Factions offer a variety of rewards accessible based on reputation that PCs can purchase with Achievement Points (AcP). Along with these faction-specific rewards, some rewards are available based on a PC's total reputation across all factions.

For details on Faction Reputation Tiers, see Reputation Tiers

Boon Categories

In the Organized Play Boon Store , Boons are sorted into three categories:

Rewards purchaseble with... Contains
Achievement Points Faction Boons
(including All-Factions)
Chronicle Boons Boons earned by completing certain adventures
(not listed in this Guide)
Game Rewards Zero-Cost Boons

Zero-Cost Boons

Boons that cost 0 AcP but do have Faction Reputation requirements are listed under "Rewards purchaseable with Game Rewards" in the Paizo Boon Store. These Boons include Faction Champion boons, which allow PCs to regain Resolve for succeeding at specified skill checks (which vary by Faction), and a variety of Boons with benefits for out-of-game activities or conditions.

Capstone Boons

Each Faction has access to a unique Reputation Tier 4 boon that grants a truly special benefit. These Capstone Boons are labelled "Capstone Boon" in the list of Achievement Points (AcP) Boons below.

A character can only purchase a single Capstone Boon during their career. A new character receiving the benefits of a capstone boon can only ever benefit from one Capstone Boon (though they can still purchase a Capstone Boon when they qualify). A new character who benefits from a Capstone Boon effects does not have to meet the Capstone Boon's prerequisites.

AcP Boon List

All-Factions Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Finitrium Augmentations 0 Slotless 20 Gain a powerful slotless augmentation
First Ones Scholar 0 Social 20 Gain bonuses to related checks
Hireling Access 1 - Basic 0 Ally 2 Gain ally with basic skill bonus
Marked Starfinder 0 Slotless 2 Gain a free augmentation which can display the Starfinder Society logo
Mnemonic Editor 0 Slotless varies Change previous levels' decisions
Prepared Caster 0 Slotless 40 Use prepared spellcasting
Specialized Resolve 0 Slotless 12 Gain additional ways to use Resolve
Species Admittance 0 Slotless 40 / 80 / 120 Build a PC from a playable species
Spellcasting Service 0 Slotless varies (see below) Buy spellcasting for condition removal
Starfinder Body Recovery 0 Slotless 10 Have your body recovered after dying
Starfinder Society Replay 0 Slotless 40 Gain 1 Replay
Starship Towing 0 Slotless 8 Get your starship towed
System Traveler - Android 0 Slotless 80 Unlock ancestry for a Pathfinder Society PC
Training Montage 0 Slotless 20 Rebuild a PC of level 4 or lower
Training Montage - Extended 0 Slotless 50+ Rebuild a PC of any level
Hireling Access 2 - Amateur 1 Ally 4 Ally improves to minor skill bonus
Hireling Access 3 - Professional 2 Ally 4 Ally improves to major skill bonus
Infamy Reduction 2 Slotless 8+ Reduce a PC's Infamy by 1
Sponsorship 2 Social 4 Gain one additional Promotional Boon slot
Hireling Access 4 - Elite 3 Ally 4 Ally improves to very high skill bonus
Shameless Sponsorship 3 Social 6 Gain two additional Promotional Boon slots
Year of the Scoured Stars 3 Slotless 8 Boost abilities after playing certain adventures
Hireling Access 5 - Master 4 Ally 4 Ally improves to highest skill bonus

Acquisitives Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Abundant Ammunition 1 Starship 1 Gain extra starship ammunition
Publicist 1 Ally 2 Gain ally who maintains your image
Known Quality 2 Social 2 Improve day job checks
Skillful Sales 2 Slotless 2 Increase sale value of equipment
Personalized Hull 3 Starship 2 Reroll critical hits on your starship
Balanced Nepotism 4 Capstone,
4 Start a PC with 10 Reputation

Advocates Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Able Assistant 1 Social 4 Gain bonus to aid or encourage
Loyal Friend 1 Slotless 2 Reduce chance of being confused
Encouraging Resolve 2 Slotless 4 Use RP to heal SP or stabilize ally
Protector's Offense 2 Slotless 4 Boost ally's AC with block weapon
Determined Medic 3 Slotless 4 Remove conditions in combat
Support Network 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC with a free body recovery and raise dead

Cognates Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Knowledgeable Technophobe 1 Slotless 2 Reduce DC to identify technological creatures
Multidisciplinary Approach 1 Social 4 Gain a bonus to a chosen skill
Eclectic Toolkit 2 Slotless 4 Treat certain items as one level lower for purchase
Prudent Technophobe 2 Slotless 4 Gain AC bonus vs. technological foes
Portable Archive 3 Slotless 4 Spend Resolve to roll twice on recall knowledge
Foundational Education 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC with a free Skill Focus feat

Dataphiles Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Backup Info Check 1 Slotless 4 Gain rerolls on pre-adventure skill checks
Enhanced Targeting 1 Starship 2 Increase range of starship weapon
Computation Savant 2 Starship 4 Gain extra node for starship computer
Digital Imp 2 Ally 4 Gain ally who can remote hack
Data Concierge 3 Ally 4 Gain access to outside skill assistance
Information Sharing 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC who gains access to one of this PC's boons

Exo-Guardians Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Collector and Examiner 1 Ally 4 Deliver alien remains for future insight
Pact Worlds Defender 1 Slotless 2 Gain better resistance to fear
Expert Gunnery 2 Starship 4 Reroll critical hits
Tools for the Job 2 Slotless 4 Access better equipment
Ammo Caddy 3 Ally 4 Gain an ally who reloads for you
Starship Schematic 4 Capstone,
8 Access a new starship

Manifold Host Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Field Trainee 1 Ally 2 Gain ally who can provide covering or harrying fire
First Contact Step-In 1 Social 2 Spend Resolve to reroll a first contact skill check
Living Translator 2 Ally 4 Gain an ally who knows additional languages
Skillful Sales 2 Slotless 2 Gain one-time ability to sell items at higher price
Linguistic Decoder 3 Slotless 4 Reduce DC to decipher writing
Manifold Host Exemplar 4 Capstone,
8 Personal boon slot no longer filled by a species boon

Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Historical Analyst 1 Starship 2 Spend Resolve to give bonus to gunners
Instructor 1 Social 4 Earn another PC an extra ability score increase
Expert Scanner 2 Starship 4 Increase modifier of starship scanners
Well-Traveled 2 Slotless 4 Gain bonus to recall knowledge about a selected location
Studious Researcher 3 Slotless 4 Reroll one check for secondary objective
Grand Achievement 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC with the ability to retrieve missed treasure

