
Remaster Notice

Pathfinder Remaster

The Guide to Organized Play will continue to be revised as we work to bring campaign rules in line with the Remaster.

  • Visit this Guide page for information on converting characters and adventures to the Remaster rules.
  • Follow this forum thread for update notifications and to report any issues.

Factions and Reputation

All agents who have gone on at least 2 missions are awarded a free wayfinder, available by downloading the Wayfinder boon in the Achievement Points Boon store (Boons tab of My Organized Play ). You may also purchase a wayfinder using the Inherited Wayfinder boon.

In addition, Pathfinder Society agents can purchase the boons in the table below which do not require them to have a certain amount of Reputation.

Boons With No Reputation Requirement

Character Options
(all PCs)
Character Revisions
(all PCs)
Lodge-Specific Gear
(PCs with credit for certain adventures)
Hireling Career Change Iceferry Lodge Gear
Hirling Translator Evolving Destiny Lantern Lodge Gear
Inherited Wayfinder Pathfinder Condition Removal Nexus House Gear
Pathfinder Society Replay Penitent Pathfinder Open Road Lodge Gear
Secondary Initiation Second Chance Woodsedge Lodge Gear
World Traveler

* Character must have played 2 sessions to obtain.

Faction Reputation

By representing a faction during adventures or participating in adventures vital to a faction’s interests, a character gains Reputation with the represented faction. The greater a character’s Reputation the more respected and influential they are with that faction. Characters can represent more than one Faction in their career, but only one per adventure. Some scenarios grant bonus Reputation with particular factions; this doesn’t prevent characters from choosing to represent a different Faction.

Pathfinder Society uses the Reputation subsystemGMC pg. 200, GMG pg. 164GM Core page 200
Gamemastery Guide page 164
(click to close)
with the following modifications:

Table 6-2: Reputations

ReputationReputation points

Reputation in PFS does not use negative values. Major infractions earn Infamy.

Character rewards unlocked by Reputation are found on the Boons tab of your My Organized Play page. They are further described below.

Faction Boons

The various factions make the following Boons available to their agents who have earned the appropriate Reputation Level. Agents who qualify can purchase the following Boons from the Boons tab of My Organized Play using Achievement Points:

Pathfinder Society
(All Factions)
Bequeathal (uncommon)
Bequeathal (rare)
Bequeathal (unique)
Any FactionExpert HirelingProfessional Hireling
Treasure Bundle Insurance
Untarnished Reputation
Master Hireling
Envoy’s AllianceCrafter’s Workshop
Envoy's Alliance Gear
Harmonic Wayfinder
Skillful Mentor
Bring Them Back Alive
Heroic Inspiration
Grand ArchiveEsoteric Wayfinder
Grand Archive Gear
Magical Mentor
Off-Hours Study
Heroic Recall
Steady Hand
Horizon HuntersHorizon Hunters Gear
Rugged Mentor
Rugged Wayfinder
Storied Talent
Exotic Edge
Heroic Hustle
Radiant OathPracticed Medic
Protective Mentor
Radiant Wayfinder
Heroic Intervention
Ward Against Fiends
Verdant WheelLeshy Companion
Worldly Mentor
Heroic Aegis
Natural Skill
Vigilant SealAdamant Wayfinder
Adversary Lore
Combat Mentor
Vigilant Seal Gear
Curse Breaker
Heroic Defiance

Note: Qualifying for "Pathfinder Society (All Factions)" boons is based on a character's total Reputation from all Factions. Qualifying for "Any Faction" boons is based on a character's Reputation with a single Faction of your choice.

AcP Boon List

The version of each Boon's text posted on paizo.com is the official version and takes precedence in the case of any conflict with the version below, reproduced here for convenience.

