
Remaster Notice

Pathfinder Remaster

The Guide to Organized Play will continue to be revised as we work to bring campaign rules in line with the Remaster.

  • Visit this Guide page for information on converting characters and adventures to the Remaster rules.
  • Follow this forum thread for update notifications and to report any issues.

Player Rewards


Boons are rewards that can be applied to a character. Common types of Boons include Achievement Point (AcP) Boons, Chronicle Boons, or Faction Boons. Boons often have traits that describe how the Boon applies. There are some boon traits that deserve specific mention:

  • Advanced: A Boon with the Advanced trait is typically more powerful than other Boons. Characters may only benefit from one advanced boon during an adventure.
  • Ally: A Boon with the Ally trait sometimes places a Pawn. This does not allow players to bypass the limits on the number of Pawns they can play.

Boons have no cash value. You cannot sell a Boon to another player.

The supplemental materials to this Guide include a list of Achievement Point Boons and retired Boons. Unless otherwise stated, Boons that are no longer available for purchase ("retired") can still be used in play.

You can only apply one copy of any Boon to a character unless the Boon states otherwise.

By contrast, as a player you can earn more than one copy of some Boons. The following rules are the default for how many copies of a Boon a player can earn:

  • Chronicle Boons are earned by completing adventures. You can earn up to two copies of each Chronicle Boon, one as a player and one as a GM. You can use Replays to earn additional Chronicle Boons.
  • AcP Boons are bought with Achievement Points (AcP). Unless otherwise specified, you can buy as many copies of AcP Boons you qualify for as you can afford.
  • All other boons limit you to one copy each.

As usual, specific rules override general rules PC pg. 399, CRB pg. 444Player Core page 399
Core Rulebook page 444
(click to close)
, so the text of an individual Boon takes precedence over the default rules above.

Boons that Unlock Over Time

Some Boons allow players to unlock access to character options over time by checking boxes after meeting the criteria. The following additional rules apply to such Boons:

  • Adventure completion Boons: These are Boons that allow you to check one or more boxes after completing any adventure (some Boons might require you to GM the adventure rather than play it). After completing a given adventure, you can check off the relevant number of boxes on any one of these Boons. Note the Boon affected on the Chronicle for the adventure.
  • Downtime Boons: These Boons require the PC to spend Downtime. PCs can check boxes on only one of these Boons per day of Downtime, and cannot use Downtime spent on the Boon for other purposes (such as retraining, Downtime Crafting, or Earn Income).

Promotional Boons

Promotional Boons reward players who show their support for Paizo Organized Play by bringing and displaying visible merchandise and accessories. The rules for these are summarized here, but are sourced from the Perks page of the Paizo web site. In case of a discrepancy, that page takes precedence.

Accessory Categories

Accessories are divided into five categories, as described below. Any qualifying accessory must be either a) produced by Paizo, Inc and sold on its webstore, or b) produced by a licensed partner of Paizo, Inc and visibly promote Paizo, Pathfinder, Starfinder or any associated games or Paizo intellectual property.

Event Organizers are permitted and encouraged to expand the definition to include merchandise that directly promotes particular conventions at those events. For example, Event Organizers at Gen Con could allow a Gen Con t-shirt or pin to count for their respective categories while at Gen Con. Merchandise that exclusively promotes other companies or intellectual properties (like a Roll20 t-shirt with no Paizo branding) never qualifies for these benefits.

Vestments: T-shirts, messenger bags/backpacks, jackets or hoodies, or similar apparel; permanent tattoos of Paizo-related iconography; or cosplay of a Paizo-related character, such as an iconic character, NPC or similar.

Worn Accessory: Lapel pin or button, hat or ballcap, lanyard, or similar small worn accessory.

Rules Reference: Character folio, reference or condition card deck, or similar published item with game reference material. Excludes published rulebooks or adventures.

Other Item: Any other qualifying item such as officially produced dice, keychains, plush characters, or other merchandise brought to the table.

