Once the game is finished, issue Chronicles to the players and GM.

Filling Out a Chronicle

The sections of a Chronicle are detailed below. Sections marked with an asterisk (*) include some element that GMs must address before players leave the table, either by filling it in themselves or asking the players to fill in the appropriate information. Players can fill out other sections between sessions.

Table: Sample Chronicles by Season

  • (A.) Adventure Name/Number: Preprinted on the form.
  • (B.) Character Name: Name of the hero who took part in this adventure.
  • (C.) Character Number:* Unique identifier for the character played, including the player's Organized Play ID and the character's number.
  • (D.) Partner Code: A unique code that identifies the Chronicle that can be used by third parties to reference the Chronicle.
  • (E.) Adventure Summary: A brief summary that can include checkboxes to help remind you which choices you made during the adventure.
  • (F.) AcP Pointer: Where to find Achievement Point totals on paizo.com.
  • (G.) Treasure Access:* Uncommon or high level items found during the adventure.
  • (H.) Variable quantities:* Quantities that depend on character’s level or successes during the adventure, such as treasure, Reputation, etc.
  • (I.) Event Name:* Name given to the event on paizo.com. This can be useful when the event number is incorrect or illegible.
  • (J.) Event Number:* Unique identifier for the event where the game was played; provided by the Event Organizer.
  • (K.) Date:* Date the adventure was completed.
  • (L.) GM Number:* The GM's Organized Play ID.

GMs are no longer required to sign or initial any part of a Chronicle, even though earlier adventures include boxes for that.

GMs are encouraged to add notes to Chronicles about interesting events that occur during the adventure.

Remember that certain permanent afflictions (including death), if not cleared at the end of an adventure, require a character to be marked as dead on the Chronicle Sheet and reported on paizo.com as dead. See Ongoing Effects for the list of those afflictions and options for removing afflictions, including limited exceptions.

Treasure Access

The GM must cross off the high level range items on the Chronicle Sheet if the party did not play in the high level range. The GM also must cross off items that the PCs did not encounter.

Variable Quantities

Advancement Speed: Players can use the slow advancement option, which they are expected to note on the sign in sheet. In this case, divide the Experience Points, Reputation, and Gold from Treasure Bundles described below in half; do not round. Slow advancement also awards half Downtime days, but the player is responsible for their own Downtime.

Experience Points (XP): Each Scenario awards 4 XP. Each Bounty or Quest (Series 1) typically awards 1 XP, while each Series 2 Quest (#14 and up) typically awards 2 XP.

Typical Adventure Rewards

The table below summarizes the typical rewards for completing each type of adventure. Check the Sanctioning Document for each adventure for details, including any variations.

Series 1 Quests are designed as roughly one-fourth the play time and rewards of a Pathfinder Society Scenario. Series 2 Quests are designed as roughly half the play time and rewards of a Scenario.

Table: Typical Adventure Rewards
Adventure Type Experience Reputation Downtime Typical TBs Maximum TBs
Scenario 4 XP 4 Rep 8 days 8 TB 10 TB
Series 2 Quest 2 XP 2 Rep 4 days 4 TB 5 TB
Series 1 Quest 1 XP 1 Rep 2 days *standard flat gold award (2.5 TB)
Bounty 1 XP 1 Rep *varies, see sanctioning document

Treasure Bundles

At the end of a scenario, the GM counts the Treasure Bundles (TB) the party found. The value of a Treasure Bundle depends on the level of the character earning it. Most scenarios are designed to award 8 Treasure Bundles, with 2 bonus Treasure Bundles available through exceptional play. See Advice for Running for further discussion.

The chart below gives the value of individual Treasure Bundles and pre-calculates the most common values.

Table: Treasure Bundles

Levels 1-4 Scenario Treasure Bundle Values
Level Each TB 7 TB 8 TB 9 TB 10 TB
1 1 gp, 4 sp 9 gp, 8 sp 11 gp, 2 sp 12 gp, 6 sp 14 gp
2 2 gp, 2 sp 15 gp, 4 sp 17 gp, 6 sp 19 gp, 8 sp 22 gp
3 3 gp, 8 sp 26 gp, 6 sp 30 gp, 4 sp 34 gp, 2 sp 38 gp
4 6 gp, 4 sp 44 gp, 8 sp 51 gp, 2 sp 57 gp, 6 sp 64 gp

Levels 3-6 Scenario Treasure Bundle Values
Level Each TB 7 TB 8 TB 9 TB 10 TB
3 3 gp, 8 sp 26 gp, 6 sp 30 gp, 4 sp 34 gp, 2 sp 38 gp
4 6 gp, 4 sp 44 gp, 8 sp 51 gp, 2 sp 57 gp, 6 sp 64 gp
5 10 gp 70 gp 80 gp 90 gp 100 gp
6 15 gp 105 gp 120 gp 135 gp 150 gp