Grouped Boons

On the Achievement Points Boons list below, some boons have been placed into groups based on related source or function. The list sorts each group by its group name, so individual boons within the group may appear in an unexpected position on the list. To help navigate the list below, the boon groups are:

  • Faction-specific gear boons: Envoy's Alliance Gear, Exotic Edge, Grand Archive Gear, Horizon Hunters Gear, Vigilant Seal Gear
  • Hero Point boons: Heroic Aegis, Heroic Defiance, Heroic Hustle, Heroic Inspiration, Heroic Intervention, Heroic Recall
  • Hireling boons: Hireling, Hireling Translator, Expert Hireling, Professional Hireling, Master Hireling
  • Lodge-specific gear boons: Iceferry Lodge Gear, Lantern Lodge Gear, Nexus House Gear, Open Road Lodge Gear, Woodsedge Lodge Gear
  • Mentor Boons: Combat Mentor, Magical Mentor, Protective Mentor, Rugged Mentor, Skillful Mentor, Worldly Mentor
  • Wayfinder Boons: Wayfinder, Inherited Wayfinder, Adamant Wayfinder, Esoteric Wayfinder, Harmonic Wayfinder, Radiant Wayfinder, Rugged Wayfinder


Adversary Lore (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Vigilant Seal

Cost: 4 AcP

It doesn’t matter how powerful your weapons are if you don’t know where to strike. You have taken the time to study a certain category of creatures, making it easier to recall their capabilities later. When you purchase this boon, either select one creature type from List 1 below, or choose two creature types from List 2. You gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Recall Knowledge about creatures of the selected type(s). If your Reputation tier with the Vigilant Seal is Revered, this bonus increases to +2.

List 1: aberration, animal, beast, construct, dragon, elemental, fiend, undead.

List 2: astral, celestial, ethereal, fey, fungus, giant, monitor, ooze, plant.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. However, the character must focus their training on one set of creatures before each adventure, and cannot benefit from multiple copies of the Boon at the same time.

Bequeathal (Uncommon)

Prerequisites: Liked by Pathfinder Society

Cost: 4 AcP

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Uncommon character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle Sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Levels 5–8). The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g., they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write "Bequeathed" and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Bequeathal (Rare)

Prerequisites: Liked by Pathfinder Society

Cost: 8 AcP

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Rare character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle Sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Levels 5–8). The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g., they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write "Bequeathed" and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Bequeathal (Unique)

Prerequisites: Liked by Pathfinder Society

Cost: 12 AcP

Pathfinders often find strange treasures for which they might not have any use. In keeping with the Society's ethos of cooperation, generous Pathfinders spend some of their own time and resources tracking down other agents who could benefit more from these rewards. When you acquire this boon, select one Unique character option to which you’ve gained access through an adventure’s Chronicle Sheet or via a no-cost boon from the online boon store (e.g., a listed magic item or a boon that allows you to acquire a special animal companion).

Choose another of your characters. That character gains access to that special option instead, though they may only use the option once their level equals or exceeds the lowest level able to play the Chronicle Sheet’s adventure (e.g., 5th level for Levels 5–8). The receiving PC must also meet any prerequisites for the boon (e.g., they must be Liked by a particular faction to access that faction’s unique gear from Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide). On the Chronicle Sheet or Boon, write "Bequeathed" and the recipient character’s number next to the option. You no longer have access to that option (and must retrain the character option or sell an item back for full cost if you acquired the option and would no longer qualify for it).

Bring Them Back Alive (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Admired by Envoy's Alliance

Cost: 4 AcP

You are able to leverage your connections within the Society to raise funds for your allies’ resurrection, ensuring that everyone lives to see another adventure. You and your allies treat your effective character levels as 1 lower for the purpose of the raise dead spell and the resurrection ritual. This applies to both the level of the spell or ritual required, as well as to calculating the cost of the diamonds necessary to cast the spell or perform the ritual.

Career Change

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 50 AcP (+15 every time)

Career Change (Limited-Use, Service): Your existing abilities have helped you achieve success in the field, but you’re overdue for a drastic change if you’re to continue succeeding in the adventures to come. Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character. Remove everything your character has purchased with gp, as well as their class, feats, skill proficiencies, and related features (but not their ancestry or background). Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total gold you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Fame, Reputation, or gp the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.

You can also refund any faction boons for the Fame price at which you purchased them, though you cannot sell back Limited-Use boons that you have expended or Faction Champion boons that you have used to earn Reputation for a faction.

All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.

