireling’s result cannot be modified by class abilities or spells, but it can be improved by a successful Aid check. ”
With: “The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling.”

Replace: The hireling does not participate directly in combat
With: You cannot use the hirelings skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect combat.

Replace: “Special You can purchase this boon multiple times.”
With: “Special You can purchase this boon multiple times, but may only benefit from one hireling boon on any given adventure”

Faction Reputation

The original Faction Reputation has been replaced by the current system, detailed in Player Rewards. However, the boons below reference the original Faction Reputation and use that chart to determine their effect.

Table: Faction Reputation Tiers
Reputation Tier Reputation
0 0
1 10
2 30
3 50
4 90

All Faction Boons

Special Note: To calculate your current Reputation Tier for the purpose of purchasing rewards listed in the table below, add up your Reputation from all factions and reference that table.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Hireling 0 Ally Hire a skillful ally
Multicultural Training 0 - Gain access to options from a second culture
Secondary Initiation 0 - Gain access to options from an organization
Wayfinder 0 Item Gain a free wayfinder
Expert Hireling 2 - Improve your hireling’s proficiencies
Bequeathal 3 Service Transfer a reward to another character
Professional Hireling 3 - Broaden your hireling’s skill set
Untarnished Reputation 3 - Reduce infamy at a discount, once.
Master Hireling 4 - Further improve your hireling’s proficiencies

Envoys’ Alliance Boons

The following is a list of purchasable rewards offered by the Envoys’ Alliance faction.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Skillful Mentor 1 Mentor Help low-level PCs at your table
Society Recruiter 1 - Earn credit with the Alliance by bringing new agents.
Eager Protégé 2 Ally Gain an ally and grant XP to another character
Crafter’s Workshop 2 Downtime Allies help you craft efficiently
Harmonic Wayfinder 2 Item Upgrade your wayfinder to allow you to better help your allies
Bring Them Back Alive 3 Social Reduce the cost of returning to life
Heroic Inspiration 3 Heroic Inspire allies when spending hero points to reroll
Exemplary Recruiter 4 Gain an experienced successor

Grand Archive Boons

The following is a list of purchasable rewards offered by the Grand Archive faction.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Academic Conference 1 - Earn credit with the Archive by attending prestigious events.
Magical Mentor 1 Mentor Help low-level PCs at your table
Off-Hours Study 1 Downtime Gain additional lores or languages
Esoteric Wayfinder 2 Item You have upgraded your wayfinder to warn you when you misremember facts.
Translator 2 Ally You have a helpful translator.
Heroic Recall 3 Heroic Recall information when you spend hero points for rerolls
Unparalleled Scholarship* 4 - Gain a well connected successor

Horizon Hunters Boons

The following is a list of purchasable rewards offered by the Horizon Hunters faction.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Consummate Dabbler 1 - Earn credit with the hunters by exploring other systems
Rugged Mentor 1 Mentor Help low-level PCs at your table
Storied Talent 2 Social Find better jobs when earning income
Rugged Wayfinder 2 Item Upgrade your wayfinder to keep you going past your limits.
Heroic Hustle 3 Heroic Gain extra movement when spending hero points
Exotic Edge 3 - Use knowledge earned exploring to give you a bonus
World Traveler 4 - Gain a well traveled successor

Radiant Oath Boons

The following is a list of purchasable rewards offered by the Radiant Oath faction.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Charitable Adventure 1 - Earn credit with the Oath when your adventure is in aid of those in need.
Protective Mentor 1 Mentor Help low-level PCs at your table
Practiced Medic 1 Downtime Practice your healing skills between missions to gain an insight while treating your companions wounds.
Heroic Intervention 3 Heroic Grant healing to allies when you spend hero points

Verdant Wheel Boons

The following is a list of purchasable rewards offered by the Verdant Wheel faction.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Beginnings and Endings 1 - Earn credit with the Wheel by helping before or after an adventure
Naturalist 1 Downtime Get help from the Wheel to craft alchemical items and potions faster
Worldly Mentor 1 Mentor Help low-level PCs at your table
Leshy Companion 2 Ally Gain a Leshy Companion
Heroic Resurgence 3 Heroic Gain bonuses when using hero points to return from the edge of death
Preserve 3 Property You own a nature preserve

Vigilant Seal Boons

The following is a list of purchasable rewards offered by the Vigilant Seal faction.

Name Tier Trait(s) Description
Leader by Example 1 - Earn credit with the Seal by helping others experience adventure
Adversary Lore 1 - Research common adversaries between adventures.
Resist Corruption 1 - You and adjacent allies resist evil damage
Combat Mentor 1 Mentor Help low-level PCs at your table
Curse Breaker 2 Downtime Gain an item at a discount by using your skills to remove a curse from an item from the Seal’s vaults
Adamant Wayfinder 2 Item Upgrade your wayfinder to absorb energy targeting you
Heroic Defiance 3 Heroic Wake immediately when spending hero points to return from dying
Vault Delver 4 - Gain a well equipped successor

Faction Boon List

The following section details the boons that PCs can purchase with Fame.

Adversary Lore:

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 1

It doesn’t matter how powerful your weapons are if you don’t know where to strike. Before an adventure, you take time to study a certain category of creatures, making it easier to recall their capabilities later. When you purchase this boon, either select one creature type from List 1 below, or choose two creature types from List 2. While this boon is slotted, you have a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures of the selected type(s). If your Reputation Tier for the Vigilant Seal faction is 4, this bonus increases to +2.

List 1: aberration, animal, beast, construct, dragon, elemental, fiend, undead.
List 2: astral, celestial, ethereal, fey, fungus, giant, monitor, ooze, plant.

Academic Conference:

Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 1

Prestigious institutions across Golarion periodically host conferences where eminent scholars can present their discoveries, and you enhance your own profile when attending these events. When you play or GM an adventure at a Paizo Organized Play event designated as Premium or Premium Plus, you earn 2 additional Reputation with the Grand Archive faction.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Grand Archive faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier.