Second Seekers (Jadnura) Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Analytical Tracking 1 Starship 2 Spend Resolve to give a reroll to gunners
Reflective Meditation 1 Slotless 4 Spend Resolve for bonus to saving throws or AC
Augmented Shields 2 Starship 4 Increase starship's starting shields
Scoured Flora 2 Slotless 4 Heal ability damage or boost purchased healing.
Personal Mentor 3 Ally 4 Gain permanent free body recovery
Mark of Leadership 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC with ability to slot an additional boon

Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
Field Trainee 1 Ally 2 Gain ally who can provide covering or harrying fire
Rugged Hull 1 Starship 4 Increase starship's CT
Efficient Administrator 2 Ally 4 Grant a bonus to allies' Ally boons
Experienced Diplomat 2 Slotless 4 Spend Resolve to reroll a failed Diplomacy check
Scrappy Little Ship 3 Starship 4 Increase a starship's AC or TL while glitching or malfunctioning
Pass the Torch 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC with additional ability score boost

Wayfinders Boons

Name Tier Slot AcP Description
First Contact Step-In 1 Social 2 Spend Resolve to reroll a first contact skill check
Mobile Translator 1 Slotless 4 Gain a free tetrad certified translator
Enhanced Shield Regeneration 2 Starship 4 Spend Resolve to regain shields
Living Translator 2 Ally 4 Gain an ally who knows additional languages
Alien Observer 3 Ally 4 Gain access to free body recovery for you and allies
Alien Allies 4 Capstone,
8 Start a PC of a new species

AcP Boon Texts


Able Assistant

Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Advocates
Cost: 4 AcP

You’re adept at helping your companions. When you aid another or take the encourage action, if you succeed at your check, you provide your ally a +3 bonus to their skill check, rather than the typical +2 bonus.

Abundant Ammunition

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Acquisitives
Cost: 1 AcP

When this boon is slotted, select one starship weapon with the limited fire special property on the group’s starship. The selected weapon increases the value of the limited fire value by half (rounded down). For example, a limited fire 5 weapon would become limited fire 7. This boon can be used to improve weapons gained as a result of other Starship boons.

Alien Allies

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Wayfinders
Cost: 8 AcP

Your work in championing the Wayfinders’ cause introduced a new variety of aliens into the Starfinder Society. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. That character can select a new playable race without needing to expend the Personal boon slot. That character cannot slot a different race boon into the Personal boon slot, but can slot another type of Personal boon. Over the course of time, the Wayfinders encountered the ghibrani people and introduced them to the Society. You can play a husk or membrane ghibrani as detailed in Starfinder Adventure Path #5: The Thirteenth Gate. You do not need to own this additional resource and can play your character using the traits provided below.

Ghibrani Playable Species Traits

Ability Adjustments: See Subspecies below.
Hit Points: 4
Size and Type: Ghibranis are Medium humanoids with the ghibrani subtype.

Affable: Ghibranis receive a +2 species bonus to Diplomacy skill checks.
Ghibrani Movement: All ghibranis have a land speed of 30 feet. Husk ghibranis have a climb speed of 20 feet, while membranes have an extraordinary fly speed of 20 feet with average maneuverability.
Distracting Buzz: As a standard action, a membrane ghibrani can vibrate their wings fast enough to produce an almost imperceptible hum. All creatures within 15 feet of the membrane ghibrani that hear this buzz must attempt a Will saving throw (DC = 10 + half the ghibrani’s character level or CR + the ghibrani's Wisdom modifier) or gain the off-target condition for 1 round. This is a mind-affecting, sense-dependent ability. The membrane ghibrani can’t use their wings to fly in the same round in which they use this ability.
Low-Light Vision: Ghibranis can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.
Sturdy: Husk ghibranis receive a +2 species bonus to KAC against attempts to bull rush or reposition them.
Subspecies: Ghibranis belong to one of two subspecies: husk or membrane. All ghibranis start with +2 Wisdom at character creation. Husk ghibranis are more hardy (+2 Constitution) but less imaginative (–2 Intelligence). Membrane ghibranis are more nimble (+2 Dexterity) but weaker (–2 Strength).

Alien Observer

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Wayfinders
Cost: 4 AcP

The Wayfinders have attached an alien observer to watch over your missions and report back to its people. You bring along a noncombatant alien observer belonging to a species from outside of the Pact Worlds. This alien does not take part in combat. It speaks Common and its native language. The alien observes your actions, but it does not take part in any encounters; it refrains from involving itself in combat or making skill checks. Because of the importance of preserving the observer, while this boon is active you and other characters taking part in the scenario have access to free body recovery by a rescue team.

Normal: The normal price is 10 AcP for body recovery for Starfinders who have died.

Special: If you gain Infamy at any point while this boon is slotted, you immediately lose this boon.

Ammo Caddy

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Exo-Guardians
Cost: 4 AcP

A skilled weapons expert follows you into combat, reloading your weapons at critical moments. You recruit a non-combat ally who can assist you by reloading your weapon. Once per adventure, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to have the caddy reload one weapon in your possession, as long as you have the requisite spare ammo to provide. The reloading occurs at the beginning of your turn or at the end of your turn (your choice). If reloading the weapon would take more than 1 round, this instead reduces the time to reload the weapon by 1 round. It is assumed the caddy carries a set of your ammunition appropriate for each of your weapons, but will reload only one weapon once per adventure.

Analytical Tracking

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Cost: 2 AcP

Followers of Jadnura often prepare multiple contingencies and find themselves unprepared only when something completely unexpected occurs. You’ve learned how to perform actions as a science officer to help your allies operate tracking weapons. When acting as a science officer aboard a starship, you can perform a special version of the target systems action that allows you to prepare a coordinated strike. Rather than selecting an enemy system, you can spend 1 Resolve Point and select one tracking weapon aboard your starship. The gunner can reroll a single attack roll with that weapon.

Augmented Shields

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve learned tricks to magically or supernaturally empower your starship’s shields. Increase your starship’s starting and maximum shields by an amount equal to 5 x your Reputation Tier with the Second Seekers (Jadnura) faction.

Backup Info Check

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Dataphiles
Cost: 4 AcP

You have access to several invite-only infosphere data repositories and forums. Most scenarios include a mission briefing with one or more relevant skill checks that you can attempt to learn information important to the scenario. Some scenarios include skill checks prior to the PCs arriving at the adventure location. Typically, these skill checks include a table with information provided based on varying DCs; with this boon, you can reroll one of these skill checks and use the higher of the two results. Skill checks occurring after the start of the first encounter of the scenario cannot be affected by this boon.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times, but only once per skill check.