Crafter's Workshop (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Envoy's Alliance

Cost: 4 AcP

Your friends in the Envoy’s Alliance share crafting materials and collaborate to create new items more efficiently. You only need to spend 1 day of downtime before attempting your skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

Curse Breaker (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Admired by Vigilant Seal

Cost: 4 AcP

You have been entrusted with an accursed item from the Society’s vaults, and you can spend your time in the Grand Lodge patiently unraveling its malign influence. When you acquire this boon, choose a permanent magic item of your level or lower to which you have access. You can spend Downtime erasing the item’s stubborn curse. This uses the same rules as you would to Craft the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Arcana, Nature, Occultism, or Religion in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

You can uncurse more than one magic item with this boon, but you must finish uncursing one item before beginning the next.

Evolving Destiny

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 20 AcP

Evolving Destiny (Limited-Use, Service): Your early adventures have exposed you to difficult realities, forcing you to re-examine your skillset. Fortunately, your career is young, and course-correction is fairly straightforward. Between adventures, you can check the box that precedes this boon to completely rebuild your character so long as they have 48 or fewer XP (the Career Change boon allows you to rebuild a character of any level). Remove everything your character has purchased with gp, as well as their class, feats, skill proficiencies, and related features (but not their ancestry or background). Your character’s wealth is set to 85% of the total gold you’ve earned—this reduction represents a small amount lost from consumable use as well as items sold back for a particularly favorable rate. This rebuilding process does not change the amount of Fame, Reputation, or gp the character has earned, nor does it change the resources your character has expended on services such as spellcasting.

You can also refund any faction boons for the Fame price at which you purchased them, though you cannot sell back Limited-Use boons that you have expended or Faction Champion boons that you have used to earn Reputation for a faction.

All changes to the character must be applied by the time the character next plays an adventure; once the adventure begins, no further changes can be made with this boon.

Faction Specific Gear

Exotic Edge (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Admired by Horizon Hunters

Cost: 4 AcP

By traveling so widely, you have developed an intuitive talent for using esoteric techniques. Once per adventure, you can activate this boon as a free action to apply these techniques, gaining a +1 circumstance bonus to either all of your attack rolls or all of your skill checks for 1 round.

Envoy's Alliance Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Envoy's Alliance

Cost: 0 AcP

By building relationships and trust with the Envoy’s Alliance, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Envoy’s Alliance faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 26).

You must be Liked by the Envoy's Alliance to use this boon.

Grand Archive Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Grand Archive

Cost: 0 AcP

By building relationships and trust with the Grand Archive, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Grand Archive faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 29-30).

You must be Liked by the Grand Archive to use this boon.

Horizon Hunters Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters

Cost: 0 AcP

By building relationships and trust with the Horizon Hunters, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Horizon Hunters faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 34).

You must be Liked by the Horizon Hunters to use this boon.

Vigilant Seal Gear

Prerequisites: Liked by Vigilant Seal

Cost: 0 AcP

By building relationships and trust with the Vigilant Seal, you’ve gained access to special items favored by this faction. You gain access to the Vigilant Seal faction-specific gear (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 37-38).

You must be Liked by the Vigilant Seal to use this boon.

Hero Point Boons

Heroic Aegis (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Admired by Verdant Wheel

Cost: 0 AcP

As a member of the Verdant Wheel, you have spent time contemplating the cycles of life and death that make up the natural world, and you are able to hold fast to your defenses even in your most vulnerable moments. When you spend your Hero Points to avert death, you gain a +2 status bonus to AC and saving throws until the end of your next turn.

Heroic Defiance (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Admired by Vigilant Seal

Cost: 0 AcP

When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you can choose to immediately wake up with 1 Hit Point.

Normal: When you spend your Hero Points to avoid death, you stabilize with 0 Hit Points, but you do not wake up until your Hit Points rise above 0.

Heroic Hustle (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Admired by Horizon Hunters

Cost: 0 AcP

In moments of true heroism, you can always move to where the action is. When you spend a Hero Point to reroll a check, you also gain a +10-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your next turn. After you spend a Hero Point to avoid death, you can also Stand as a free action when you next become conscious.

Heroic Inspiration (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Admired by Envoy's Alliance

Cost: 0 AcP

Your most momentous actions can inspire your allies to follow suit. When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check and succeed at the check, your allies gain a +1 circumstance bonus to checks of the same type for 1 round (such as attack rolls, Will saves, or Perception checks).