Beginnings and Endings:

Prerequisites: Verdant Wheel Tier 1

Serve as the event organizer or headquarters volunteer for an event that includes Pathfinder Society adventures or assist these volunteers in setting up or cleaning up after such an event. When you do so, you earn 2 additional Reputation with the Verdant Wheel faction on the next scenario you play.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Verdant Wheel faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your next Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. You can only earn additional Reputation with this boon for one character per adventure you run, even if you have multiple characters who could benefit from this boon.


Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 3

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use, yet one of their colleagues would benefit. When you acquire this boon, select one uncommon, rare, or unique character option to which you’ve gained Access through an adventure’s Chronicle sheet (e.g., a boon that allows you to acquire a Special animal companion or purchase a Special magic item). Choose another of your characters. That character gains Access to that Special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Tier 5–8). On the Chronicle sheet, write “Bequeathed” and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have Access to that option (and must sell it back if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you bequeath a different character option.

Bring Them Back Alive

Prerequisites: Envoys’ Alliance Tier 3

You are able to leverage your connections within the Society to raise funds for your allies’ resurrection, ensuring that everyone lives to see another adventure. You and your allies treat your effective character levels as 1 lower for the purpose of the raise dead spell and the resurrection ritual. This applies to both the level of the spell or ritual required, as well as to calculating the Cost of the diamonds necessary to cast the spell or perform the ritual.

Charitable Adventure

Prerequisites: Radiant Oath Tier 1

Although the Society focuses on exploration and discovery, the Pathfinders’ exploits also earn them a considerable income—a portion of which you donate to those in need. When you play or GM an adventure at a charity event registered with the Organized Play Foundation, you earn 2 additional Reputation with the Radiant Oath faction.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Radiant Oath faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier.

Consummate Dabbler

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 1

It’s not enough to simply see the world; you’re driven to experience local cultures’ unfamiliar customs, too. When you play a Pathfinder Adventure Card Society scenario or a Starfinder Society scenario, you earn 2 additional Reputation with the Horizon Hunters faction on the next scenario you play.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Horizon Hunters faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. You can only earn additional Reputation with this boon for one character per scenario played, even if you have multiple characters who could benefit from this boon.

Crafter’s Workshop

Prerequisites: Envoy’s Alliance Tier 2
Your friends in the Envoy’s Alliance share crafting materials and collaborate to create new items more efficiently. You only need to spend 1 day of downtime before attempting your skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

Curse Breaker

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 2

You have been entrusted with an accursed item from the Society’s vaults, and you can spend your time in the Grand Lodge patiently unraveling its malign influence. When you acquire this boon choose a permanent magic item of your level or lower to which you have Access. While you have this boon slotted, you can spend Downtime erasing the item’s stubborn curse. This uses the same rules as you would to Craft the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion in place of Crafting (such as to determine the progress you make and the maximum item level you can work on). Second, your faction provides you the necessary tools and workspace to perform this operation. Third, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost. You must keep this boon slotted until you finish uncursing the item.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you do so, you select a different item.

Eager Protégé

ally, limited-use
Prerequisites: Envoys’ Alliance Tier 2

A promising recruit, initiate, or recently confirmed field agent accompanies you while you have this boon slotted. This disciple observes your adventuring exploits and occasionally contributes directly; once per adventure before you attempt a skill check or attack roll, the ally successfully Aids you, granting you a +1 circumstance bonus to the triggering check.

Tally the amount of XP you earn while this boon is slotted. Once you have tallied 60 or more XP in this way, you can encourage your protégé to set off on their own on new adventures. When this happens, you can no longer slot this boon; however, you can expend the boon when creating a new character to begin the character at 2nd level with 12 XP, 30 gp, and 12 Reputation to distribute among any number of legal factions. Once expended in this way, this boon provides no other benefits.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times, but you can only tally XP credit toward one such ally at a time.

Exotic Edge

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 3

By traveling so widely, you have developed an intuitive talent for using esoteric techniques. Once per adventure, you can activate this boon as a free action to apply these techniques, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to either all of your attack rolls or all of your skill checks for 1 round.

Heroic Defiance

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 3

When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you can choose to immediately wake up with 1 Hit Point.

Normal: When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you stabilize with 0 Hit Points, but you do not wake up until your Hit Points rise above 0.

Heroic Hustle

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 3

In moments of true heroism, you can always move to where the action is. When you spend a Hero Point to reroll a check, you also gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your next turn. When you spend a Hero Point to avoid death, you can also Stand as a free action when you become conscious.

Heroic Inspiration

Prerequisites Envoys’ Alliance Tier 3

Your most momentous actions can inspire your allies to follow suit. When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check and succeed at the check, your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks of the same type for 1 round (such as attack rolls, Will saves, or Perception checks).

Heroic Intervention

Prerequisites Radiant Oath Tier 3

Your heroic moments grant others the will to keep fighting. When you spend a Hero Point, you and any allies within 30 feet who can see you regain 3d6 Hit Points (4d6 if your Radiant Oath reputation tier is 4). This healing also affects dying allies, even if they cannot see you due to being unconscious.

Heroic Recall (Reaction)

Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 3

Trigger: You spend a Hero Point to reroll a check Desperate moments call for keen insight. You can Recall Knowledge as a free action, rolling the skill check twice and using the better result. This is a fortune effect.

Heroic Resurgence

Prerequisites: Verdant Wheel Tier 3
(Parts of this boon may not work as expected under the rules)

As Verdant Wheel balances the cycles of life and death, you are able to dance between existence and oblivion in stressful moments. When you spend your Hero Points to avert death, you gain a +2 status bonus to attack rolls, damage rolls, Perception checks, skill checks, and saving throws until the end of your next turn.


Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0

You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb).

The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling.

You cannot use the hirelings skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect combat, and cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks.