Campaign Service Coin: an award given out to exemplary volunteers; a Campaign Service Coin cannot qualify for any other category and instead offers its own benefits.

Promotional Boon: Pathfinder Society (second edition)

In the Pathfinder Society (second edition) program, the following benefits are offered for each accessory category. A player may not benefit from more than one of these per session, with the exception of the Campaign Coin benefit.

Vestments: When you use a Hero Point to reroll a check, add a +1 circumstance bonus to the reroll.

Worn Accessory: Once per session, when rolling a check as a part of a victory points system, if you roll a critical failure, you get a failure instead.

Rules Reference: Once per session, when you use Treat Wounds or another character uses Treat Wounds on you, the result of the check is one degree of success better than the result that was rolled.

Other Item: Once per session, a character can gain the benefits of a two-action heal spell, heightened to the maximum spell rank available to a cleric of the character’s level. This benefit can only be used in exploration mode.

Campaign Service Coin: Volunteers who make exceptional contributions to Organized Play can earn Campaign Coins or membership in the Order of the Wayfinder as a recognition of their hard work. When you use this benefit, you gain a bonus Hero Point at the beginning of the adventure. In addition to the normal powers of a Hero Point, you can spend this special Hero Point to allow another player to reroll a check.

Achievement Points

Players earn Achievement Points (AcP) by participating in and reporting Paizo Organized Play games. AcP is an online currency used to purchase character Boons.

Events are given different multipliers for the base AcP earned based on number of games played, regularity, and so forth. Current event classifications are:

Table: Event Type and AcP

Event type Examples AcP multiplier Player AcP
(1 Scenario)
Standard • home games
• one-time events
1.00 4
Standard Plus • regular local gamedays
• conventions with <15 games run
1.25 5
Standard Convention conventions with 15-74 games 1.50 6
Premier Convention conventions with 75+ games 1.75 7
Premier Plus Convention PaizoCon, Origins, GenCon 2.00 8

Table: Typical AcP rewards

Adventure XP Player / GM Standard Standard+ Standard Con Premier Con Premier+ Con
1 XP
(Quests, Bounties)
Player 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
GM 2 2.5 3 3.5 4
4 XP
Player 4 5 6 7 8
GM 8 10 12 14 16
12 XP
(Adventures, AP books*)
Player 12 15 18 21 24
GM 24 30 36 42 48

* Not all Adventures and Adventure Path volumes award 12 XP. See individual sanctioning documents for details.

A list of Achievement Points rewards available for purchase lives on the Boons tab of your My Organized Play page. To purchase a Boon, select a character from the dropdown list, then click the purchase button of the desired Boon. A list of purchased Boons appears at the bottom of the page. Each purchased Boon generates a downloadable printable Boon. Boons should be stored with Chronicles, either digitally or alongside physical sheets.

Retail Incentive Program

The Retail Incentive Program (RIP) rewards players with rewards for their characters when they patronize retailers who are providing space for Organized Play activities. Purchases made at the location within a stated timeframe tally by table and unlock benefits at different levels, including some that reduce the severity of failures, for the next game played. Implementation methods vary from store to store, and are posted for attendees to review. For more information, read the full policy and consult your Event Organizer for details.

Legacy Backgrounds (legacy campaign)

Even though characters from the First Edition legacy campaign cannot transfer into the current Pathfinder Society campaign, their exploits can shape the Society’s newest adventurers. For each of the 11 seasons of the legacy campaign, a player can unlock a special legacy character background associated with that season by having completed five or more of that season’s scenarios. These backgrounds are unique to the Pathfinder Society campaign, and once they’re unlocked, a player use a legacy background for any number of characters. See Legacy Backgrounds.

Other Rewards

Pathfinder Society Organized Play periodically releases additional prizes for special events. The most common among these are Charity Boons, which are in-game benefits sent to authorized charity events to help raise money for good causes. For more information on Charity Boons, ask the Event Organizer.

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