Heroic Intervention (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Admired by Radiant Oath

Cost: 0 AcP

Your heroic moments grant others the will to keep fighting. When you spend a Hero Point, you and any allies within 30 feet who can see you regain 3d6 Hit Points (4d6 if you are Revered by Radiant Oath). This healing also affects dying allies, even if they cannot see you due to being unconscious.

Heroic Recall (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Admired by Grand Archive

Cost: 0 AcP

Desperate moments call for keen insight. When you spend a Hero Point, you can Recall Knowledge as a free action, rolling the skill check twice and using the better result. This is a fortune effect.

Hireling Boons


Prerequisites: None

Cost: 4 AcP

You have recruited a non-combat hireling who can assist you with a certain set of skill checks. This ally performs the selected skills with a total modifier equal to 2 + your level, and they are considered trained in the skills. You must expend any actions and be in range to perform the action yourself, and any consequences of these actions affect you (such as falling when using Athletics to Climb).

The hireling doesn’t have or use its own ability modifiers and can never benefit from item bonuses, status bonuses, or fortune effects. Abilities that grant you a circumstance bonus do not grant that circumstance bonus to your hireling even though you are using your action to attempt the check. You cannot aid your own hireling.

You cannot use the hireling's skills except recall knowledge in combat, and the hireling cannot be affected by, or affect, combat, cannot be harmed unless willfully endangered, and has no effect other than performing the selected skill checks.

When you purchase this boon, you select one skill as well as one Lore skill. The hireling can perform only these skills' checks.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but may only benefit from one hireling boon on any given adventure.

Hireling Translator

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 4 AcP

You have recruited a capable linguist who accompanies you on your adventures. This ally speaks, reads, and understands Common as well as two additional languages of common rarity chosen when this boon is purchased. The ally can quickly translate any of these languages for your benefit, effectively allowing you to communicate in the additional two languages without difficulty. However, you are not treated as knowing those languages for the purpose of using spells with the linguistic trait. The translator cannot be affected by or affect combat.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but may only benefit from one hireling boon on any given adventure.

Expert Hireling

Prerequisites: Liked by any Faction

Cost: 0 AcP

When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to expert, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 4 + your level.

Special: You can purchase this boon multiple times. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Professional Hireling

Prerequisites: Admired by any Faction

Cost: 0 AcP

When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess. The selected ally adds a second Lore skill to the list of skill checks they can attempt. In addition, select one skill feat whose prerequisite is being trained in one of the hireling’s selected skills. The hireling gains the benefits of that skill feat when attempting skill checks.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.

Master Hireling

Prerequisites: Revered by any Faction

Cost: 0 AcP

When you gain this boon, select one Hireling boon you possess that’s already been modified by the Expert Hireling boon. The selected ally’s proficiency for their selected skills improves to master, and their modifier to skill checks increases to 6 + your level.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you purchase this boon, you must apply its benefits to a different Hireling boon.


Leshy Companion (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Verdant Wheel

Cost: 4 AcP

You can select the Leshy Familiar feat as a 2nd level class feat, even if you are not a druid. You can ignore the prerequisite of belonging to the leaf order.

When you apply this boon, you can retrain your 2nd level class feat to Leshy Companion without spending Downtime.

Lodge Specific Boons

Iceferry Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-10: Tarnbreaker's Trail

Cost: 0 AcP

Your adventures around the Iceferry Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to snowshoes of the long trek (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 88).

Lantern Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-06: Lost on the Spirit Road OR 2-02 Mountain of Sea and Sky

Cost: 0 AcP

Your adventures around the Lantern Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to the book of translation (Tien) (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 93).

Nexus House Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-00: Origin of the Open Road

Cost: 0 AcP

Your adventures around the Nexus House have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to the Ganjay book (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 96).

Open Road Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-16: The Perennial Crown Part 1 AND 1-17: The Perennial Crown Part 2

Cost: 0 AcP

Your adventures around the Open Road Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to vermin repellent agent (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 100-101).

Woodsedge Lodge Gear

Prerequisites: Played 1-21: Mistress of the Maze

Cost: 0 AcP

Your adventures around the Woodsedge Lodge have given you access to a signature piece of gear. You gain access to emergency disguise (Lost Omens Pathfinder Society Guide 108-109).