When you purchase this boon, you select one skill as well as one Lore skill. The hireling can perform only these skills checks.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times, but may only benefit from one hireling boon on any given adventure. Each time you purchase this boon, you can choose a different set of skills.

Hireling, Expert

Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 2, Hireling boon

When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to expert, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 4 + your level.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Hireling, Professional

Prerequisites All Factions Tier 3, Expert Hireling

When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally adds a second Lore skill to the list of skill checks they can attempt. In addition, select one skill feat whose prerequisite is being trained in one of the hireling’s selected skills. The hireling gains the benefits of that skill feat when attempting skill checks.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Hireling, Master

Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 4, Expert Hireling
When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess that’s already been modified by the Expert Hireling boon. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to master, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 6 + your level.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Home Region

Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0

Whether it’s because you grew up there or have since learned to call it home, one nation is especially familiar to you. Choose one nation (such as Varisia or Taldor) when you purchase this boon. For the purpose of fulfilling Prerequisites and Access conditions for uncommon character options, you are treated as being from that nation as well as the larger region in which it’s found (such as the Saga Lands for Varisia or the Shining Kingdoms for Taldor).

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times, but each time you purchase it, you lose your previous home region in order to become so familiar with a new one. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed being from the previous home region as a prerequisite, and any options to which you would no longer have Access.

Achievement Points: The World Traveler boon, accessible with Achievement Points , grants similar Access to an entire region, providing an additional avenue to access region- and nation-based options.

Leader by Example

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 1

Pathfinders don’t always find adventure on their own; they often need someone to lead them to where the danger lies. As their guide on perilous treks, your renown grows. When you GM an adventure that grants at least 4 XP, you earn 2 additional Fame and Reputation with the Vigilant Seal faction. You can qualify for the benefit when you run multiple adventures that grant fewer XP so long as the total XP at least equals 4.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Vigilant Seal faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. You can only earn additional Fame and Reputation with this boon for one character per adventure you run, even if you have multiple characters who could benefit from this boon.

Leshy Companion

Prerequisites: Verdant Wheel Tier 2

You can select the Leshy Familiar feat as a 2nd level class feat, even if you are not a druid. You can ignore the prerequisite of belonging to the leaf order.

Mentor, Combat

mentor, social
Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 1

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide pointers and lead drills that ensure your newer colleagues’ attacks strike true. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to attack rolls and spell attack rolls to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s attack roll and spell attack roll modifiers by 1.

Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Mentor, Magical

mentor, social
Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 1

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide key spellcasting insights that augment your colleagues’ magic. Any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours can prepare one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot or cast one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot. When casting spells of a magical tradition that is the same as the tradition you use for spellcasting, the affected PC also increases the Level Bump’s modifier to spell DCs to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s spell DCs by 1, and it does not grant any additional spells prepared or spell slots.

Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Mentor, Protective

mentor, social
Prerequisites: Radiant Oath Tier 1

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you shield your more fragile wards from the threat of death. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase their current and maximum Hit Points by an additional amount equal to 3 times your Radiant Oath reputation tier.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Hit Points by 10% or 10, whichever is higher.

Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Mentor, Rugged

mentor, social
Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 1

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide important insights that keep your less experienced colleagues safe from harm. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to saving throws to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s saving throw modifiers by 1.

Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Mentor, Skillful

mentor, social
Prerequisites: Envoys’ Alliance Tier 1

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide vital advice to sharpen your newer colleagues’ skills. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to skill checks to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s skill check modifiers by 1.

Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Mentor, Worldly

mentor, social
Prerequisites: Verdant Wheel Tier 1

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you help your less experienced colleagues recognize danger and withstand danger. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to Perception checks and Initiative rolls to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Perception modifier by 1.

Special A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Meticulous Appraisal

Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 2

Even when your careful searching doesn’t uncover all of a site’s valuables, you’re able to appraise, repair, and certify what you did recover to maximize their value. You can purchase this boon at the end of a scenario when you and your allies recovered 9 or fewer of the adventure’s Treasure Bundles. Increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1 for the purpose of calculating the group’s gold piece rewards. For each addition 2 points of Fame you spend when purchasing this boon, you increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1.

The total number of additional Treasure Bundles provided by this boon cannot exceed the number of Treasure Bundles the group actually recovered, nor can this boon increase the number of Treasure Bundles beyond the scenario’s maximum.

Multicultural Training

slotless, social
Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0

You consider yourself a member of multiple cultures—whether by birth, upbringing, or long-term exposure—and you have learned to blend several of the cultures’ styles into your training as an adventurer. Choose an additional ethnicity, such as Varisian or Garundi. In addition to the ethnicity you selected at character creation, you are also treated as a member of this additional ethnicity for the purpose of fulfilling Prerequisites and Access conditions.

Normal: When creating a character, you can choose one ethnicity to can serve as a prerequisite and Access condition for character options. This affects only the character options you can select, not your character’s story or identity.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. The second time you purchase it, the Cost increases to 12 Fame, and subsequent purchases Cost 20 Fame each.


Prerequisites: Verdant Wheel Tier 1

When you acquire this boon choose an alchemical item or potion of your level or lower to which you have Access. While you have this boon slotted, you can spend Downtime to search for rare herbs and ingredients in order to craft up to a full batch of this item (typically 4). This uses the same rules as you would to Craft the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Nature, Survival, or Herbalism Lore in place of Crafting (such as to determine the progress you make and the maximum item level you can work on). Second, your faction provides you the necessary tools and workspace to perform this operation. Third, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective Cost. You must keep this boon slotted until you finish crafting the items.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you do so, you select a different item.

Off-Hours Study

Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 1

You spend your free time studying learning new trivia or practicing unfamiliar languages. When you acquire this boon, choose a common language you don’t know or a Lore skill in which you are untrained. While you have this boon slotted, you can spend Downtime practicing the selected language or skill. Once you have expended 50 days of Downtime in this way, you learn the chosen language or become trained in the chosen Lore skill. This boon is then expended and grants no further benefit.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you do so, you select a different language or Lore skill.