Balanced Nepotism

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Acquisitives
Cost: 4 AcP

Your reputation allows you to grant status to new Starfinders. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. That character immediately gains 10 Reputation with a faction of your choosing.

Collector and Examiner

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Exo-Guardians
Cost: 4 AcP

The Exo-Guardians host a variety of professionals interested in researching alien life from the Vast. One such researcher would like to work with you. You have a growing relationship with a researcher among At the end of a scenario for which you’ve slotted this boon, you can return one, and only one, mostly intact cadaver of a defeated significant enemy (Starfinder Core Rulebook 242) for the ally to study. Mark the creature type (such as aberration, fey, or ooze) of the collected cadaver on your Chronicle Sheet. While this boon is slotted, you gain an insight bonus to Engineering, Life Science and Mysticism checks to identify creatures corresponding to creatures of the types you have collected. The bonus is equal to the number of corpses of that creature type collected, up to a maximum of +3. The bonus represents your correspondence between you and your examiner ally, and it does not mean the examiner is physically present during the adventure.

Computation Savant

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Dataphiles
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve mastered the art of getting the most out of starship computers. Where others gain some insight from computerized assistance, you are able to take away far greater information. When operating on board a starship with a computer, that computer counts as having an extra node that only you can use. For example, if you’re on a starship with a mk 2 trinode computer, it would count as providing +2/+2/+2/+2, with the last +2 bonus being available only for a skill check that you attempt. If your starship has no computer, you can cobble together a basic network with onboard systems that counts as a mk 1 mononode that only you can use to enhance your skill checks.

Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this Starship boon at a time.

Data Concierge

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Dataphiles
Cost: 4 AcP

As long as you have the ability to communicate with the Pact Worlds, you can call in an ally to assist on a failed skill check. You have gained the ability to contact a junior member of the Dataphiles in the Pact Worlds. Once per scenario, while outside of a combat situation and with access to an unlimited-range communication device (such as your starship or facilities in a cosmopolitan settlement), you can contact this ally. The ally allows you to reroll one previously failed skill check to acquire a piece of knowledge, such as identifying a creature or understanding a coded language. Successfully contacting this ally requires 1 hour.

Determined Medic

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Advocates
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve trained for innumerable emergency situations and are a capable combat medic in a pinch. Once per adventure as a standard action, you can treat a willing, adjacent creature to remove one of the following conditions: frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, shaken, sickened, or staggered. This doesn’t end the effect that caused the condition, and the target can regain the condition from any source as normal.

Digital Imp

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Dataphiles
Cost: 4 AcP

The Dataphiles offer you a digital construct that can assist with certain skills. The Dataphiles have provided you with a digital construct. While commonly called an “imp,” this digital program can resemble any creature you desire, along with a personality you choose. Lacking physical form, this intricate program can reside within a wrist-mounted computer, a hacking kit, or even inside a mechanic’s exocortex. As a standard action, you can unleash the digital imp on an adjacent computer system , where it is able to perform the following uses of the Computers skill: Access Unsecured System, Destroy System or Module, Detect Fake Shell, Disable or Manipulate Module, Gain Root Access, or Hack System. The digital imp uses your bonus to Computers with a –4 penalty to the check and cannot take 10 or 20. The digital imp also doubles the time to perform any task, such as 2 full actions per tier of a computer system to hack a system. You can recollect the deployed digital imp as a standard action when adjacent to a computer system where the imp is deployed.


Eclectic Toolkit

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Cognates
Cost: 4 AcP

The Cognates have worked to ensure their agents have access to cutting-edge biological, magical, and analog technologies. Thanks to their efforts, you can access better equipment. At the end of a scenario, you can mark off one box to treat the effective item level of a single item as 1 lower for the purpose of determining what you can purchase. This item must be of one of the following types: analog weapon, weapon fusion, magic item, medicinal. This allows you to purchase such an item from the Starfinder Core Rulebook whose level is equal to your character level + 2, or from other sanctioned sources whose item level is equal to your character level + 1. This boon does not affect the available item level or items found on Chronicle Sheets.

Efficient Administrator

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve arranged to take on the services of a manager skilled at directing other allies. You hire an administrator to help vet and assist certain allies recruited by your fellow party members. While this boon is slotted, all other PCs’ Ally boons gain an insight bonus to their skill checks equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Second Seekers faction. If the ally performs a combat role, then he instead gains an insight bonus to his ability DCs, attack rolls, and saving throws equal to half your Reputation Tier with the Second Seekers.

Special: An ally can benefit from only one copy of this boon at a time. This has no effect on Ally boons that do not have a skill check, combat roll, or DC-based effect.

Encouraging Resolve

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Advocates
Cost: 4 AcP

You’re determined to get all your allies home healthy and believe that a Starfinder’s greatest strength is the allies fighting alongside them. When you spend Resolve Points to regain your Stamina Points, you can instead restore the Stamina Points of one adjacent ally, rather than yourself. This requires you and your ally to spend 10 minutes of uninterrupted rest adjacent to one another. Additionally, when you are adjacent to an ally who is dying or an ally who is stable and unconscious, that ally can spend your Resolve Points as if your Resolve Points were their own to stabilize or stay in the fight. You must be willing for an ally to spend your Resolve Points in this way.

Enhanced Shield Regeneration

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Wayfinders
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve learned how to get the most out of your shields, pushing them to the limit to survive the rigors of special phenomena and starship combat. Once per starship combat, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to push your starship’s shields to the limit. The starship regains a number of Shield Points (SP) equal to the starship tier × your current Wayfinder Reputation Tier. You can assign these SP to any facing, or divide them among any number of facings. A starship can benefit from this boon only once per starship combat encounter.

Enhanced Targeting

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Dataphiles
Cost: 2 AcP

Through intense computational mathematics, you can temporarily rig a weapon to fire well beyond its normal range. At the start of a starship combat encounter, you can increase the range of one of your starship’s weapons. A shortrange weapon becomes medium-range, or a medium-range weapon becomes long-range. This effect lasts for the first 1d3 rounds of the starship combat, after which the required computations become too complex to maintain. This boon has no effect on long-range weapons.

Special: Multiple copies of this boon can be used on a starship, but each copy must affect a different weapon.

Experienced Diplomat

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Cost: 4 AcP

Your time with Luwazi Elsebo has taught you how to juggle the needs of disparate parties and to smooth over diplomatic missteps. Once per adventure, when you would fail at a Diplomacy check that is written into the adventure, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll that Diplomacy check. You must use the second result.