Levels 5-8 Scenario Treasure Bundle Values
Level Each TB 7 TB 8 TB 9 TB 10 TB
5 10 gp 70 gp 80 gp 90 gp 100 gp
6 15 gp 105 gp 120 gp 135 gp 150 gp
7 22 gp 154 gp 176 gp 198 gp 220 gp
8 30 gp 210 gp 240 gp 270 gp 300 gp

Levels 7-10 Scenario Treasure Bundle Values
Level Each TB 7 TB 8 TB 9 TB 10 TB
7 22 gp 154 gp 176 gp 198 gp 220 gp
8 30 gp 210 gp 240 gp 270 gp 300 gp
9 44 gp 308 gp 352 gp 396 gp 440 gp
10 60 gp 420 gp 480 gp 540 gp 600 gp

Levels 9-12 Scenario Treasure Bundle Values
Level Each TB 7 TB 8 TB 9 TB 10 TB
9 44 gp 308 gp 352 gp 396 gp 440 gp
10 60 gp 420 gp 480 gp 540 gp 600 gp
11 86 gp 602 gp 688 gp 774 gp 860 gp
12 124 gp 868 gp 992 gp 1116 gp 1240 gp

Levels 11-14 Scenario Treasure Bundle Values
Level Each TB 7 TB 8 TB 9 TB 10 TB
11 86 gp 602 gp 688 gp 774 gp 860 gp
12 124 gp 868 gp 992 gp 1116 gp 1240 gp
13 188 gp 1316 gp 1504 gp 1692 gp 1880 gp
14 274 gp 1918 gp 2192 gp 2466 gp 2740 gp

Series 1 Quests
Level Standardized Reward
1 3 gp, 5 sp
2 5 gp, 5 sp
3 9 gp, 5 sp
4 16 gp
5 25 gp
6 37 gp, 5 sp

Series 2 Quests
Level Each TB 3 TB 4 TB 5 TB
1 1 gp, 4 sp 4 gp, 2 sp 5 gp, 6 sp 7 gp
2 2 gp, 2 sp 6 gp, 6 sp 8 gp, 8 sp 11 gp
3 3 gp, 8 sp 11 gp, 4 sp 15 gp, 2 sp 19 gp
4 6 gp, 4 sp 19 gp, 2 sp 25 gp, 6 sp 32 gp
5 10 gp 30 gp 40 gp 50 gp
6 15 gp 45 gp 60 gp 75 gp

Reputation: Each adventure lists how much Reputation to award, with typical amounts in the table above. If the player did not choose a Faction to represent, they gain the Reputation with the Horizon Hunters. Scenarios with the Faction tag often award additional Reputation with the named Faction(s) for completing their goals.

Fame: Adventures in Year 1 granted Fame as a spendable and trackable currency. As of Year 2, adventures no longer reward Fame. Fame was replaced with Achievement Points (AcP) for all games played after the beginning of Year 2 (31 July 2020), including tables of Year 1 Scenarios. If the Chronicle has a section for Fame, cross it off.

GM Chronicles

Game Masters earn GM table credits and Achievement Points each time they GM an adventure. You can earn a Chronicle for GMing once per adventure (unless the adventure has the Repeatable tag), typically the first time you GM the adventure. If you GM an adventure but do not take a Chronicle for it, report the game on paizo.com using your Organized Play ID number as usual, but leave the character number blank.

GMs have a few special rules for assigning and applying Chronicles:

  • Chronicles earned by GMing must be assigned to characters when received.
  • Chronicles earned by GMing provide full rewards. This includes 100% of all money, XP, Reputation (including any bonus reputation), Downtime, and access to items and Boons.
  • A GM's character receives credit for the level range they are in when the Chronicle is applied, regardless of the level at which the GM ran the adventure.
  • GMs can choose not to receive a Chronicle for any game they run, deferring it to a future run.
  • GMs can assign Chronicles to characters currently playing another adventure. In this case, apply the Chronicle after the character completes their current adventure.
  • Chronicles earned by GMing and playing count equally for the One Chronicle per Character rule.

When a Chronicle is assigned to a character who is below the lowest level allowed to play the adventure, treat it as if the GM had played a pregenerated character at the lowest level allowed to play the adventure.

The GM can choose any combination of checkboxes / Boons / rewards that could have been earned by a player. The GM is not limited to the results of the players at any particular table; however, they must select rewards that could have been earned during a single play of the adventure.

If the adventure requires players to choose among Factions to receive bonus Reputation, the GM must also choose one; GMs do not earn Reputation with each Faction that could be chosen. The GM's choice can be different from their players' choice.