Practiced Medic

Prerequisites: Radiant Oath Tier 1

By spending your off hours administering medical aid to those in need, you have developed extraordinary first aid instincts. While you have this boon slotted, you can spend Downtime to provide medical services to others. Once you have expended 8 days of Downtime in this way, this boon becomes slotless, and you can expend the boon as a free action before attempting a Medicine check to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds. You improve your check’s degree of success by one step (such as if you roll a failure, you get a success instead); the boon is not expended if your original roll is a critical success. Once you expend this boon, it provides no other benefit.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times, though you cannot expend more than one copy of this boon per adventure.


Prerequisites: Verdant Wheel Tier 3

You have claimed a small plot where you can grow, study, or experiment with a wide variety of animals, fungi, and plants, providing you a wealth of healthful reagents. You can purchase antidotes, antiplagues, barkskin potions, elixirs of life, healing potions, potions of flying, and potions of leaping at a 10% discount.

Promotional Accessory

Prerequisites: Player is wearing or carrying an accessory that promotes Pathfinder Society

Up to twice per adventure, you can spend an action to reduce the severity of your frightened or stupefied condition by 1.
Special A PC can only slot one promotional boon at a time.

Promotional Service Award

Prerequisites: Have a campaign coin

Volunteers who make exceptional contributions to Organized Play can earn campaign coins as a recognition of their hard work. If you have a campaign coin, you gain a bonus Hero Point at the beginning of every adventure. In addition to the normal powers of a Hero Point, you can spend this Special Hero Point to allow another player to reroll a check.

Special A PC can only slot one promotional boon at a time.

Promotional Vestments

Prerequisites: Player is wearing clothing that promotes Pathfinder Society, such as a volunteer shirt, a shirt for a Pathfinder Lodge, or Pathfinder-themed cosplay

When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check, add a +1 circumstance bonus to the reroll.

Special A PC can only slot one promotional boon at a time.

Resist Corruption

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 1

No matter whether you’re a shining beacon of good or a jaded pragmatist with a mission, you must be prepared to shield yourself and your allies against unholy energy. While this boon is slotted, you and any adjacent allies gain resistance to evil damage equal to your Reputation Tier with the Vigilant Seal faction.

Resurrection Plan

Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0

The Pathfinder Society is invested in keeping its most successful agents in the field. You can purchase a resurrection ritual for 25 Fame. If you are in a rush to return to life and cannot wait the day for this ritual to be conducted, you can instead purchase a casting of the raise dead spell for 50 Fame.

Special This reward can be purchased multiple times, as it strictly represents the ability to secure the listed services.

Secondary Initiation

slotless, social
Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0

Your contacts have introduced you to an influential member of another organization, allowing you to join that group or train in some of their techniques. Select an organization other than the Pathfinder Society. For the purpose of fulfilling Prerequisites and
Access conditions, you are treated as being a member of that group in addition to your belonging to the Pathfinder Society.

Special You can purchase this boon multiple times, but each time you purchase it, you relinquish your membership in the previous group in order to join a different group. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed membership in your previous group as a prerequisite.

Sellback Plan

Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 1

You can return previously purchased boons whose Fame Cost is less than or equal to 2 times your Reputation Tier for All Factions so long as the boon is does not have the faction, limited-use, or service traits. You immediately gain an amount of Fame equal to the total Fame Cost of the returned boon minus 1.

Society Recruiter:

Prerequisites: Envoys’ Alliance Tier 1

The Envoys’ Alliance celebrates your efforts to recruit new talent. If you bring a new player to a table—a player without a Pathfinder Society character or someone playing their first Pathfinder Society session—you earn 2 additional Reputation with the Envoys’ Alliance faction.

Special You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Envoys’ Alliance faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. The player you introduce to Pathfinder Society does not have to play at the same table as you (though being at the same table often improves their experience).

Storied Talent

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 2

Word of your skill and expertise is spreading, and you find that increasingly prestigious clients are prepared to pay for your services. When using Downtime to Earn Income, you can choose to attempt a task of your level.

Normal: When Earning Income, a PC can attempt a task of their level –2 or lower.

Swift Traveler

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 2

No matter how far afield you travel, it seems there’s always a fellow explorer ready to help you return home in record time and enjoy a few extra days to recuperate. You can purchase this boon at the end of an adventure that granted at least 4 XP while the GM is filling out Chronicle sheets. When you do so, you gain an additional 4 days of Downtime.


Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 2

You have recruited a capable linguist who accompanies you on your adventures. This ally speaks, reads, and understands Common as well as two additional languages of common rarity chosen when this boon is purchased. The ally can quickly translate any of these languages for your benefit, effectively allowing you to communicate in the additional two languages without difficulty. However, you are not treated as knowing those languages for the purpose of using spells with the linguistic trait.

Untarnished Reputation

Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 3

When you purchase this boon, you remove one point of Infamy that you have accrued.

Normal: Removing Infamy typically costs 12 Fame per point.

Special You can purchase this boon only once, even if you qualify for it from multiple factions.


Prerequisites: All Factions Tier 0

To guide your path, your faction has secured a wayfinder (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 617) for you to carry on your journeys and serve as a badge of office in the Pathfinder Society. This wayfinder has an effective sale price of 0 gp.

Wayfinder, Adamant

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 2, you have a wayfinder

You have specially reinforced your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to absorb harmful energies. When you slot this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special reaction ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession. You gain the following reaction.

Resist Harm (reaction); Trigger You would take damage; Effect You gain resistance to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, and sonic damage equal to 1 plus your reputation tier against one attack, spell, or effect. This applies only to the initial effect, not to any subsequent attacks or damage dealt by the effect (such as persistent damage or an ongoing hazard).

