
Remaster Notice

Pathfinder Remaster

The Guide to Organized Play will continue to be revised as we work to bring campaign rules in line with the Remaster.

  • Visit this Guide page for information on converting characters and adventures to the Remaster rules.
  • Follow this forum thread for update notifications and to report any issues.

Before the Adventure

Before the game starts, choose a character to play. This can be one of your existing characters or a pregenerated character (pregen), but it must fall within the allowed levels for the adventure. If you choose a pregen, you must also choose an existing character of lower level, a first level character, or a brand new character to assign credit to. You can also choose a Faction to represent.

Assigning Credit

The GM will provide a sign-in sheet to record your character’s name, Organized Play ID, Character Number, level, Faction, and advancement speed as well as any contact information the GM needs to send your Chronicle to you. Faction and advancement speed are optional and can be left blank.

If you are playing a pregen, use the character number of the character who will receive credit for the adventure. At this point, the Chronicle for the adventure is assigned to that character.

One Character per Adventure

You can have as many active characters as you want in Organized Play. However, you can play only one of your characters during a specific adventure.

One Adventure per Character

A character can only take part in one adventure at a time. From the time the character begins an adventure to the time Chronicles are issued, that character cannot be involved in any other adventure. Characters engaged in play-by-post are considered busy and cannot be used in another game while the play-by-post is running.

Replaying Adventures

By default, each player can receive up to two Chronicles for a given adventure: one for playing the adventure and one for running the adventure as the GM.

You can play each adventure once, although you can replay certain adventures using the rules below. You can GM each adventure as many times as you like, although you can only receive one Chronicle for GMing a particular adventure. GMing an adventure contributes to GM rank status (earns GM table credits) and earns Achievement Points even when it does not award a Chronicle.

Ways to Replay

There are several ways to replay adventures:

  • Adventures with the Repeatable tag: Adventures with the Repeatable tag can be played any number of times, with a different character each time. Unlike other adventures, they also grant a Chronicle every time they are GMed.

  • Granted and purchased Replays: All players are granted 2 Replays after their first game. Each January 1st, GMs are granted 1 additional Replay for each Glyph they have earned up to that point. Additional replays can be purchased from the AcP Boon Store on paizo.com . Players must have or purchase a Replay prior to completion and reporting of the Scenario they are replaying.

    Granted and purchased Replays can only be used on adventures that grant 4 XP or fewer. Each granted or purchased Replay allows you to play an adventure you have already played as though that adventure had the Repeatable tag. You cannot use a Replay to gain an additional GM Chronicle.

  • Replaying for no credit: This is only allowed if the alternative is for the table not to play. Players must record any items or resources expended and can be given a blank Chronicle for this purpose. This is an exception to the rule that you cannot assign more than one copy of a single adventure's Chronicle to a given character.

Rules for Replaying

One Chronicle per Character: Each character can only earn one copy of a Chronicle for any single adventure. You cannot replay an adventure for credit with a character that has already received credit for that adventure.

Notify the GM: Inform the GM that you have already played the adventure or run it as a GM. Although GMs are asked to be flexible, the GM maintains the right to deny running the adventure for you if they feel uncomfortable running the event for players who have foreknowledge of the story.

No Spoilers: When you are replaying an adventure, avoid spoiling the adventure’s plot or using insider information to affect gameplay. Doing so can be grounds for the GM to remove you from the table. In general, be mindful in separating player knowledge from character knowledge, and if you are uncertain how to proceed, speak privately with the GM to determine the best course of action.

Reporting and Rewards for Replaying

Replays of repeatable adventures or using granted or purchased Replays earn rewards for the playthrough normally; that is, they earn a Chronicle and the same rewards a first-time player would earn. They get access to any Boons and items on the Chronicle, as well as currency, XP, and Reputation, all subject to the outcome of the adventure.

When reporting an adventure replayed using a granted or purchased Replay, the GM checks the “Consume Replay” box next to the character’s information so they earn full credit.

GMs do not record or report Organized Play numbers of players replaying for no credit.

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