Expert Gunnery

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Exo-Guardians
Cost: 4 AcP

Through repeated exposure to the rigors of starship combat, you have learned about how to put a key shot in exactly the right place. During a starship combat encounter, when your ship scores critical damage against an opponent, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll the critical damage effect. You must use the second result.

Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this Starship boon at a time.

Expert Scanner

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Cost: 4 AcP

You believe information and preparation are integral to a Starfinder’s success, and have learned a few tricks to get the most out of your starship’s sensors. When you utilize a starship’s sensors, you increase the modifier granted by those sensors by 2. This does not increase the range of those sensors. For example, if you’re on a starship with basic short-range sensors, you treat the sensors as having a +4 modifier, rather than a +2 modifier.

Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this Starship boon at a time.

Field Trainee

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Manifold Host or Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Cost: 2 AcP

A Starfinder trainee accompanies you on field missions to gain further experience. You bring along an ally who assists you in and out of combat. Once per adventure, you can direct your trainee to perform the aid another action (Starfinder Core Rulebook 133) or provide covering fire (Starfinder Core Rulebook 246). Your trainee is considered to have a +3 bonus to all skill checks and a +5 ranged attack roll bonus. You can direct your trainee to provide this more than once in an adventure, but each use beyond the first requires you to spend 1 Resolve Point.

Special: While the trainee can affect combat encounters, they are considered a noncombatant and not tracked during combat.

Finitrium Augmentations

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: none
Cost: 20 AcP

When you purchase this boon, select one of the following effects granted to you by your custom finitrium augmentations. You can purchase this boon once per character.

  • Action Boost: You use your finitrium augmentations to alter your perception of time, temporarily enabling you to do more in the same amount of time. You can spend 1 Resolve Point as a free action to take an additional move action or swift action on your turn, or 2 Resolve Points to take an additional standard action on your turn. After you use action boost, you can’t use it again until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.
  • Flesh Weaving: You use your finitrium augmentations to rapidly increase the rate at which your body undergoes its natural healing processes. Once per day as a swift action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to gain fast healing 5 for a number of rounds equal to half your level. At 7th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day.
  • Resolute Mind: You use your finitrium augmentations to rewind time, removing a harmful illness or affliction in the blink of an eye. As a reaction, you can spend Resolve Points to remove any one condition you would gain or already have. If you spend 1 Resolve Point, this functions as lesser remove condition. If you spend 2 Resolve Points, this functions as remove condition. If you spend 3 Resolve Points, this functions as greater remove condition. After you use resolute mind, you can’t use it again until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.
  • Tactical Prescience: You can use your finitrium augmentations to gain minor precognitive abilities that help you strike true. As a free action when you would roll an attack roll, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to roll that attack roll twice and use the higher result. After you use tactical prescience, you can’t use it again until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.
  • Uncanny Outcome: You can use your finitrium augmentations to foresee a coming danger, and quickly position yourself to avoid its effects. As a reaction when you fail a Reflex saving throw, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to count the failed save as a success. You can’t use uncanny outcome if you’re helpless or otherwise unable to move. After you use uncanny outcome, you can’t use it again until you take a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times, but only once per character.

Special: These finitrium augmentations do not occupy a body slot, do not cost you any credits, and are permanent—you can’t remove them.

First Contact Step-In

Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Manifold Host or Wayfinders
Cost: 2 AcP

When not engaged in field missions, you pore over Wayfinder briefings about various first contact missions. When an ally fails a skill check during a first contact situation—specifically when encountering a previously undiscovered species—you can spend 1 Resolve Point to immediately attempt the same skill check. If the result of your skill check is greater than your ally’s failed attempt, use your result to determine the outcome. You can use this ability on any skill check so long as it relates to a first contact encounter. A common example would be using skills like Diplomacy or Intimidate on a newly encountered race, but attempting a Computers check to learn from an alien network about a new species would also be appropriate. Exactly when this boon can be used is up to the GM’s discretion.

First Ones Scholar

Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: none
Cost: 20 AcP

You gain a +1 bonus to Culture checks to recall knowledge about the First Ones, anacites, and the ancient history of Aballon. In addition, once per scenario, when you attempt a Culture check to recall knowledge about the First Ones, anacites, or Aballon, you can roll the check twice and use the higher result.

Foundational Education

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Cognates
Cost: 8 AcP

You’ve worked to ensure that new Starfinder Society agents receive a diverse education and have access to the resources they require to excel in their chosen fields of study. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. That character gains Skill Focus as a bonus feat, with one of the following skills: Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science.

Grand Achievement

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Cost: 8 AcP

One of Ehu Hadif’s primary goals as First Seeker is to set the Society up for a time of new discoveries. Your efforts in serving Ehu Hadif’s goal have likely led to you making a grand discovery of some kind, canonizing you in the annals of the Starfinder Chronicles. New Starfinders look to your diligence and retrace their own missions, going back to try to salvage anything they may have missed. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. At the end of an adventure, if that character failed to discover any items or credit rewards, they can return to the site of the mission to explore. That character can select one item or credit reward that the GM would cross off their Chronicle sheet as a result of not finding them, and instead count as receiving access to that item or earning the missed credits.


Hireling Access 1 - Basic

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 2 AcP

In the AcP boon store, each skill set below is listed as a separate boon.

You bring on a non-combat ally that can assist with a certain set of skill checks. This ally can perform the listed skills with a total bonus equal to your level. You must expend any necessary actions and be in range to perform the action yourself. The ally’s result cannot be modified by class abilities or spells, but can be improved by a successful aid another action. The ally does not participate in combat, cannot be killed outside of combat, and has no effect other than providing the ability to attempt skill checks. The ally can attempt a given skill check only once, cannot retry a check, and cannot take 10 or 20 on a check.

Choose one of the following lists of skills:

  • Academic: Life Science, Mysticism, Physical Science.
  • Diplomat: Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate.
  • Medic: Culture, Medicine, Survival.
  • Tech Support: Computers, Engineering, Physical Science.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you purchase this boon, select a different set of skills from the list above. When slotting this boon, select one of the skill lists you have available.

Hireling Access 2 - Amateur

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 5+ All Factions Reputation (Tier 1), Basic Hireling Access
Cost: 4 AcP

You can requisition amateur assistance from the Starfinder Society. This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check bonus is now equal to 2 + your level.

Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you select any skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.