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Wayfinder, Esoteric

Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 2, you have a wayfinder

You have modified your wayfinder to focus your mental energy, driving more reliable insights. When you slot this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

You can activate this ability as a free action before you Recall Knowledge. If you roll a critical failure on the Recall Knowledge check, you instead get a failure.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Wayfinder, Harmonic

Prerequisites: Envoys’ Alliance Tier 2, you have a wayfinder

You have modified your wayfinder to resonate with your allies’ actions, allowing you to better help them in times of need. When you slot this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

You can activate this ability as a free action before you Aid an ally. If you roll a success on the check to Aid, you instead get a critical success.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Wayfinder, Rugged

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 2, you have a wayfinder

You have modified your wayfinder to absorb a small amount of your exhaustion, allowing you to continue exploring unhindered. When you slot this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a Special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

As an action, you can reduce the severity of your clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition, reducing that condition’s value by 1.
You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Capstone Boons
Exemplary Recruiter

Prerequisites: Envoys’ Alliance Tier 4

You have met, interviewed, and mentored numerous promising recruits, yet it is thanks to your persuasive overtures and keen eye that you identified and recruited an especially accomplished agent. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Pathfinder Society characters with 0 XP. That character gains 12 XP, 12 Fame, 30 gp, and 12 Reputation to distribute among any number of legal factions.

Special You can apply this benefit to the same character to whom you applied the Eager Protégé benefit, so long as that PC still has 12 XP. If you do so, you instead increase that character’s XP by 12 (to 24 total), award them an additional 12 Reputation to distribute between one or more factions, and grant them an additional 45 gp (for a total of 75 gp).

Unparalleled Scholarship

Prerequisites: Grand Archive Tier 4

Through a combination of your own research and the access to rare resources through the Grand Archive, you have identified an exceptional research opportunity—one that you can’t decipher on your own. You have recruited a promising new agent to help research and publish your findings, which gives your assistant an extraordinary edge in their training.
When you purchase this boon, select one of your Pathfinder Society characters with 12 or fewer XP who is not a field commissioned agent. That character gains one additional point to assign to their school training, for a total of 4 points.

Vault Delver

Prerequisites: Vigilant Seal Tier 4

Your mastery of the contents of the Pathfinder vaults has helped you locate unusual items, which you can pass along to one of your assistants as a reward for their aid. Pick one uncommon item that your character has access to and select 1 of your Pathfinder Society characters with 12 or fewer XP. That character gains Access to that item as if it appeared on their Chronicle sheet.

World Traveler

Prerequisites: Horizon Hunters Tier 4

Your journeys have taken you far, and Pathfinders who follow in your footsteps benefit from your breadth of experience. Select 1 of your Pathfinder Society characters with 12 or fewer XP. That character can simultaneously benefit from two copies of the Home Region boon.

Event Organizer Basics

An Event Organizer is someone who organizes Paizo Organized Play events, regardless of the size. You can be both a Game Master (GM) and an Event Organizer at an event.

Who Can be an Event Organizer

An Event Organizer can be any Venture-Officer (VO) or GM. Depending on the event, the Event Organizer might be a table GM (as at a home or store game), a Venture-Captain (as at major conventions), or others.

Your Duties as an Event Organizer

As an Event Organizer, you have the following duties:

  • Communicate with your local Venture-Officer network.
  • Schedule games and communicate about the event with prospective players.
  • Organize GMs and register players.
  • Provide a welcoming environment for players.
  • Arrange for player tools to be present.
  • Ensure reporting is complete for all games.

How to Create an Event

When an event is ready to be created, whether for a convention or a home game, log into paizo.com and navigate to 'Organized Play' under 'My Account.' Click 'Create an Event' or the 'GM/Event Coordinator' tab.

Midway down the page, click the 'Create Your Event' button. Click edit next to the 'Description,' 'Details,' 'Player Requirements,' 'Location,' and 'Schedule' to fill out the information about your event. Please try to include as much specific information as you can about your event. To include additional reporters, enter the person's Paizo Organized Play ID in the Delegated Reporters section.

Once completed, make sure to click the 'Save Changes' button.

Converting Early Scenarios

Special Adjustments for Scenarios 1-00 through 1-11 and Quests 1, 2, and 5

Some early scenarios need some adjustment to update them to the final draft of the Challenge Point (CP) system.

Scenarios designed for “Number of Players”

Scenarios 1-00, 1-01, 1-02, 1-03, 1-05, Q1, and Q2 use a “number of players” adjustment, instead of the CP system. If you are playing one of the following Scenarios, calculate the CP and determine the level range as normal, then, consult the appropriate table below to determine which adjustment to use.

Table: Lower Level Range Adjustments
Total Points Adjustment
8-9 No adjustment
10-11 5-player adjustment
12-13* 6-player adjustment OR 1 Level Bump
14-15 5-player adjustment AND 1 Level Bump
16-18 6-player adjustment AND 1 Level Bump

Table: Higher Level Range Adjustments
Total Points Adjustment
16-18 No adjustment
19-22 5-player adjustment
23-27* 6-player adjustment OR 1 Level Bump
28-32 5-player adjustment AND 1 Level Bump
33-42 6-player adjustment AND 1 Level Bump

* Challenge Point totals of 12–13 and 23–27 allow the GM to make a choice between two options that provide a similar degree of challenge. However, each Scenario varies slightly in the differences between these two options, and the GM is encouraged to select the option they predict will be a more fun and fair challenge for the group. (Parties often prefer options that give the PCs more monsters to fight.) You can pick between the options individually for each encounter.

Scenarios Missing a CP 16-18 adjustment for Lower Level Range

Some early Scenarios have no scaling option for lower level range party with a CP of 16-18. If you are GMing a table of one of the following Scenarios and the party of 5 or more has a CP of 16-18 use the CP 12 adjustment, and apply a Level Bump to the scenario.