Mentor Boons

Combat Mentor (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Liked by Vigilant Seal

Cost: 0 AcP

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide pointers and lead drills that ensure your newer colleagues’ attacks strike true. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to attack rolls to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s attack roll modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Magical Mentor (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Liked by Grand Archive

Cost: 0 AcP

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide key spellcasting insights that augment your colleagues’ magic. Any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours can prepare one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot or cast one additional spell of their highest-level spell slot. When casting spells of a magical tradition that is the same as the tradition you use for spellcasting, the affected PC also increases the Level Bump’s modifier to spell DCs to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s spell DCs by 1, and it does not grant any additional spells prepared or spell slots.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Protective Mentor (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Liked by Radiant Oath

Cost: 0 AcP

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you shield your more fragile wards from the threat of death. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase their current and maximum Hit Points by an additional amount equal to 3 times your Radiant Oath reputation tier (Liked = 1, Admired = 2, Revered = 3).

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Hit Points by 10% or 10, whichever is higher.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Rugged Mentor (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Liked by Horizon Hunters

Cost: 0 AcP

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide important insights that keep your less experienced colleagues safe from harm. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to saving throws to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s saving throw modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Skillful Mentor (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Liked by Envoy's Alliance

Cost: 0 AcP

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you provide vital advice to sharpen your newer colleagues’ skills. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to skill checks to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s skill check modifiers by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.

Worldly Mentor (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Liked by Verdant Wheel

Cost: 0 AcP

While working with less experienced Pathfinder allies, you help your less experienced colleagues recognize danger and withstand danger. For any PCs benefiting from a Level Bump and whose levels are lower than yours, you increase the Level Bump’s modifier to Perception checks and Initiative rolls to 2.

Normal: A Level Bump increases a PC’s Perception modifier by 1.

Special: A PC can only benefit from two mentor boons.


Natural Skill (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Admired by Verdant Wheel

Cost: 4 AcP

If you are at least trained in Nature, you gain a bonus skill feat from the following list: Natural Medicine, Quick Identification, Recognize Spell, or Train Animal. If you have already selected one of these feats, you can freely retrain your selection.

Naturalist (Verdant Wheel)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Verdant Wheel

Cost: 4 AcP

When you apply this boon, choose a common alchemical item or potion of your level or lower to which you have access. The Verdant Wheel has taught you how to craft this item far more efficiently and provided you with a source for the rare herbs and ingredients needed to make 1 batch (typically 4 copies of the item). Making the item with the Verdant Wheel's method uses the standard rules for Crafting the item, with the following exceptions. First, you must use Nature, Survival, or Herbalism Lore in place of Crafting for all purposes. Second, you only need to spend 2 days of Downtime before attempting your first skill check and subsequently beginning to reduce the item’s effective cost.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character.

Off-Hours Study (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Grand Archive

Cost: 4 AcP

You spend your free time studying learning new trivia or practicing unfamiliar languages. When you acquire this boon, choose a common language you don’t know or a Lore skill in which you are untrained. After purchasing this boon. you can spend Downtime practicing the selected language or skill. Once you have expended 50 days of Downtime in this way, you learn the chosen language or become trained in the chosen Lore skill. This boon then grants no further benefit.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Each time you do so, select a different language or Lore skill.

Pathfinder Condition Removal

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 20 AcP

Penitent Pathfinder (Slotless Boon): In the course of your adventuring, you found yourself under the effects of an affliction that only magic seems to be able to shake. When you purchase this boon, choose one of the spells below. A Pathfinder Society healer casts that spell on you. This spell automatically succeeds at removing the condition and costs you no gold.

Spells available:

  • Dispel magic (removes one ongoing spell effect)
  • Neutralize poison
  • Remove curse
  • Remove disease
  • Remove fear
  • Remove paralysis
  • Restoration (reduces a permanent clumsy, drained, enfeebled or stupefied condition by 2 or a doomed condition by 1)
  • Restore senses
  • Stone to flesh

Pathfinder Society (second edition) Replay

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 40 AcP

You have gained 1 replay, which you can view with the rest of your point totals. Downloading this PDF is not necessary but I'm glad you did!

Penitent Pathfinder

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 20 AcP

Pathfinder Condition Removal (Slotless Boon): You have transgressed against the code that you hold dear, and you seek to make things right. A priest of your deity has agreed to assist you, and you may now undertake a quest of redemption. When you purchase this boon, you gain the benefits of a successful atone ritual.