Hireling Access 3 - Professional

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 15+ All Factions Reputation (Tier 2), Amateur Hireling Access
Cost: 4 AcP

You can request the assistance of a professional agent from the Starfinder Society. This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check bonus is now equal to 4 + your level.

Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you select any skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.

Hireling Access 4 - Elite

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 25+ All Factions Reputation (Tier 3), Professional Hireling Access
Cost: 4 AcP

You can requisition elite assistance from the Starfinder Society. This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check bonus is now equal to 6 + your level.

Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you select any skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.

Hireling Access 5 - Master

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 45+ All Factions Reputation (Tier 4), Elite Hireling Access
Cost: 4 AcP

You can requisition master assistance from the Starfinder Society. This boon acts as Basic Hireling Access, except the total bonus to your ally’s skill check bonus is now equal to 8 + your level.

Special: This boon supersedes the skill bonus used by Basic Hireling Access. When slotting this boon, you select any skill set from Basic Hireling Access that you already purchased but use the improved skill check bonus instead.

Historical Analyst

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Cost: 2 AcP

Ehu Hadif teaches that one can always look to the past in order to better predict future events. Perhaps no better practical exists for this mantra than the dance of starship combat, where knowledge of past events can help influence the outcome of modern battles. When acting as a science officer onboard a starship, you can perform a special version of the target systems action that allows you to assist your gunner with a tidbit of past knowledge. Rather than selecting an enemy system, you can spend 1 Resolve Point. One gunner on your starship gains a bonus to all gunnery checks equal to half your ranks in Culture (minimum 1), though this bonus can never be higher than twice your Reputation Tier with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif). The bonus lasts for one combat.

Infamy Reduction

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: 15+ All Factions Reputation (Tier 2)
Cost: 8 AcP

When purchased, this boon is immediately consumed to reduce a character's accrued Infamy by 1. This boon can be purchased multiple times for the same character.

Special: This boon can be purchased multiple times; each purchase is for a single reduction of one point of Infamy. The first time a character purchases this boon, it costs 8 AcP. Each later purchase by the same character costs a cumulative +8 AcP (8, 16, 24, etc.).

Information Sharing

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Dataphiles
Cost: 8 AcP

You can pass on the contacts and knowledge you’ve learned to a new generation. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. That character gains access to one boon your current character has. The selected boon must be from a Chronicle Sheet played from Tier 1–4 or Tier 3–6, or a boon with the Vanity tag. Alternatively, you can share any boon you’ve previously purchased that has a Reputation Tier requirement of 2 or less.


Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Cost: 4 AcP

You dedicate some of your time off to training an up-and-coming Starfinder recruit. This boon represents time spent outside of adventuring that you’re taking to train a potential new Starfinder. At the end of every adventure you have this boon slotted, record the total amount of Reputation you earned with the Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif). You can expend your Downtime at the end of an adventure to increase the boxes marked off for this boon by 1. Once you have accrued 40 marked boxes with this boon, your student has come into their own and is ready to become a full-fledged Starfinder (a new character). Have your GM mark the Chronicle Sheet where you accomplished this, and keep a copy of this boon with your new character. When your new character reaches 5th level, instead of choosing four ability scores to increase, you can choose five. Otherwise you follow all other rules for leveling up. This bonus applies only at 5th level.

Special: You can apply this boon only to one new character, and only once the objectives have been completed.

Knowledgeable Technophobe

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Cognates
Cost: 2 AcP

Experience has taught you to be wary of technology, and you’ve made a concerted effort to study dangerous technological foes. You reduce the DC to identify creatures with the technological subtype by an amount equal to your current Cognates Reputation Tier. This reduction doesn’t stack with the reduction granted by theme knowledge.

Known Quality

Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Acquisitives
Cost: 2 AcP

You have become a rising celebrity backed by your faction. When you have this boon slotted and you attempt a Day Job check at the end of a session, multiply your total earnings by your Acquisitives Reputation Tier. For example, if you are Tier 3 in the Acquisitives, you multiply the result of your Day Job check by 3. Apply this additional multiplier after doubling the result of your Profession skill check and determining your total earnings.

Linguistic Decoder

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Manifold Host
Cost: 4 AcP

You have friends from all over the galaxy and have been exposed to countless languages. This linguistic exposure has made you adept at decoding messages. You reduce the DC of Culture checks to decipher writing by 5.

Living Translator

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Manifold Host
Cost: 4 AcP

A skilled linguist accompanies you as a translator on missions. You bring along a noncombatant translator skilled in several languages. In addition to Common, the translator knows a number of languages equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Manifold Host faction + 1. When you purchase this boon, you must select the languages known by the translator. These can be any languages listed on page 41 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook or any unique language you’ve encountered in a previous scenario. When your Reputation Tier increases, you can add an additional language to those known by your translator.

Living Translator

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Wayfinders
Cost: 4 AcP

A skilled linguist accompanies you as a translator on missions. You bring along a noncombatant translator skilled in several languages. In addition to Common, the translator knows a number of languages equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Wayfinders faction + 1. When you purchase this boon, you must select the languages known by the translator. These can be any languages listed on page 41 of the Starfinder Core Rulebook or any unique language you’ve encountered in a previous scenario. When your Reputation Tier increases, you can add an additional language to those known by your translator.

Loyal Friend

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Advocates
Cost: 2 AcP

You forge strong bonds of friendship which help you center your thoughts. You gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against the confused condition. When you have the confused condition and would be forced to attack an ally, you instead do nothing but babble incoherently.


Manifold Host Exemplar

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Manifold Host
Cost: 8 AcP

Your actions prove your dedication to the Manifold Host. You can overcome the greatest hurdles and do so while championing the ideas that alien species can each contribute new and unique skills to the Society. You can only purchase this boon if you have filled your personal boon slot with a permanent unique race boon. Once you purchase this boon, you no longer count your Personal boon slot as being filled and can slot appropriate boons into that slot as you receive them.

Mark of Leadership

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Cost: 8 AcP

The actions of First Seeker Jadnura unified the Society in a way that had never happened since its foundation. While the Scoured Stars investigation led to a tragic loss, Jadnura’s ability to direct the Society is a testament to him and those who follow in his footsteps. You’ve garnered enough of a reputation that those you mark as promising new agents find themselves with an abundance of allies. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. The character can select one additional active boon during any session. A character cannot select multiples of the same boon in this way, and cannot select an ally boon that matches the prerequisite of an already slotted boon. For example, you cannot slot both an Elite Hireling and Professional Hireling with this ability, though you could slot a Digital Imp and a Professional Hireling.