  • Q5 The Dragon Who Stole Evoking Day
  • #1-04 Bandits of Immenwood
  • #1-06 Lost on the Road Spirit
  • #1-07 Flooded King’s Court
  • #1-08 Revolution on the Riverside
  • #1-09 Star-Crossed Voyages
  • #1-10 Tarnbreaker’s Trail
  • #1-11 Flames of Rebellion

Level Bump for Adventures

Scenarios and Quests are designed to challenge PCs whose average level is the lower of the two levels in a given level range (i.e., Level Range 1–2 is built to challenge 1st-level PCs, and Level Range 3–4 is built to challenge 3rd-level PCs). Normally, when the Challenge Point total determines that the group’s overall power is equivalent to the higher level in a Level Range (e.g. 2nd level in Level Range 1–2), the scenario’s scaling will adjust for this.

However, sometimes it is necessary to add a Level Bump, such as when the Scenario’s scaling is based on the number of players, or if the Scenario lacks a low tier 16-18 scaling.

Applying a Level Bump is a simple calculation:

  • Increase every DC listed in the Scenario by 1.
  • Increase the attack modifiers, attack damage, spell damage, saving throw modifiers, skill modifiers, Perception modifiers, and ACs of all enemy creatures by 1.
  • Increase the Hit Point totals of all enemy creatures by 10 or by 10%, whichever is higher.

These straightforward adjustments make the adventure slightly more challenging for higher-level groups, though the adjustments cannot account for the more powerful abilities and spells that higher-level foes would likely have.

Change Log

Version 6

6.00 -> 6.01 - 10 September 2024

5.14 -> 6.00 - 30 July 2024

  • Restructured entire Guide

Version 5

5.13 -> 5.14 - 4 June 2024

  • Pathfinder Provisions: Clarified that players receive a single item from the list

5.12 -> 5.13 - 24 May 2024

  • Character Creation: Added Poppets to the list of ancestries all characters can access

5.11 -> 5.12 - 30 April 2024

  • Introduction
    • Added link to RVCs/regions list
    • Removed links to Player Core and GM Core subsections of Character Options page

  • Player Basics: Clarified you can select Pathfinder Provisions at or below the PC's level

  • Character Creation: Remaster: Updated nephilim/changeling language list to Remastered language names

  • Playtest Rules
    • Added Battlecry! playtest
    • Reformatted earlier playtests

5.10 -> 5.11 - 29 April 2024

  • Community Standards and Expectations: Revised rule changes rules
    • Revised rule now based on date effective (not date announced)
    • Replaced "game event" language with clarification these rules apply to a stand-alone game and to all games at a convention as long as the game or convention begins before the effective date of the change

  • Player Basics
    • Revised pawn rules
      • Specified that familiars do not count toward the pawn limit
      • Re-formatted into a list of creatures that do not count toward the pawn limit
    • Added recently announced rulings on deity deaths (no spoilers)

  • Character Creation
    • Corrected nephilim and changeling to be uncommon (as published)
    • Restored rule that nephilim and changeling PCs also gain Access to +1 language (which had been on their versatile heritage Access Boon, which is no longer available or necessary)
    • Added reminder of new deity death rulings with link to full rules

  • Player Rewards: Updated Achievement Points section with current values

  • GM Rewards
    • Added explanation of GM table credits
    • Changed from "GM credits" to "GM table credits" or "table credits" throughout

5.09 -> 5.10 - 28 February 2024

  • Remaster rules page
    • Added anarchic and axiomatic weapon property runes to the Withdrawn Items list
    • Clarified Removal of Pathfinder Training to indicate PCs who retain the bonus lore from their Pathfinder Training do not gain an additional free training in PFS Lore due to the release of the Remaster (but do gain such free training if later rebuilt under Remaster rules)
    • Condensed January 2024 changes on Page History

  • Player Basics
    • Specified resource ownership rules apply regardless the source of Access
    • Specified adventure Chronicles give item Access
    • Specified only permanent curses require a PC to be marked dead (not all curses)

  • Characters With Disabilities
    • Remaster: Updated page with revised item names & citations to Player Core
    • Specified that PCs who are blind or deaf from birth (or similar) do not have the blinded or deafened condition, respectively

  • Spellcasting Service Costs
    • Remaster: Updated page for Remastered spells. Some minor changes due to Remastered spells working slightly differently, but costs and mechanics largely unchanged.
    • Remaster: Specified that counteract checks in purchased spell castings automatically succeed

  • Player Rewards: Specified retired Boons still function

  • Factions and Reputation: Updated citation to new style, to include GM Core

  • Table Variation and Creative Solutions: Revised text to be more direct (eliminate "should" for clarity)

5.08 -> 5.09 - 30 January 2024

  • Remaster transition page: Added immediate replacement of the 5th-level ancestry critical specialization weapon feats for dwarf, elf, gnome, goblin, halfling, and dromaar (formerly half-orc) characters

  • Player Basics: Clarified Ongoing and Permanent Spells section and added everlight

5.07 -> 5.08 - 18 January 2024

  • Remaster transition page: Added material component pouch from the Core Rulebook to Withdrawn Items

  • Player Basics
    • Revised for consistent use of the term "Chronicle"
    • Remaster: Added note about Withdrawn Items and spell schools
    • Remaster: Added scroll of sound body to levels 3-4 options in Pathfinder Provisions

  • Character Creation:
    • Character Sheets
      • Remaster: Replaced links to legacy PF2 sheets with link to Remastered sheet
      • Replaced other materials/links listed with "see the Paizo Pathfinder page" (Hero Lab, Pathbuilder, legacy PF2 sheets, etc.)
    • Remaster: Added note that changeling and nephilim versatile heritages remain available (extending similar note on orc & leshy)
    • Remaster: Added Character Creation Remastered section. No new rules; adapted from the existing Remaster transition page.

