
Remaster Notice

Pathfinder Remaster

The Guide to Organized Play will continue to be revised as we work to bring campaign rules in line with the Remaster.

  • Visit this Guide page for information on converting characters and adventures to the Remaster rules.
  • Follow this forum thread for update notifications and to report any issues.

GM Chronicles

Game Masters earn GM table credits and Achievement Points each time they GM an adventure. You can earn a Chronicle for GMing once per adventure (unless the adventure has the Repeatable tag), typically the first time you GM the adventure. If you GM an adventure but do not take a Chronicle for it, report the game on paizo.com using your Organized Play ID number as usual, but leave the character number blank.

GMs have a few special rules for assigning and applying Chronicles:

  • Chronicles earned by GMing must be assigned to characters when received.
  • Chronicles earned by GMing provide full rewards. This includes 100% of all money, XP, Reputation (including any bonus reputation), Downtime, and access to items and Boons.
  • A GM's character receives credit for the level range they are in when the Chronicle is applied, regardless of the level at which the GM ran the adventure.
  • GMs can choose not to receive a Chronicle for any game they run, deferring it to a future run.
  • GMs can assign Chronicles to characters currently playing another adventure. In this case, apply the Chronicle after the character completes their current adventure.
  • Chronicles earned by GMing and playing count equally for the One Chronicle per Character rule.

When a Chronicle is assigned to a character who is below the lowest level allowed to play the adventure, treat it as if the GM had played a pregenerated character at the lowest level allowed to play the adventure.

The GM can choose any combination of checkboxes / Boons / rewards that could have been earned by a player. The GM is not limited to the results of the players at any particular table; however, they must select rewards that could have been earned during a single play of the adventure.

If the adventure requires players to choose among Factions to receive bonus Reputation, the GM must also choose one; GMs do not earn Reputation with each Faction that could be chosen. The GM's choice can be different from their players' choice.

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