Marked Starfinder

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 1 game played
Cost: 2 AcP

As part of your induction into the Starfinder Society, you have accepted a permanent augmentation into one of your hands or appendages—a Society subdermal graft. You receive this augmentation for free.

Society Subdermal Graft
System Hand, Model Single, Level 1, Price 150 credits
This implant rests underneath the skin of the palm of one hand, or at the end of a tentacle or similar appendage in species that lack hands. The augmentation can be activated or deactivated mentally as a swift action. Activating the implant causes a rendition of the Starfinder Society’s symbol to glow underneath the skin. This augmentation acts as a mark, letting others know you are a member of the Starfinder Society. It also increases the light level within 5 feet by one step while active.

Mnemonic Editor

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: None
Cost: varies (see below)

In the AcP boon store, each model below is listed as a separate boon.

When purchased, you may use this boon during downtime between scenarios to gain the effects of a mnemonic editor of the corresponding mark (Starfinder Core Rulebook 226). You must complete the process of removing and changing your character decisions prior to the next time this character is played.

Mnemonic Editor AcP
Mark 1 4
Mark 2 8
Mark 3 12
Mark 4 16

Special: This boon can be purchased multiple times; each purchase is for one use of a single editor.

Mobile Translator

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Wayfinders
Cost: 4 AcP

Your connections with the Wayfinders grant you easier access to a rudimentary translation device useful in first contact situations. You acquire a Tetrad certified translator as if you had purchased it, but you do not need to expend any credits.

Normal: You need to spend credits to acquire this item.

Tetrad Certified Translator
technological item
Price 500; Bulk L
Capacity 10; Usage 1/hour
This elaborate datapad has several additional audio receptors to capture nearby sounds. If you don’t share a language with creatures you encounter, you can activate this device to collect basic linguistic information. The device requires 10 minutes of observed conversation to gain enough information to operate.

The device then acts as a rudimentary translator. It does not allow you to converse with creatures with whom you don’t share a language, but it can relate very basic information. Examples of statements the device could interpret would be: “come with us,” “lower your weapons,” or “leave immediately.” The device cannot parse proper names, including personal designations or the names of items and places. Some extraordinarily complex or obscure languages might not translate clearly with this device.

Multidisciplinary Approach

Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Cognates
Cost: 4 AcP

The Cognates believe that a multidisciplinary approach to knowledge is fundamental to the future stability of the Starfinder Society, and you have cultivated contacts in a variety of fields of study. When slotting this boon, select either Life Science, Mysticism, or Physical Science. You gain a circumstance bonus to that skill check equal to half your current Cognates Reputation Tier (rounding up).

Pact Worlds Defender

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Exo-Guardians
Cost: 2 AcP

You make no secret your desire to defend the Pact Worlds from external threats. When you have this boon slotted, you and any adjacent allies gain a +1 morale bonus to saving throws against fear effects. This bonus increases to +2 if the source of the fear effect is something that did not originate within the Pact Worlds.

Pass the Torch

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Cost: 8 AcP

Just as Luwazi Elsebo has passed on the mantle of leadership to another First Seeker, you’ve passed your knowledge and training tips on to the next generation of Starfinders. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. You can increase one of that character's ability scores that is a 14 or lower by 2. Otherwise, you follow all the rules for creating a character. Characters who receive this boon cannot benefit from other boons that increase ability scores.

Personal Mentor

Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Cost: 4 AcP

During his time as First Seeker, Jadnura learned to form strong connections with skilled individuals both within and outside the Society’s membership. As you’ve earned Jadnura’s respect, the First Seeker (or his closest allies) has put you in touch with trainers suited to your specific personal goals who look out for your longterm interests. When you slot this boon, your character always has access to the body recovery service for free. In addition, for every adventure for which you do not use the body recovery beneft, make a note on the associated Chronicle Sheet and have your GM sign beside it. After you’ve accumulated 10 such notes, you can select one of your ability scores that is 17 or lower and reduce it by one. You can then select another ability score that is 17 or lower and increase it by 1. You can still slot this boon afterward to earn the reduced cost for body recovery, but cannot beneft from subsequent ability score adjustments.

Normal: The normal price is 10 AcP for body recovery for Starfinders who have died.

Personalized Hull

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Acquisitives
Cost: 2 AcP

The outer hull of your starship includes a variety of personalized flair that has an unintended side effect of making it hard to target certain systems. When an opponent imposes a critical damage condition on your starship, after rolling d% to see which system is affected, you can force the GM to reroll the d% and use the new result. A critical damage result can be rerolled in this way only once.

Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this Starship boon at a time.

Portable Archive

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Cognates
Cost: 4 AcP

You maintain a detailed, well-indexed physical archive, such as a book or collection of essays, which you always keep with you and can reference on the fly. During an adventure, when you attempt a skill check to recall knowledge, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reference your portable archive. If you do so, you roll the skill check twice and keep the higher result. Referencing your portable archive takes 10 minutes.

Prepared Caster

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: none
Cost: 40 AcP

Rather than learning spells innately, you keep a record of the spells you know in your spellbook, allowing you greater knowledge but also requiring you to think ahead to the day’s challenges.

Apply this boon to a new character (one that has not been played at 2nd level or higher), or a character that has not yet taken a level in a spellcasting class. This character uses the Prepared Spells variant ruleset from Galactic Magic (page 88) with the following alterations:

  • You can use the Scribe Spell activity between adventures, or anytime an adventure provides you with at least one day of downtime (such as starship travel). Your attempts to learn a spell should be tracked on your Chronicle Sheets.

  • Use the following spell costs instead of the cost listed in the ruleset:
    • 1st-level spell: 100 credits
    • 2nd-level spell: 200 credits
    • 3rd-level spell: 800 credits
    • 4th-level spell: 2,100 credits
    • 5th-level spell: 7,500 credits
    • 6th-level spell: 25,000 credits

You must bring a copy of Galactic Magic with you to any sessions in which you play this character.

Protector's Offense

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Advocates
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve trained to protect your allies from harm as often as you protect yourself. When you successfully strike a target with a melee attack using a weapon with the block special property and increase your AC against that target, your adjacent allies gain a +1 enhancement bonus to their AC for 1 round against melee attacks from that same target. This bonus only applies as long as they remain adjacent to you.

Prudent Technophobe

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Cognates
Cost: 4 AcP

You know well the dangers of technology, and have trained to protect yourself from technological foes. You gain a +1 insight bonus to AC against attacks from a creature with the technological subtype.


