Welcome to Lorespire, the repository of knowledge for Paizo Organized Play programs!
Pathfinder Society 2e Guide
Introduction | Core Guide | Player Options | GM Options | Supplemental Materials |
Greetings, Pathfinder!
Welcome to the Guide to Organized Play: Pathfinder Society (Second Edition)!
The Guide is the home for campaign rules specific to the Pathfinder Society (PFS) organized play campaign. The Guide is available in the form of this website or as a single page. To print or get a PDF of the Guide, follow the link.
The Guide has been reorganized into the same organizational structure as the Starfinder Society Guide. Both Guides now have the following sections:
- Core Guide: the rules everyone needs for PFS Organized Play
- Player Options and Tools: additional rules players can choose to use
- GM Options and Tools: additional rules GMs can choose to use
- Supplemental Materials: reference materials, including lists of current and retired Boons
- Remaster rules for Pathfinder Society (2e) play
- Character Options allowed for Pathfinder Society (2e) play
- FAQ / Errata updates and revisions to Pathfinder (2e) rulebooks
- includes Remaster updates to PF2 Legacy (pre-Remaster) books
- Organized Play regions
- contact a Regional Venture-Coordinator (RVC) for help finding games and more
Quick Links
- PFS character creation
- Supplemental Materials (boons, backgrounds, retired options, etc.)
- Pathfinder Provisions (pre-adventure consumables)
- Completing Chronicles (for GMs post-adventure)
Recent Changes
- 28 February 2025 — v6.04
- Player Options and Tools > Spellcasting Service Costs
- Corrected prices
- Added explanation of calculations
- Player Options and Tools > Spellcasting Service Costs
- 29 January 2025 — v6.03
- Introduction > Remaster Rules: Removed interim references to sanctification and oracle options (now reprinted)
- Core Guide > Being a GM
- Added recommendation to report ASAP within 2 weeks
- Expanded pre-calculated Treasure Bundles table to PC level 20
Campaign Rules Outside the Guide
- Pathfinder rules online - Free and officially licensed
- Pathfinder Society Character Options - What options from each book you can use & which books you need to own to use them
- Pathfinder FAQ & Errata - Clarifications and changes to published books
- Pathfinder Society Errata - Clarifications and changes to Pathfinder Society Scenarios
- Pathfinder Society FAQ - Clarifications and rulings for the Pathfinder Society campaign
- Paizo Organized Play policies - Community standards, event & retail support, playtesting
- Paizo Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons - Small bonuses for related merch
See you on the Open Road! Explore, Report, Cooperate!
Current Version: 6.04
28 February 2025
Starfinder Society Guide
Introduction | Core Guide | Player Options | GM Options | Starships | Supplemental Materials |
Greetings, Starfinder!
Welcome to the Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society!
The Guide is the home for campaign rules specific to the Starfinder Society (SFS) organized play campaign. The Guide is available in the form of this website or as a single page. To print or get a PDF of the Guide, follow the link.
Both active Guides have the same structure following the reorganization of the Pathfinder Society Guide. The Guides each have the following sections:
- Core Guide: the rules everyone needs for PFS Organized Play
- Player Options and Tools: additional rules players can choose to use
- GM Options and Tools: additional rules GMs can choose to use
- Supplemental Materials: reference materials, including lists of current and retired Boons
- Character Options allowed for Starfinder Society play
- FAQ / Errata updates and revisions to Starfinder rulebooks
- Organized Play regions
- contact a Regional Venture-Coordinator (RVC) for help finding games and more
Quick Links
- Character Creation
- Supplemental Materials (boons, retired options, etc.)
- Completing Chronicles (for GMs post-adventure)
Recent changes
- 30 July 2024 — v7.02
- Core Guide:
- Renamed Guide to official title: Guide to Organized Play: Starfinder Society - First Edition
- Key Terms: Added "What are Achievement Points (AcP)?" section
- Filling Out a Chronicle: Added reminder PCs with uncleared permanent afflictions are reported as dead & retired from play
- Dealing With Interruptions: Revised & clarified
- Player Options and Tools: Clarified credit for Boon checkboxes for mid-sized adventures
- Supplemental Materials: expanded and re-organized
- Core Guide:
- 4 June 2024 — v7.01
- Core Guide:
- Special Cases: Re-added and clarified text on partial credit when players leave a game
- Supplemental Materials
- Achievement Points Boon List: Added newly announced Boons (Finitrium Augmentations & First Ones Scholar)
- Core Guide:
Campaign Rules Outside the Guide
- Starfinder rules online - Free and officially licensed
- Starfinder FAQ & Errata - Clarifications and changes to published books
- Starfinder Society Character Options - What options from each book you can use & which books you need to own to use them
- Starfinder Society FAQ - Clarifications and rulings for the Starfinder Society campaign
- Paizo Organized Play policies - Community standards, event & retail support, playtesting
- Paizo Organized Play Accessory Perks & Promotional Boons - Small bonuses for related merch
See you in the Pact Worlds & beyond! Explore, Report, Cooperate!
SFS Guide Version 7.02
30 July 2024
Venture Officer Information
The information on this page is intended primarily for Venture Officers to be able to carry out their duties. Players and GMs are free to read this information, but it is in no way required or needed to enjoy the game.
Venture Officer Handbook
The VO Handbook will continue to be revised based on changes to requirements or requests for updates from the Venture-Officer Corps.