Atone has an additional cost of 30 days of Downtime spent engaged in a task chosen by your deity. For the purpose of Pathfinder Society, the atonement is considered to be complete when the ritual is cast, but the character must still spend their subsequent 30 days of Downtime atoning and cannot use that time for any other purpose.

Practiced Medic (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Radiant Oath

Cost: 4 AcP

By spending your off-hours administering medical aid to those in need, you have developed extraordinary first aid instincts. After purchasing this boon, you can spend Downtime to provide medical services to others. Once you have expended 8 days of Downtime in this way, you can expend the boon as a free action before attempting a Medicine check to Administer First Aid, Treat Disease, Treat Poison, or Treat Wounds. You improve your check’s degree of success by one step (such as if you roll a failure, you get a success instead); the boon is not expended if your original roll is a critical success. Once you expend this boon, it provides no other benefit.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, though you cannot expend more than one copy of this boon per adventure.


Second Chance

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 40 AcP

Second Chance (Limited-Use): Adventuring is deadly business, but you have a powerful favor you can call in if your travels result in a premature death. You can check the box that precedes this boon to gain the benefits of the resurrect ritual (Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 415) for your PC or a non-summoned minion (such as a creature companion), so long as the ritual’s total cost in diamonds does not exceed 1,000 gp. If the ritual would cost more than 1,000 gp, you must pay any additional material costs beyond 1,000 gp.

The ritual takes 1 day to perform and automatically succeeds. If necessary, the Pathfinder Society will also recover your body and all lost equipment in the event it has been destroyed, lost, or is otherwise inaccessible without additional cost.

If the beneficiary is an undead character who does not die at 0 Hit Points (such as a character built using the skeleton ancestry), they can instead use this boon to benefit from a ritual that restores them to their previous undead state, instead of returning them to life. This ritual otherwise has the same costs and function as the resurrect ritual as described above.

Secondary Initiation

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 2 AcP

Your contacts have introduced you to an influential member of another organization, allowing you to join that group or train in some of their techniques. Select an organization other than the Pathfinder Society. For the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites and Access conditions, you are treated as being a member of that group in addition to your belonging to the Pathfinder Society.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character, but each time you apply it, you relinquish your membership in the previous group in order to join a different group. Before doing so, you must retrain any options that listed membership in your previous group as a prerequisite.

Steady Hand (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Admired by Grand Archive

Cost: 4 AcP

Long hours interacting with fragile manuscripts has taught you how to keep your hands steady. You can activate the following ability once per adventure.

Steady Hand [free-action] (fortune) Roll twice and take the higher result on a Thievery check. You can only activate this ability before rolling the check.

Storied Talent (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Horizon Hunters

Cost: 4 AcP

Word of your skill and expertise is spreading, and you find that increasingly prestigious clients are prepared to pay for your services. When using Downtime to Earn Income, you can choose to attempt a task of your level.

Normal: When Earning Income, a PC can attempt a task of their level –2 or lower.

Treasure Bundle Insurance

Prerequisites: Admired by any Faction

Cost: 4 AcP

Even when your careful searching doesn’t uncover all of a site’s valuables, you’re able to appraise, repair, and certify what you did recover to maximize their value. You can check a box that precedes this boon at the end of a scenario when you and your allies recovered 9 or fewer of the adventure’s Treasure Bundles. Increase the effective number of Treasure Bundles recovered by 1 for the purpose of calculating the group’s gold piece rewards.

The total number of additional Treasure Bundles provided by this boon cannot exceed the adventure's maximum (10, for a typical scenario).

Special: Multiple copies of this boon can be used during the same adventure, but only to recover up to a total of three lost Treasure Bundles.

Untarnished Reputation

Prerequisites: Admired by any Faction

Cost: 12 AcP

When you purchase this boon, you remove one point of Infamy that you have accrued.

Special: You can apply this boon multiple times to the same character. Its cost increases each time it is purchased.

Ward Against Fiends (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Admired by Radiant Oath

Cost: 4 AcP

Your allies in the Radiant Oath faction performed a ritual to grant you holy protection against demons, daemons, devils, and similar evil beings. Once per adventure, when you roll a critical failure on a saving throw against a fiend, you get a failure instead.