Boon Slot: Ally
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Acquisitives
Cost: 2 AcP

When slotting this boon, select either Culture, Diplomacy, or Profession. You gain a circumstance bonus to that skill check equal to half your current Acquisitives Reputation Tier (rounding up). If you gain any Infamy while this boon is slotted, you can choose to forgo gaining Reputation at the end of the adventure to avoid gaining any Infamy. If you choose to do this, mark this boon as being permanently expended.

Special: If you gain Infamy and use this boon to pay it off, that character can never retake this boon—no publicist will ever work with such a scoundrel again.

Reflective Meditation

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve taken Jadnura’s lessons to heart and have spent a great deal of time contemplating your place in the universe and within the Starfinder Society. Once per scenario you can spend 1 Resolve Point to meditate on your current course for 10 minutes. When you do so, select mind or matter. If you select mind, for the duration of the next combat encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to saving throws. If you select matter, for the duration of the next combat encounter, you gain a +1 bonus to AC.

Rugged Hull

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 5+ Reputation (Tier 1) with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Cost: 4 AcP

Your starship includes retrieved pieces of old Starfinder starship hulls. These hull sections have survived countless battles and clearly have some strange luck around them. Increase the critical threshold (CT) of your starship by an amount equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) faction.

Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this Starship boon at a time.


Scoured Flora

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Second Seekers (Jadnura)
Cost: 4 AcP

Those who followed Jadnura into the Scoured Stars and survived brought back a treasure trove of information. Along with these, they also brought back unique fauna and flora for the Society to study. Some of the plants brought back have proven to be particularly effective at healing. At the end of a session, you can harvest parts of your plant and use them as part of a medicinal concoction to heal 1 point of permanent ability damage, though you can use this ability healing only on yourself. Alternatively, you can use a part harvested from this plant to increase the effective caster level of any one spell cast by an ally or purchased as a service at the end of the session by 2 without increasing the cost of the spell. The spell receiving this benefit must restore hit points, remove ability damage, or remove an affliction (such as a curse or disease). This caster level increase does not stack with other effects that increase the spell’s effective caster level. You can use this secondary effect on a spell purchased by an ally.

Scrappy Little Ship

Boon Slot: Starship
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo)
Cost: 4 AcP

Followers of Luwazi Elsebo know they are part of the last chance to keep the Starfinder Society alive. As starship battles rage across the galaxy, you need to survive for the Society to do the same. When your starship suffers critical damage that results in a glitching system, you can temporarily increase your AC or TL by 1. This bonus lasts until the critical damage is fixed, or until the end of the starship combat. This bonus occurs only as a result of damage (not as a result of effects like EMP weapons). A subsequent critical damage effect that results in a malfunctioning system allows you to increase this temporary bonus to +2. Wrecked systems do not provide any bonus beyond that gained from a malfunctioning system.

Special: A starship can benefit from only one copy of this Starship boon at a time.

Shameless Sponsorship

Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Acquisitives
Cost: 6 AcP

By slotting this boon, you gain two additional Promotional boon slots. This allows you to slot up to three Promotional boons as long as you meet all the prerequisites for those boons, such as having the appropriate product or having earned the necessary volunteer recognition. You cannot slot the same Promotional boon multiple times, nor can you slot two or more Promotional boons that offer the same effect (such as two boons that both provide rerolls).

Normal: Characters have only one Promotional boon slot.

Skillful Sales

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Acquisitives or Manifold Host
Cost: 2 AcP

Through your connections, you have discovered a way of getting the best deals when selling equipment. Once at the end of a scenario, you may check the box before this boon to increase the sale value of any number of pieces of equipment you sell from 10% of their price to 20% of their price. You must sell the equipment immediately, and the list of equipment thus sold must be noted on the Chronicle Sheet with a GM signature.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times (though only once per scenario).

Specialized Resolve

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 12 AcP

Resolve is a measure of your grit, luck, and ability to overcome adversity and triumph in the face of insurmountable odds. For many, it’s simply a part of them, but for others, resolve can represent forces beyond their understanding—moment of enlightenment or foresight, potent magical forces, inexplicable instincts, or even divine intervention. You are one such hero.

As part of this character’s daily preparations, they can select one new way to use their Resolve Points per category (Defensive, Offensive, Transport, and Utility) from the list on pages 186-187 of Starfinder Enhanced. Each specialized use that a character with Resolve Points selects can be used once per day. The player must inform their GM of their selections or record them in a fixed manner for reference. You must own a copy of Starfinder Enhanced to use this boon.

Species Admittance

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: None
Cost: varies (40 / 80 / 120 AcP)

You may play a character of an uncommon species, beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society. This Chronicle Sheet must be the first Chronicle Sheet for the given character, and you must bring a copy of the corresponding rulebook to all sessions in which you play this character as if access to this species selection were granted by the Character Options page.

Spellcasting Service

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: None
Cost: varies (see below)

When purchased, this boon is immediately consumed to provide the benefits of a single successful casting of one of the spells listed. This boon can only be purchased at a Starfinder lodge or, at a GM's discretion, in an area where the Starfinder Society would be likely to have contacts willing to perform this service.

Spell AcP
Dispel magic 2
Lesser restoration 2
Make whole 2
Remove affliction 2
Break enchantment 4
Greater dispel magic 4
Remove radiation 4
Restoration 4
Regenerate 12
Raise dead 28

Special: Spells cast using this service automatically succeed. This boon can be purchased multiple times; each purchase is for one casting of a single spell from the list.

The AcP cost for a casting of raise dead includes the cost of the necessary beacon. There is no additional cost in credits.


Boon Slot: Social
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Acquisitives
Cost: 4 AcP

By slotting this boon, you gain an additional Promotional boon slot. This allows you to slot up to two Promotional boons as long as you meet all the prerequisites for those boons, such as possessing the appropriate product or having earned the necessary volunteer recognition. You cannot slot the same Promotional boon multiple times, nor can you slot two Promotional boons that offer the same effect (such as two boons that both provide rerolls).

Normal: Characters have only one Promotional boon slot.

Starfinder Body Recovery

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 10 AcP

When purchased, this boon is immediately consumed to retrieve your body if it was left behind in the course of a scenario. Your character is still deceased until you purchase the Spellcasting Service: Raise Dead boon or otherwise are returned to life.

Special: This boon can be purchased multiple times; each purchase is for a single recovery of one body.

Starfinder Society Replay

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 40 AcP

You have gained 1 replay, which you can view with the rest of your point totals. Downloading this PDF is not necessary but I'm glad you did!