  • Player Rewards
    • Boons
      • Added that players cannot sell Boons
      • Added default rules on how many times players can acquire an individual Boon
    • Boons That Unlock Over Time: Added section

  • Retired Rewards: Remaster: Revised note on Pathfinder Training removal

  • Game Master Basics: Updated text on accessible Chronicles to match existing language in After the Adventure

5.06 -> 5.07 - 19 December 2023

  • Pathfinder 2e Remaster: Remaster: Removed seven spellhearts from the Withdrawn Items list. They are once again available for play.

  • Throughout the Guide
    • Remaster: Updated existing rulebook citations on the following pages:
      • Getting Started: Community Standards and Expectations
      • Players: Player Basics, Character Creation, Characters With Disabilities, Spellcasting Service Costs, Playtest Rules
      • Game Master: Game Master Basics, Table Variation and Creative Solutions
    • Remaster: changed "spell level" to "spell rank" on the following pages:
      • Getting Started: Community Standards and Expectations
      • Players: Player Basics, Spellcasting Service Costs, Player Rewards

  • Player Basics
    • Remaster: Added reminder that character options reprinted in Remaster books with the same name must use the Remastered version and treat it as errata
    • Remaster: changed "counteract level" to "counteract rank"
    • Remaster: changed "negative energy" to "void energy"

  • Character Creation
    • Remaster: replaced references to ability scores etc. with references to attributes etc.
    • Remaster: replaced references to alignment with references to sanctification
    • Remaster: removed leshy and orc from list of uncommon ancestries (and added note to explain); they are now common ancestries in the Player Core
    • Revised Core Sources ownership text & source list to align with and cite the Character Options page

  • Characters With Disabilities
    • Remaster: changed "flat-footed" to "off-target"
    • Remaster: removed references to spell components

5.05 -> 5.06 - 29 November 2023

  • Factions and Reputation
    • Revised introduction text (free wayfinder explanation)
    • Revised "Boons With No Reputation Requirement" table
    • Defined "Pathfinder Society / All Factions" and "Any Faction" for Reputation requirements

  • PFS1 Legacy Backgrounds
    • Remaster: replace "ability boost" with "attribute boost"
    • Remaster: update names of languages and planes

5.04 -> 5.05 - 22 November 2023

  • Pathfinder 2e Remaster: Added Citation Style section

  • Player Basics
    • Highlighted exception (Bargain Hunter) to skills allowed for Downtime Earn Income
    • Capitalized terms

  • Additional Character Options
    • Remaster: Updated Downtime Crafting rules
    • Remaster: Updated citations to include Player Core and GM Core
    • Converted citations to new style
    • Added internal links

  • Factions and Reputation
    • Updated boons tables to include all listed boons
    • Added note that the paizo.com version is official (and text is copied here for convenience)
    • Added list of boon groups and the boons sorted into them
    • Replaced full text of Heroic Intervention boon. (Prior text was mistakenly a copy of Heroic Inspiration text.)
    • Specified Heroic Recall does require spending a Hero Point, as with the other Heroic boons

  • Retired Rewards: Remaster: Moved Pathfinder Schools rules to Retired Rewards for reference for pre-Remaster PCs

5.03 -> 5.04 - 17 November 2023

  • Introduction: Remaster: Added links to Remastered pregens

  • Pathfinder 2e Remaster
    • Remaster: Added section explaining the "further revisions might be needed" symbol
    • Remaster: Specified that pregens do get Pathfinder Provisions

  • Player Basics: Remaster: Specified that pregens do get Pathfinder Provisions

  • Character Creation: Remaster: Removed restriction that half-orcs and half-elves must be half-human. This is replaced by the new versatile heritages aiuvarin (formerly half-elf) and dromaar (formerly half-orc), which can be applied to any ancestry.

  • Additional Character Options: Rephrased Hirelings and Downtime

  • Tagged sections "might still need further revisions" on The World of Golarion, Character Creation, Additional Character Options, Spellcasting Service Costs

5.02 -> 5.03 - 15 November 2023

  • Player Basics: Remaster: Replaced "Starting Consumables" with "Pathfinder Provisions"

  • Character Creation
    • Restored ratfolk and tengu as always available (Step 3) with source ownership.
    • Remaster: Removed PFS Schools training reference (will move to Retired Options or similar)
    • Remaster: Add to Step 7: all PFS PCs get free training in PFS Lore
    • Remaster: Replaced 'Player Characters cannot be evil' with 'Player Characters cannot be sanctified unholy' (Step 10)
    • Edited & re-sorted headings under Step 10

  • Additional Character Options: Remaster: Removed PFS Schools training & consumables

  • Factions and Reputation: Restored active Boons list

5.01 -> 5.02 - 13 November 2023

  • Rebuilt Guide on new site
  • Added Pathfinder Remaster page
  • Added Series 2 Quests rewards info & streamlined Typical Rewards info
  • Removed list of active Boons
  • Campaign Leadership: Removed Linda Zayas-Palmer


  • Campaign Leadership:
    • Removed Tonya Woldridge
    • Corrected missing hyphen in Linda Zayas-Palmer's name
    • Changed Linda Zayas-Palmer's title to Development Manager (Narrative Team)
    • Replaced Mike Kimmel with Josh Foster and Shay Snow as Pathfinder Society Developers

  • Player Basics: Clarified language on formula availability

  • Character Creation: Added sanctioning for Adventure Conversions to other systems

  • Additional Adventures: Added the previous Voluntary Flaw language to Character Creation as an option for PCs

Version 4

4.02 -> 4.03 - 13 October 2022

  • Player Basics: Clarified and expanded rules for PCs requesting Negative Healing options.

