
Remaster Notice

Pathfinder Remaster

The Guide to Organized Play will continue to be revised as we work to bring campaign rules in line with the Remaster.

  • Visit this Guide page for information on converting characters and adventures to the Remaster rules.
  • Follow this forum thread for update notifications and to report any issues.

Additional Downtime Options

For rules on using Downtime to Earn Income, see Adventure Rewards. Other rules for using Downtime are found below.

Slow Advancement and Downtime

Playing an adventure on slow advancement earns half the rewards (not rounded) of standard speed, including Downtime days.

Hirelings and Downtime

Hirelings can complete Downtime tasks for you, but this uses up your Downtime days. Therefore, you cannot aid them, they cannot aid you, and you cannot have your hireling do one thing while you use your Downtime days to do something else.

You can use either the hireling's skills and feats or your skills and feats. You cannot use both, except for a character's feat that modifies a hireling's abilities (Hireling Manager, for example).

Downtime Crafting

You can spend your Downtime to craft following the rules for crafting equipment on pages 236-237 of the Player Core with a few modifications. It is assumed that between adventures, you have access to the tools and workshop necessary to craft equipment. Equipment crafted between sessions is marked on the Chronicle or on a separate record tracker.

Use DCs from the DCs by Level table GMC pg. 53, CRB pg. 504GM Core page 53
Core Rulebook page 504
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with the following adjustments:

A few other limitations on crafting:

  • Characters can Craft uncommon or rare items only if they have Access to the applicable formulas.
  • Crafting requires that you spend 2 days in preparation before making Crafting checks (or 1 day, if you have the item's formula). Crafting tasks can be continued across as many Downtime days/units as necessary to complete the item.
  • Characters can stop crafting and pay the remainder of the cost required to finish the item at any time.
  • Only one crafting project can be started during a Downtime unit.

Downtime Retraining

Using Downtime to retrain character options PC pg. 440, CRB pg. 481Player Core page 440
Core Rulebook page 481
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works as written with a few clarifications:

  • Some items are changeable for free, such as name, gender, appearance, or other cosmetic designators.
  • Changing a selectable class feature takes 28 days.

If characters earn enough XP to level up while still in the process of retraining, they can choose options legal for their new build, though the ability is not usable until the retraining is complete. An option being retrained is lost at the time the new option becomes usable.

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