Starship Schematic

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Exo-Guardians
Cost: 8 AcP

You pass on the contacts and knowledge you’ve learned to a new generation. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. That character gains access to a new base starship. The character can select this unique starship by slotting this boon in the Starship boon slot. All variants of this unique design, the Gorgon class, are detailed on pages 8–10 of the Starfinder Society Starships document (included as part of the download for the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society).

Starship Towing

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 8 AcP

The Starfinder Society has connections with multiple organizations that own starships. You can call in those favors when your own starship endeavors have not worked out as well as you’d hoped. You can purchase this boon when your starship has been reduced to 0 Hull Points during a starship combat encounter. When you do so, a recovery team arrives to recover you and your party members before the enemy can finish you off. It is assumed that you and your group manage to somehow make your way to the next encounter in the scenario if there is one. This boon does not count the starship combat encounter as being completed, so it is still possible to miss out on rewards from the encounter

Studious Researcher

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 25+ Reputation (Tier 3) with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Cost: 4 AcP

During his time as First Seeker, Ehu learned to form strong connections with skilled individuals both within and outside the Society’s membership. As you’ve earned Ehu’s respect, the First Seeker (or his closest allies) have put you in touch with trainers suited to your specific personal goals and who look out for your long-term interests. When this boon is slotted, you have an allied researcher who is available for you in the aftermath of important missions. If, during the course of an adventure, your party fails a Computers, Engineering, Life Science, Mysticism, or Physical Science skill check tried to a secondary objective, you can choose to have your researcher make one additional attempt at that skill check at the end of the adventure. This can only be performed on tasks that could logically be performed after the session (such as hacking a computer or researching a topic with information provided). The researcher has a bonus equal to your current level +5 for the associated skill check and can benefit from no additional modifiers. If the researcher succeeds at this check, then you and and your party succeed at that portion of the objective.

Support Network

Capstone Boon

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 45+ Reputation (Tier 4) with Advocates
Cost: 8 AcP

Alongside the Advocates, you’ve built a strong support network for your fellow Starfinders. When you select this boon, it does not apply to your current character. Instead, select one of your Starfinder Society characters with 0 XP. At the end of a mission in which the selected character has died, you can expend this boon to immediately grant that character one or both of the following boons for free: Starfinder Body Recovery and Spellcasting Service: Raise Dead. Your deceased character must still provide the credits necessary to complete the spell raise dead.

System Traveler - Android

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 80 AcP

Your actions within the Pact Worlds and beyond echo into the past. Choose a Pathfinder Society (second edition) character with 0 XP and apply the following boon to them:

Android Ancestry (Limited-Use, Slotless): You can play an android, a synthetic humanoid from another world with a living soul. When building a character, you can check the box that precedes this boon to create the character using the android ancestry (Lost Omens Ancestry Guide 68), beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional ancestry (and any common-rarity options with the android trait available in the campaign), all character creation rules are the same as those provided in the Organized Play Guide: Pathfinder (Second Edition) at http://www.organizedplayfoundation.org/paizo/guides. Include this Chronicle Sheet with your character’s records. You must bring a copy of Lost Omens Ancestry Guide to sessions in which you play the character.

Tools for the Job

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Exo-Guardians
Cost: 4 AcP

The Exo-Guardians have contacts throughout numerous corporations, factories, and forges throughout the Pact Worlds. You can leverage this association for access to better equipment. At the end of a scenario, you can mark off one box to treat the effective item level of a single piece of armor or weapon as 1 lower for the purpose of determining what you can purchase. This allows you to purchase armor or a weapon from the Starfinder Core Rulebook whose level is equal to your character level + 2, or equipment from other sanctioned sources whose item level is equal to your character level + 1. This boon does not affect the available item level of items found on Chronicle Sheets.

Normal: You can normally purchase only equipment from the Starfinder Core Rulebook with item level equal to your character level + 1, or equipment from other sanctioned sources with item level equal to your character level.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times. Its effects do not stack; each purchase instead applies to a different piece of equipment.

Training Montage

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 20 AcP

Your early adventures have exposed you to difficult realities, forcing you to re-examine your skillset. Fortunately, you’ve got time for a training montage! Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character so long as they have 12 or fewer XP (the Extended Training Montage boon allows you to rebuild a character of any level). Remove everything your character has purchased with credits, as well as their archetype, class, class skills, feats, skill ranks, theme, and related features (but not their species). Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total credits you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Reputation or credits the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.

All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.

Training Montage - Extended

Boon Slot: Slotless; Limited-Use
Prerequisites: None
Cost: 50 AcP

Your existing abilities have helped you achieve success in the field, but you’re overdue for a drastic change if you’re to continue succeeding in the adventures to come. Time for an intense training montage! Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character. Remove everything your character has purchased with credits, as well as their archetype, class, class skills, feats, skill ranks, theme, and related features (but not their species). Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total credits you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Reputation or credits the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.

All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.

Special: The price of this boon increases by 15 AcP for each purchase for a given PC.


Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 15+ Reputation (Tier 2) with Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif)
Cost: 4 AcP

You’ve traveled to many places and have learned from your experiences. At the end of a scenario, you can select one, and only one, planet or plane you visited during the course of that scenario. Mark that planet or plane on your Chronicle Sheet. While this boon is slotted, you gain an insight bonus to Culture checks to recall knowledge about the cultures, customs, laws, governments, leaders, prominent inhabitants, legends, religion, history, and related topics on any planet or place recorded on the Chronicle Sheet. The bonus is equal to 1/2 your current Second Seekers (Ehu Hadif) Reputation Tier.

Year of the Scoured Stars

Boon Slot: Slotless
Prerequisites: 25+ All Factions Reputation (Tier 3); four or more Journey to the Scoured Stars segment boons
Cost: 8 AcP

Check one box below for each of the Journey to the Scoured Stars segments you have earned on any character. When you select this boon for a character and have earned at least four segments, pick one of the following to apply to your character immediately:

  • You gain 1 extra Resolve Point. If you’ve collected all eight segments, then this increases to 2 Resolve Points.
  • You gain 1 extra Hit Point for every character level you have. If you have collected all eight segments, then this increases to 2 Hit Points for every level you have.
  • You can select a single saving throw (Fortitude, Reflex, or Will) and increase your bonus to that save by 1. If you have collected six or seven segments, then you can select one of the remaining two saves to increase, and if you’ve collected all eight segments, then you instead increase all your saves by 1.
  • If you’ve collected all eight segments, then you can increase one of your ability scores that is currently 16 or lower by 2.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times, once for each character. The first time a player purchases this boon, it costs 8 AcP. Each later purchase costs a cumulative +8 AcP (8, 16, 24, etc.).