Wayfinder Boons


Prerequisites: Played 2 sessions

Cost: 0 AcP

To guide your path, your faction has secured a wayfinder (Pathfinder Core Rulebook 617) for you to carry on your journeys and serve as a badge of office in the Pathfinder Society. This wayfinder has an effective sale price of 0 gp.

Inherited Wayfinder

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 4 AcP

Inherited wayfinder (Slotless): A more experienced Pathfinder agent has provided you a wayfinder, a magical compass that also serves as an informal badge of the Pathfinder Society. This agent might have purchased the wayfinder for you, bequeathed their own wayfinder before retiring, or secured the device for you through other means. You gain a wayfinder (Pathfinder Core Rulebook page 617). This wayfinder has an effective price of 0 gp for the purpose of resale.

Adamant Wayfinder (Vigilant Seal)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Vigilant Seal

Cost: 4 AcP

You have specially reinforced your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to absorb harmful energies. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession. You gain the following reaction.

Resist Harm (reaction); Trigger You would take damage; Effect You gain resistance 1 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, negative, positive, and sonic damage against one attack, spell, or effect. This applies only to the initial effect, not to any subsequent attacks or damage dealt by the effect (such as persistent damage or an ongoing hazard). This resistance increases to 2 when you reach the Admired Reputation tier with Vigilant Seal, and to 4 when you reach the Revered Reputation Tier.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Esoteric Wayfinder (Grand Archive)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Grand Archive

Cost: 4 AcP

You have modified your wayfinder to focus your mental energy, driving more reliable insights. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

You can activate this ability as a free action before you Recall Knowledge. If you roll a critical failure on the Recall Knowledge check, you instead get a failure.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Harmonic Wayfinder (Envoy's Alliance)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Envoy's Alliance

Cost: 4 AcP

You have modified your wayfinder to resonate with your allies’ actions, allowing you to better help them in times of need. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special free action ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

You can activate this ability as a free action before you Aid an ally. If you roll a success on the check to Aid, you instead get a critical success.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Radiant Wayfinder (Radiant Oath)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Radiant Oath

Cost: 4 AcP

You have specially augmented your wayfinder, devising a way for the device to reveal hidden creatures. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting it the following activation ability.

Activate [two-action] command (evocation, good, light) Effect The wayfinder glows with a spiritual radiance, revealing that which is hidden.
This has the effects of faerie fire, except the effect occurs in a 10-foot radius centered around you.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.

Rugged Wayfinder (Horizon Hunters)

Prerequisites: Must be Liked by Horizon Hunters

Cost: 4 AcP

You have modified your wayfinder to absorb a small amount of your exhaustion, allowing you to continue exploring unhindered. When you purchase this boon, you apply its benefits to one wayfinder in your possession, granting you a special ability when the wayfinder is invested and in your possession.

As an action, you can reduce the severity of your clumsy, enfeebled, or sickened condition, reducing that condition’s value by 1.

You can safely use this benefit once per adventure. You can attempt to use it a second time, overcharging the wayfinder at the risk of destroying it. When you do so, roll a DC 10 flat check. On a success, the wayfinder is broken. On a failure, the wayfinder is destroyed. If anyone tries to overcharge a wayfinder that’s already been overcharged, the item is automatically destroyed (even if it has been repaired) and does not provide the activated benefit.

Special: You can apply multiple upgrades to a single wayfinder. Each upgrade only affects one wayfinder in your possession, chosen when the boon is purchased. If a wayfinder has multiple upgrades on it, you can only safely use each ability once per scenario.

If the wayfinder with this upgrade is destroyed, you can apply the upgrade to another wayfinder during Downtime for no additional cost beyond that of the wayfinder itself.


World Traveler

Prerequisites: None

Cost: 20 AcP

World Traveler (Slotless): You have traveled widely, spending a considerable amount of time in a distant region and absorbing the local customs. When you assign the boon to a character, select one of the following regions: Absalom and the Starstone Isle, Broken Lands, Eye of Dread, Golden Road, High Seas, Impossible Lands, Mwangi Expanse, Old Cheliax, Saga Lands, or Shining Kingdoms. You qualify as being from all of the nations in that region for the purpose of fulfilling the Access prerequisite of uncommon character options, in addition to any other access benefits you have from other sources.

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