4.01 -> 4.02 - 6 October 2022

  • Player Basics
    • Clarified Language regarding Pawns
    • Added rules for using boons to clear conditions
    • Fxed a broken table format
    • Clarified language for Critical Success on Downtime

  • Game Master Basics: Clarified language on issuing Chronicles

  • Additional Adventures: Added rules for running Adventure conversions officially released in other RPG systems in those systems for PF2 credit

  • Event Coordinator: Work begun on event coordinator page

4.00 -> 4.01 - 12 September 2022

  • Welcome to Pathfinder Society:
    • Updated language to make it more new reader friendly
    • Added some additional details on My Organized Play

  • Character Creation
    • Moved text here from the Character Options page to slim down that page
    • Clarified that PFS characters are not limited to the 9 regional languages listed on page 432 of the Core Rulebook

  • Game Master Basics
    • Clarified instructions on issuing Chronicles
    • Clarified that modifying Chronicles for accessibility is allowed and encouraged

3.03 -> 4.00 - 2 August 2022

  • Community Standards and Expectations: Updated the No PVP rules to account for new sources of area effect damage in the Dark Archive.

  • Character Creation: Added additional clarification that first level lore provided by schools replaces the default Bonus Lore provided by membership in the Pathfinder society

  • Additional Character Options
    • Clarified how Slow Speed interacts with Downtime
    • Clarified how Hirelings affect Downtime
    • Clarified that characters can take starting consumables from lower levels if they want to

  • Player Rewards: Updated Promotional boons to match the new boons on the Paizo Perks Web site

  • Factions and Reputation: Added the 6 factions' "Admired" boons

  • Legacy Backgrounds: Added the new Shattered Sanctuaries backgrounds

  • GM Basics
  • Fixed an error in TB table; propagated all rows to lookup style
  • Added instructions for how many XP scenarios give

  • GM Rewards: Updated the 5 Glyph GM requirements to explain the Glyph tag

  • Dealing with the Unexpected: Updated the "Player forced to leave a table early" section to clarify that a player leaving early cannot earn *more* XP than they would have stayed by playing to the end of a scenario.

Version 3

3.02 -> 3.03 - 5 May 2022

  • Community Standards and Expectations
    • Fixed out of date sentence implying that engaging in PvP awards infamy; non-consensual PvP is never allowed
    • Updated Campaign Leadership list
    • Added rules for free retraining / resale due to errata to Feats, Items, and Spells

  • Player Basics: Updated rules regarding how access interacts with Rarity.

  • Additional Adventures
    • Clarified language regarding bounties and downtime.
    • Added reminders regarding Sanctioning Documents and their effects on rules for running adventures.
    • (Sanctioning documents *always* override general rules.) This was added specifically to clarify that the Beginner Box can *only* be run with characters built with beginner box rules.
    • Added permission (and encouragement) for retroactive credit for adventures that were played before they were sanctioned.

  • GM Rewards
    • Clarified language for GM Chronicles
    • Defined "Qualified Evaluator" for 5 glyph games and added the ability for RVCs to authorize additional Qualified Evaluators if needed

3.01 -> 3.02 - 13 January 2022

  • Player Basics: Updated the Spells purchasing guideline per most recent FAQ

  • Character Creation: Modified language access for PCs

3.00 -> 3.01

  • Game Master Basics
    • Updated release schedule description
    • Specified Level Bumps apply to PC companions

  • Additional Adventures
    • Added: When playing an adventure using a PFS character, the Chronicle *must* be assigned to that character
    • Some early adventures have had their rewards revised to bring them better in line with other similar products

  • GM Rewards: Clarified GM Chronicle rewards

2.00 -> 3.00

  • Main Page
    • added Additional Character Options under Players
    • added Additional Adventures under Game Masters

  • Welcome to Pathfinder Society: Added link to Paizo Organized Play forums

  • The World of Golarion: Added image of wayfinder

  • Player Basics
    • Major Changes
      • Relocated rules related to Schools, Advancement speed, and Expanded Downtime. These rules are now optional, and players can choose to engage with them or not engage with them. As such, they are no longer "Basic" rules, and have been moved to Additional Character Options. Characters with no school connection gain Pathfinder Society Lore as a Trained Lore, do not gain a bonus feat at 5th level, and receive only the default healing potion option for starting consumables. Characters who do not specify an advancement speed on sign in use standard advancement speed. Characters not using Expanded Downtime can chose to roll on the relevant table under Downtime and receive that much gold. If they chose not to roll, they receive nothing.
      • Relocated rules related to Factions. These rules are now optional, and players can choose to engage with them or not engage with them. As such, they are no longer "Basic" rules, and all rules relating to Factions and reputation have been moved to the (renamed) Factions and Reputation Appendix (formerly Reputation Boons). Added spells to Purchasing Guidelines.
      • Added spellcasting services for Condition Removal to Purchasing Guidelines and added Spellcasting Services Cost Appendix.
    • Minor Changes
      • Updated "Character Options" references to point to the Character Options Document instead of the blog
      • Moved detailed rules for non society adventures to separate Additional Adventures Appendix
      • Cleaned up language on Faction Scenario Tag and on not reporting replays for no credit (under Legal Table Size)
      • Clarified language on treasure bundles to make clear that 8 treasure bundles is the amount a scenario is expected to grant, the 9th and 10th treasure bundles are earned through luck or exceptional play
      • Clarified language on Permanent Negative effects

  • Character Creation
    • Updated "Character Options" references to point to the Character Options Document instead of the blog
    • Restored Home Region rules that were accidentally dropped
    • Schools Training moved to Additional Character Options

  • Additional Character Options: Page created for various optional character mechanics, including: Pathfinder Training, Advancement Speed, Factions and Reputation, Downtime

  • Reputation Boons: Renamed "Factions and Reputation"

  • Game Master Basics
    • Major Changes
      • Clarified Treasure bundle language to make it clear that 8 Treasure bundles is the expected reward for most scenarios with up to two additional treasure bundles that can be acquired through luck or exceptional play
      • Converted the treasure table chart to reduce the GM's need to do math
    • Minor Changes
      • Moved Downtime to Additional Character Options

  • Additional Adventures: Page created to host rules for running Sanctioned Adventures. Sections include Sanctioned Adventures, Modes of Play, Character Types, Sanctioning Documents

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